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Posts tagged “Sookie Stackhouse

Fangover Day 9: Ah, Sookie (via @mswriteok)

Considering the other four seasons of “True Blood,” Sookie Stackhouse had a relatively quiet few days in Season 5.

It did literally start with a bang. Two bangs in fact. The first went to Tara’s head as she threw herself in front of Sookie in one of most selfless acts I’ve ever seen.
The second was the shot that killed Debbie Pelt, one that I thought was long overdue.
I was surprised Pam showed up and not Eric or Bill, but as I said before, they were snuggled in the trunk of a car headed to Authority Central.
Sookie and Lafayette had to do some serious begging to persuade Pam to turn Tara, and after some skillful negotiating, Pam agreed to turn Tara for a favor to be named later.
Sookie’s relief at Tara’s rising as a vamp was short lived as Tara took one enhanced sniff of her best friend and decided she would make a great first meal.
Pam’s quick moves saved Sookie from being a snack, but our girl soon realized she would need to find a new bestie.
Lafayette stuck around for a day or two to help her cope and clean, but he was one of the next people to tell her what a dangerous friend she was to have.
Yes, our Hookah was grieving for both Jesus and his cousin, but I don’t think he needed to be quite so cruel to Sookie, because she had lost a former lover, a current lover and a best friend in less than 24 hours.
I think her decision to get drunk was long overdue, and Alcide dropping by was a nice distraction and a chance for her finally to have some kind of physical relationship with someone, well, who was not a “dead boy.”
It was a real pity her stomach and Eric and Bill all contrived to ruin that idea, and fast.
I considered the hangover she must have been nursing while trying to deal with her pet vampires, and don’t blame her for practically screaming at them, “It must be Thursday.”
She didn’t have much to do in a couple of episodes that focused mainly on the Authority, Lafayette’s trip to Mexico, Jason and Jessica’s relationship, Terry’s wild ride and Russell and Steve’s Excellent Adventure.
Her real-life pregnancy made it necessary for us to see less of her, and that allowed so many other characters to get a bit more screen time, but while we might not have seen her, she was busy in the background doing things for others.
Personally, after this season, I wish she could have a bit of rest. I realize most of the folks in Bon Temps think she had a year-long vacation while she was in Faery, but she didn’t get any down time.
She has a lot of information to process right now, and probably not much time to do it.
She seemed quite surprised to see Tara and Pam kiss, but by then she was pretty shocky. Her brother has a head injury and while Sook doesn’t realize he’s seeing and talking to his parents, she knows he’s a bit more vacant than usual.
Probably the biggest shock for our girl is what has happened to Bill. I think she always believed that Bill would love her forever, no matter what he said, but after his spectacular parlor trick of rising from a pile of goo with some pretty bitchin’ fangs, she’s not so sure.
Eric, who at the beginning of the season had written Sookie off, saw he might still have a chance with her and got her out of the room as fast as he could, but the new-and-perhaps-improved Bill may be faster.
It’s a bit disheartening to believe that for the next nine months in True Blood time, Sookie is running.
I hope she’s not too exhausted when Season 6 kicks off next year.

Fangover Fangathon 8 Sookie Stackhouse (via @SookieStack_SVM)

I am actually quite glad about Sookie’s character this season for the simple reason that as in the book, she has gotten on with her own life and is determined not to be involved with Bill or Eric. This is a nice tie into the books as that is what she tries to do, though as in the books things do not go according to plan.

Sookie is still very much act first think later, especially with Tara when she begs Pam to turn her. She also will still do anything to defend her friends and those she cares about, even though sometimes her friends do not like it too much. She also risks a lot for Jason when they have their plan to deal with Russell Edginton and fight not to mention risking her life when she stumbles on the hate group that has been chasing non humans and finding Hoyt.

Just like in the books she is soon hip deep in trouble as she has to deal with an Angry Tara and then find out Russell is on the loose again. She also nearly dies in a car crash and in her drunken haze manages to get cozy with Alcide. That was always on the cards but the delicious twist of Eric and Bill walking in on them was a great way to illustrate the wrong time aspect and also the three men in Sookie’s life scenario, which first reared it’s head in book 3. I do regret there not being the moment with Eric Sookie and Bill which was in the books and suggests a menage a trois, however we did get the dream sequence about that in season 4.

Sookie, just as in the books can’t avoid the Vampires and all too soon she is helping them out and is involved in their problems as always though this time there is very little protest and a lot more guts from her. Instead of being weak, she is now showing more strength and is fighting for herself as well as trying to solve her own problems. She is becoming more like the independent book Sookie that I like.

I hope we see more of the independent Sookie in Season 6 and maybe we will also see how her relationship with Eric resurfaces and defines itself too as it is going to happen.

via Fangover Fangathon 8 Sookie Stackhouse

Fangover: Day 7 – Eric (via @VampKingBill)

I wanted more of that Eric. The suit and the attitude both.

Ask a Trubie why they watch the show and you’ll get a multitude of answers. Ask them to list their top three reasons and Eric will probably be on that list in some way shape or form. The devotion to the character goes beyond the physical attraction many feel towards Alexander Skarsgard because of the character: the attitude, the pose, the power. Eric spent much of last season neutered, a shell of his former self due to his amnesia and I at least was hoping for a return to form in Season 5.

We got that. Sort of.

The old Eric was unquestionably present at the beginning of the season – definitely through the first two episodes. He was also present in the last two episodes of the season. The other eight episodes in the middle…eh kind of. Aside from the scene where he released Pam from the Maker/Child bond (whose emotional impact I still maintain was a part of the use of Godric’s theme – the music that played when he met the sun) that bulk of the season he was just kind of there. While it’s true that he was limited in part due to having to play along with the Authority, it also felt that for long stretches of it that he was sitting back and not necessarily doing anything. And unlike Bill, whom it felt like may actually be planning something, Eric just seemed to be there only really stepping up when there was little doubt that Bill was just flat out gone. It just didn’t feel like the Eric that we’d known and grown to love. As I put it on True Bites on night – I preferred Amensia Eric – who in addition to no memories had no personality – to  this eric and that says something.

Going forward, just as Season 3 marked the shift from Sookie to Bill, Season 6 is going to mark a shift from Bill to Eric not only in terms of character focus but romantic interest (I feel you Team Bill shippers but I think the rise of Billith pretty much puts a nail in the coffin of that particular relationship) as much as such thing can happen in light of the vamp with a claim on Sookie, Nora’s jealousy and Eric trying to stop Billith will allow. Crossing fingers it’s the Eric we love and not the Eric we’re indifferent over.

Best Moments – The Bromance

No, it didn’t technically last too long since Bill drank the kool-aid, but you could just see the connection between Stephen and Alex and just how good friends they are how much fun they have doing this show. Case and point: the piggy back ride. Totally improvised. If you need even more proof: Alex and Stephen were literally brought to Alan Ball’s office to remind them to tone it down because they weren’t supposed to be BFFs.

Worst Moment – The stuff with Nora

The first sex scene was a bit shocking. The second sex scene was really? And the jealousy bit…why? Ultimately just felt unnecessary.

via Fangover: Day 7 – Eric

Favorite Storyline – Day 7 (via @Lexiglam)

Because I watched Seasons 1-4 in succession, the history of True Blood is still fresh in my mind and it’s without doubt that I crown S5 my least favorite season. I truly lived the life of a vampire while watching S1-4! I just HAD to know what happened next, so I wouldn’t go to bed until the sun rose. Then, this season happened and I was no longer wanting an instant fix. Things did pick up in the middle though and I quite enjoyed watching the Lilith/Bilith storyline unfold.

It was intriguing to witness the unraveling of the role reversal between Bill, the sensible one and Eric, the ruthless. Eric was the only one with his wits about him that ended up not giving into the hype. He wanted to save everyone from destruction, especially his sister Nora.

I can understand why the power was so seductive to Bill. He’s been so used to playing second fiddle; always having to answer to a higher being but his first taste of control was when he became King of his Parrish. Even though Eric is older, it was Bill’s turn to boss him around. I call this the foreplay. Drinking Lilith’s blood was the orgasm. The beautiful release into immaculate power.

I’m hoping that Sookie is the one who can bring Bill back to the light, metaphorically speaking. I love them together and they have been apart long enough in television land. Imagine the sex that might be had because Bill will be even more attracted to his once fae love. He needs someplace to release all that energy into. 😉 Keep him occupied Sookie, please!

via Favorite Storyline – Day 7

Fangover: Day 6 – Sookie (via @VampKingBill)

Yeah girl, you earned that drink.

Starting in Season 3 True Blood began to shift its focus. It became less about the waitress from Bon Temps and more about the vampires in her life, but especially Bill. While personally I don’t mind this shift, one of the undeniable victims of the shift has been Sookie herself. She spent much of Season 3 and Season 4 looking for them/trying to save them/generally focused them and having little of any storyline that was uniquely hers. So when they announced that Sookie wouldn’t get back together with them for at least a period time in Season 5 (probably lengthened by Anna’s pregnancy) I was happy: the writers would finally have a chance to give us something new for her and reinvigorate the character. Now that the season’s come to end though, I’ll admit it: I missed Sookie with the vampires. She had the must spunk, the most attitude, the most Sookie-ish behavior when she was around them.

This is another instance of where the writer just hasn’t done the character justice. I can’t say that I was a fan of Sookie at the beginning of the season, but there her behavior was justifiable as was her emotional state. Once the aftermath of Debbie Pelt was neatly swept under the rug however, things began to fall apart and by the time she’d lead the vampires through the factory to find Russell that was pretty much the end of where she was interesting.

As with Jason, this whole plot about Warlow just not good or entertaining. She had some good scenes here and there – like the chats with Jason, she had some scenes stolen – Lafayette channeling Gran and a lot of scenes that made you stare at the screen with an expression of WTF on your face, like the meeting with the fairy elder. To be fair, the fairy elder stuff was exacerbated by the fact that director/cinematographer did a really distracting job of trying to hide Anna’s pregnancy.

It is clear by now that the whole theme of “who is Warlow?” is going to play a large part in Season 6. At this point, I just hope she doesn’t stay away from the vampires because she needs them as much as the audience enjoys watching them.

Best Moment – Sookie taking the vampires through the factory.

She was still buzzed and she was lecturing Eric and Bill like they were a couple of stupid teenagers who’d never watched a horror film before. Great scene and a reminder of just why she really shouldn’t be kept from the vampires, even if we sometimes wish she would be.

Worst Moment – The whole way the Debbie Pelt situation was handled

There’s no question that the Debbie situation had to be handled, but it ultimately came across that the writers didn’t really want to commit to it and so swept it under the wrong with a few lies from Alcide and some convenient glamouring from Jessica. If they wanted to make it go away, why not just claim self-defense? Given that Tara was shot and killed, you’d have a pretty solid case for it and it’d felt less forced. But if they went that route you couldn’t have had Alcide trying to take advantage of drunk Sookie, could you?

via Fangover: Day 6 – Sookie.

Fangover Fangathon Day 6 Storyline I wanted to change (via @SookieStack_SVM)

There was really only one contender for this and that was the moment Eric released Pam. I understand why it was done, and the tension leading up to that moment with the istakes and the hunt for Russell was well executed, but it seemed to be a reinforcement of the disintegration of the relationship between Eric and Pam in Season 4. Granted Eric is starting to accept that he has human emotions and more specifically human emotions for Sookie, but to cut off Pam is just going too far.

That being said, at least they had some dignity in the scene where he releases her and it is partially brought on by Pam herself, though I wish it never happened that way. I did not want to see Eric release Pam at all. Their relationship is a strong one and they need each other, that has been apparent since season 1 so for this to have happened is quite a lot to take on board. I just hope that this does not affect their relationship in season 6.

via Fangover Fangathon Day 6 Storyline I wanted to change

Fangover: Day 4 – Pam and Tara (via @VampKingBill)

Let’s just appreciate how awesome they look in those outfits, shall we?

If we were to point to something that the writers did 95% right, it would be Pam and Tara. They gave Pam more depth than a quip machine or someone who can’t do anything other than mope about Eric liking Sookie and they finally made Tara a strong woman of her own, instead of a perpetual victim – even if it took turning her to do so. Best of all, they timed the whole thing that we always got just enough of them in a given episode. The end result was not that not only were characters redeemed, Tara gained fans from people who have always hated her, and most of all, it was probably the one storyline of the season that got almost universal praise. Brava .

Best Moment – Pam gives Tara a gift.

One of the things that made this storyline work so well is how slowly the writers paced things. Everything was baby steps with the pair. It wasn’t like they were BFFs the night Tara got turned. And the night that Pam publically berated her Childe – but that night offered her the same racist bitch as dinner- showed perfectly how the dynamics of the relationship were beginning to turn, from one of grudging tolerance to something more. It was a great way of showing it in a way that fit the characters beautifully.

Worst Moment – The kiss in the elevator.

This would be the one misstep. While you could argue that the kiss in the elevator was one of desperation, it still all felt a little too fast. Remember, it’s been only what, one-two weeks most? The friendship I can buy. More than the friendship kind of iffy. I have to say though, if all story lines had missteps this minor, True Blood would have some of the best writing on tv and I would be all too happy if this was the level of quibble I could find with all the storylines in a given season.

via Fangover: Day 4 – Pam and Tara.

True Blood “Save Yourself” Favorite Scenes (via @vs4as)

True Blood season 5 finale was one that left fans hollering for more! Well it definitely left them yelling during some scenes! I know I was really surprised by the turn of events at the end.

Here are a few of my “favorites”  from the finale:

Russell’s “Goodbye”

Russell finally had his drink of a whole fairy in episode 5.11. Unfortunately for him that left him quite drunk on fairy blood and allowed Eric Northman to suprise him and stake him. At first it looked like the fairy blood may have made him immune (we could see light coming from his face). Even Eric looked surprise but then the light stopped glowing and the staking did result in is final death. With one last word F#ck, Russell Edginton was no more.

Eric finally had revenge against Russell for killing his parents. Took 1000 years but revenge was sweet. I’m sad to see Denis O’Hare leave the show but it was time to say goodbye to Russell. (I also liked how Eric was able to do this in front of Sookie and the fairies. It was because of Sookie’s fear vibe that Eric was able to get there in time to stop Russell from killing more fairies)

 Sister Time

Loved how protective Eric was towards Sookie. Nora caught a whiff of Sookie and was enthralled. Sookie asked Eric to please tell his sister not to eat her (or something to that effect). He made Nora swear on Godric that she would not harm Sookie. It was funny to see Nora sniffing away!! Eric also was chastizing Nora for having such little self control. (sounded so much like a big brother there!)

Oh Baby!! Times 4!

Andy Bellefleur had a surprise visit from the very pregnant fairy Maurella. A lot of the scene showing Maurella delivering the set of quadruplets was a bit over the top for me. The part I did like was the look on Andy’s face when Holly (who was a saint for helping deliver the babies) handed Andy the baby. He looked like such a proud poppa.

Season 6 will have Andy raising 4 female fairies. It’s his duty as the dad to raise them and make sure that at least half make it to adulthood. Little did Andy know when he had sex with Maurella he’s be a dad a short time later to some “alien” babies! Not sure he knows what he is in for!

Sam Pretty Fly!

Sam Merlotte shifted into a fly to help Luna rescue Emma. While Luna skin walked as Steve Newlin and shifted back into herself on tv, Rosalyn was hollering her head off.

Sam took that chance and flew into her mouth.

Next we see Rosalyn explode since Sam shifts back into a human.

One of the grossest but coolest ways we’ve seen a vampire meet the true death so far on True Blood.

Jason and Eric battle of words…

The tumblr link here has a snippet of the back and forth word exchange between Eric and Jason. So funny to see them going at it like that.

Eric’s “Pleeeasssseeeee”…..

Jason and Sookie are sharing some brother sister time during a drive (on their way to the vampire Authority). Eric hitches a ride on the truck and asks Jason to let him in. Upside down and pleading “Pleeaaassseeee”. It was a bit of fun comic relief in a pretty tense episode. It felt good to giggle at the Viking Vampire.

That KISS…

Tara opened up Pam’s jail cell even though it was silver. Yes the burn on her hand was very worth it. Pam plants one heck of a kiss on her progeny! It has been hinted that they would become a couple and finally some spark is on screen! Season 6 will hopefully have this couple steaming up the screen!

Pam…free at last!

One of my favorite moments from the finale was seeing Pam and Eric together in a scene again. The smile on their faces and the way Pam placed her hand on Eric’s chest spoke volumes to me. Despite being released by her maker there is still a strong bond there and one I hope we see more of again in season 6.

Another interesting element to this photo is the look on Sookie’s face in the image above. It almost looks like she is a bit jealous perhaps of the relationship between Eric and Pam. Sookie does not know that Eric released Pam. Pam is not very fond of Sookie (and based on the look on Sookie’s face the feeling might be mutual). 

Sookie and Eric

The finale brought Sookie and Eric together to help rescue Pam, Jessica and Bill from the Authority. They were successful in getting Pam and Jess out but neither Sookie nor Eric were able to reason with Bill. He drank the rest of the sacred blood and wound up liquifying in front of them. (after Bill was pretty mean to Sookie). Both Eric and Sookie appeared quite affected by Bill’s ‘demise’. The screen cap image above showed Sookie and Eric sharing a moment together. There really have not been many scenes in season 5 with the two of them (or at least with Sookie not being ticked off at the Viking)

Amazing and MINE…

Nora and Eric sneak Sookie, Jason and Tara into the Authority in plain sight. The guard catches a whiff of Sookie (who’d been with full fairies and picket up their scent) and comments how the blonde smells amazing. Eric replies yes she is amazing and MINE. Loved hearing Eric say that. Sookie does not like to “belong” to any vampire but she will need some protection. Hopefully season 6 will have Eric staking a claim to the telepathic waitress.


Sookie and Eric tried to reason with Bill Compton to not drink the kool aid/sacred blood. No amount of reasoning or pleaded worked. After chugging the vial of blood we see Bill start to dissolve and look like he was liquifying and meeting a final death. That scene was truly a shocker for me. I screamed my head off! Never in a million years did I think Alan Ball would allow Bill Compton to finally die.

Well that shock would soon be replaced with a bigger shock. We see Bill rise up from the blood in the same fashion we had seen Lillith rise up from the blood. Bill now newly incarnated shrieks in a primal scream (much like the way Lilltih did) and is sporting a new set of really long fangs.

The end credits of the finale show Eric telling Sookie to RUN!! Didn’t take long for fans to call this version of Bill Compton “Billith”. I know the whole “Lillith” story line was not one of my favorite ones from season 5. I’m a bit apprehensive that now in season 6 we will be seeing another variation of this perhaps with Bill taking on the role of what might be a vampire “god”. What will this Bill be like in the new season? Who knows. The writers have not yet started the new season work. I just hope it makes sense and not just another silly story line.

These were just some of my favorite scenes from the True Blood season 5 finale. Feel free to leave your comments or add what you enjoyed in the finale. Fangover therapy day 4 hopefully will help fans in their withdrawal from the show. Waiting sucks!

via True Blood “Save Yourself” Favorite Scenes

Fangover: Day 3 Eric and Nora (via @mswriteok)

Sookie decided to give her heart a rest at the end of Season 4, where she broke up with both Eric and Bill.

I honestly thought both men would be at her house about a second after Tara was shot, but they were otherwise diverted — snuggling in the trunk of a car driven by a dark-haired woman we soon discover is Eric’s long-lost sister Nora, a member of the Vampire Authority High Command.



We discovered quickly how fast Eric got over Sookie as he had loud, loud sex with is “blood-sister” Nora. I’ve got the image of her smashed against the side of the trailer by Eric burned in my mind. I swear I can see it when I close my eyes, as well as hear that line, “We fight like siblings, but we fuck like champions.”
Thanks so much for that.
I am not at all impressed by Nora. I found her to be a whining little tramp, hypnotized by Lilith and Salome and determined to get her sib on the same side.
As the season progressed, we saw both Nora and Eric escape the true death, and by the end of this season, she is the only original Authority member still standing.
Eric and Bill were made members after they brought in Russell Edgington, but then he became a member at Roman’s death.
I am so happy Eric was able to fight the “Lilith” virus successfully, and to convince Nora that their father Godric was right, Lilith was a fraud, and she had been wrong too.
Eric, and his alter-ego Alexander Skarsgard, have had a great season. In one of the greatest scenes in this series’ history, Eric’s release of Pam’s bond was award-worthy. I cried for both of them. The quick, sunny smile he gave Pam when he saw her in the final episode was beatifically beaming, even covered with blood. He may have released her, but those two will always stay together because they truly love and respect the other.
I was so happy to see the tenderness in Eric as he held Sookie when Bill had puddled out. He was in total defense mode when Bill was reborn, and his first thought was to tell Sookie what she hears way too much: “Run!”
Now, with Bill turned into some super-vampire, we are left to wonder what he’ll do next.
I think Eric will grab Sookie and get her the hell out of there, and since we all know Nora knows who (and what) Warlow is, Jason will probably let her live, at least for a while.
I really hope Nora heeds Eric’s warnings about not snacking on our favorite fairy, but I think it would be funny if she developed a little girl-crush on Sook because she smells so damn good.
I’m guessing Nora will stay with Eric in Shreveport and she’ll help run the bar for awhile, since I’m guessing Pam and Tara will be busy enriching their maker/child bond in various ways.
In the end, I’m hoping Nora will go back and take over the nightly duties of running the Authority and dealing with Bill, in whatever form he lands in.
Perhaps Eric and Nora will celebrate whatever holidays vampires celebrate together, but go their separate ways, leaving Eric to brighten our lives every summer with his escapades in Louisiana, and that he also keeps close to Sookie. They’re a much more fun combination.

Who Are You? – Day 3 (via @lexiglam)

Who is Warlo? That question has been running through my mind ever since we found out Sookie’s parents were killed by a vampire.  And what a stab to the heart, eh?  Sookie has had many a torrid love affair with a couple of those beloved fangers and then she finds out one of them killed her parents! Well doesn’t that just fucking suck.  I do have to say she’s handling the news rather well unlike her brother Jason who is having flashes back to S2 ala Fellowship of the Sun. And please dear Godric, don’t have Jason backtrack to his religious wacko phase because I prefer him and his sexy times with Jessica. 😉

My first thought to Warlo’s identity was Bill because in Sookie’s vision she heard those three little words…no…not I love you, silly. YOU ARE MINE! Then my friend politely reminded me that all vampires say that. I don’t care, it could still be Bill because he was around during the time of that deed being drawn up on Sookie’s house. Plus, he had a file on Sookie’s family history when they first met. It would make it easier for Sookie to hate Bill for killing loved ones now that he’s Bilith.

I don’t think it’s Eric because he was in Europe at the time all of this was going down.  It would also make him a great ally and keep Sookie’s trust in vampires alive because his parents were killed by vampers too.  But then we have Nora reacting to the name “Warlo” in the bonus feature. I have no fucking clue how that’s gonna play out and even though, she’s Eric’s sister, she has a heavy English accent and probably wasn’t with Eric at the time.

Warlo could also be Russell, but he knew nothing of the Fae until he met Sookie. He’s also dead and that makes it no fun.

Wouldn’t it be completely fucked up if their parents were still alive and this was some messed up mind game! I wouldn’t put it past the writers you know.

The best explanation would be a new vampire introduced onto the scene for next season but speculation is more fun! V”V

via Who Are You? – Day 3

Fangover Fangathon Day 3 Favourite Flashback (via @SookieStack_SVM)

There were a few contenders this season. The death of Sookie’s parents, Alcide with his dad when he was asked what to choose and of course the Pam flashback where she first meets Eric. Eric in that top hat and tails was to die for, he was so gorgeous and I am sure I am not alone in that thought.

My favourite had to be the second Eric and Pam flashback, where Eric encounters Bill and Lorena as they had been responsible for draining Pam’s girls. Of course Eric had made it clear that he was only interested in Pam with his usual charm but that was disturbed by this discovery. Bill’s behaviour is very typical of baby vamps in that he thinks he can kill Eric, while Eric stands there, fangs bared, cheeky smirking grin on his face as he holds the stake and tells Lorena off.

The stylish way he deals with that as those two slope away before he moves in for the girl is so romantic and yet still typically Eric. I loved that flashback, best of all for the different players in it. Not to mention the insight it gave into the chemistry between Eric and Pam and how they laid the foundations for the partnership that we came to know and love over the course of the show.

This then runs onto my next favourite flashback, since I loved the whole Eric Pam story as a whole. As well as getting a nice glimpse of naked Eric, which is always a good thing, we learn more about Pam. We see her frailty and her strengths, we see her strong will shining through in her impassioned speech before she basically forces Eric’s hand. It is this whole package that convinces Eric that she would be perfect as his child and the rest, as they say is history.

via Fangover Fangathon Day 3 Favourite Flashback

Fangover: Day 2: Jessica the broken-hearted (via @mswriteok)

My all-time favorite baby-vamp has had a bad couple of years.
I loved how this uber-Christian girl embraced her inner vampire with gusto, flummoxing her maker Bill, as well as Eric and Pam with her teenage angst.
When Bill finally becomes a father figure different from her intolerant human father, she settles happily into immortal life.
I truly enjoyed watching Jessica and Hoyt find first love together, even though she discovered sex was going to hurt eternally if she kept regenerating one particular part. Hoyt didn’t care. He simply loved his flame-haired little vixen.
Other than how Jessica solved the hymen-problem, I have no problem with her growing in to a sexual vampire. I was dismayed, but not surprised that she fell for Jason. Seriously, every girl in Bon Temps that isn’t related to him has fallen for Jason one way or another.
Last season, my heart ached for Jessica when both Hoyt and Jason threw her out of their lives in the same episode, if not night. She had tasted forbidden fruit, loved it, and “Whammo!” both guys ditch her, thinking they’re doing the right thing.
The problem there was: Jason could handle it.  Hoyt could not. But enough about him for now. We’ll deal with him in a later post.

I thought Jessica looked especially toothsome in her Halloween costume. Little Red Riding Hood suited her perfectly, and Jason was happy to succumb to her charms.
Things looked pretty rosy for Jessica and Jason until he got an attack of maturity and at the same time the shit kicked out of him by Hoyt.
Jason tried to man up, but losing his friends wasn’t as easy as he hoped.
Add to that, Jessica decided to try out the local college scene, where she was readily accepted. I mean really, wouldn’t you hang with a girl whose guardian is mysteriously absent, who can provide endless booze, has rocking parties and that vampire charm to boot?
Jason was at an impasse. He loved Jessica, but she was ready to start sowing the very wild  oats Jason had just finished. What is a deputy sheriff to do?
While his first experience with the Fae left him dreaming about his long dead parents, the massive head injury inflicted by Russell Edgington  had them hanging out with him and Sookie, hearing them  trash vampire after vampire.
I think at this time he is damaged, and all he can think of is protecting his only living family, Sookie, from all the “dead boys” she likes.
When Jessica, finally free, runs up to Jason, throws her arms around him proclaiming her love for him at last, she did not expect him to stare at her like she was something diseased and tell her he could never, ever, love a vampire.
You could hear her heart crack into pieces as the news soaked in.
I think right now she is either in complete shock or taking it in stride, because she has to smell his blood and know he has a bad head wound.
We’ll have to wait until next June to discover if the damage is permanent or if he can learn to love our ginger-haired girl again.

via Fangover: Day 2: Jessica the broken-hearted

HBO GO: True Blood Season 5 Finale Bonus Scene Interactive (via @DarlingSookie)

For everyone who didn’t get a chance to view it, HBO has taken that next step and has offered a bonus scene to tease all of us Truebies.

Taking place right after the elevator doors shut, we find Jason, Pam, Tara, Nora and Jessica preparing to take down the Authority guards as they attempt to escape. If you view the bonus preview without the interactive section, you do miss the conversation between Jason’s parents, thus leaving Jason just acting extremely odd. Though it is nice to see both point of views and can help the viewers understand how Sookie “didn’t notice” his conversations with their deceased parents during the finale.

We see a brief moment of teasing between Tara and Pam, which is actually something I have been saying will happen since before we knew Tara was being turned.

The biggest highlight is the knowledge that Nora knows who the elusive Warlow is. After her inability to control herself around Sookie (without Eric’s intervening) as well as her less than friendly glares when Eric proclaims Sookie to be his and when Sookie remains behind to help Eric try to save Bill, it can be assumed she may be willing to hand over the pretty little fairy.

Though I personally find this aspect to be a bit tired. Pam’s disinterest and dislike of Sookie is enough. Must another female vampire attached to Eric share in this opinion?

What did you think about the bonus scene? What part do you think Warlow will play next season?

Feel free to comment below.

via HBO GO: True Blood Season 5 Finale Bonus Scene Interactive.

Bilith Ressurected – Day 1 (via @lexiglam)

I’m a fairly new Truebie, started watching True Blood over 6 months ago on HBO2Go thanks to the buzz and my friend lending me her login since I don’t get the channel. Of course, I can’t get enough. I’m hooked and it’s now considered a, “Where have you been all my life?,” tv show.

This past weekend has truly been a True Blood marathon. I spent 9 hours catching up on everything S5!!!! I felt I shouldn’t experience this tv event alone, so I went to my friend’s house to watch. I wore my Fangtasia shirt (duh cause I’m a vamper)

and Glamour Me lipstick.

I also partaked in some Tru-Blood which btw was very tasty. (PS: Adding a bit of alcohol gives it some kick.)

A True Blood season finale would not be a show without a mindfuck and this one was MAJOR! I am a sad panda Truebie because I’ve been so used to seeing what comes next online but now I have to wait a year! 😦

Was very glad to see Russell turned to goo because I honestly I wasn’t sure where the writers were going with that. I can only take so much of him before he has to go! Love the faes! There are so hippie and free. But WTAF is up with that bitch fae who had sex with Andy “twice”?!? First, she has orgasms while giving birth and she leaves Andy with 4 babies! He deserved to be called a dick by Holly but it will be interesting to see this play out next season.

I don’t like Nora and Eric at all. Not because they are “brother” and “sister” getting it on but they have no chemistry! I like it when Eric and Bill pine over Sookie but now that Bill is too far gone, who will protect Sookie?!? I can’t stop dwelling over who the vampire is who owns her?!? Hopefully, he’ll protect her from all of the shit that’s about the hit the fan, even though he killed her parents. Knowing this show, they may add a twist where this guy was protecting Sookie from her parents because they were bad! Jason’s visions/concussion or whatever the fuck he has does not help.

Gotta say I didn’t see Billith being resurrected. There were several times I thought Bill might’ve seen the light (pardon the pun) but that would make it too easy, right? 😉 Hey, at least that means we’ll get to see more nakedness and that doesn’t totally suck.

via Bilith Ressurected – Day 1

Fangover: Day 1 – Alcide (via @VampKingBill)

That’s about the face I’ve making this entire season when it comes to Alcide.

Poor Alcide. He finally gets a nice wolf-centric storyline and unfortunately, he’s the weakest link in it. As far as that storyline goes, Martha was the more interesting character, the Pelts added tension but were abruptly dropped off (perhaps to return next season bookies?) and he was beaten by a V-infused JD making him seem weak right before he got kicked out of the pack. The aftermath of that defeat lead to the biggest weakness of all of that storyline: the non-stop insistence that Alcide is a pack wolf first and foremost.

Alcide has never shown any previous pack-leaning tendencies. In Season 3, he’d largely distanced himself from the Jackson pack  – it was protecting Sookie that drew him back in again. In Season 4 he resisted joining the pack in Shreveport, ultimately only doing so because Debbie wouldn’t let it drop and even then he was almost immediately disgusted by Marcus and his character. That’s not pack-first behavior.He remained disgusted by JD especially when JD allied himself with Russell. He knew where that road lead and didn’t want any part of it. Yes, he  finally made a effort to dethrone JD – but only after it was essentially too late. Had he been pro-pack, he’d taken the mantle of leadership when it was first offered to him. So what of any of that says that he’s a pack-wolf?

I think it was a shame they went that way: it was more interesting for him to be an outsider especially because he didn’t like what packs could force a wolf to become. You can almost parallel the wolves with vampires living in nests: the net effect is almost seemingly more negative than positive whether it’s a V-addiction or standing by and doing nothing when the Pack Master is obviously doing something awful. Ultimately that Alcide was more complex and more interesting than what we got. The writers did try to give him some depth by contrasting him to his dad, but I think those scenes added so little (aside from showing the baby vamps roaming) as to essentially be filler. The ending of the arc was a bit redemptive, but somehow having to stoop to JD’s level by taking the V negates it somewhat, however necessary it was.

Best Moment: Beating the ever loving shit out of JD.
I know that only the line before I said it was a bit cheap for him to take V, but hey, sometimes you do what you gotta do. Clearly JD had lost his marbles and was causing so much harm that there were few choices to be had. It was interesting to note that no one was really stepping in to try and defend JD – even before Martha and her bow made an appearance. For all of my gripes that Alcide has not been a packwolf, they have done a decent job completing the transformation to pack wolf. Let’s see what they can do with it in Season 6.

Worst Moment: Alcide tries to take advantage of Sookie
Yes folks, that is exactly what he was trying to do. He knew that Sookie didn’t feel the same way about him. He knew that although that maybe she was attracted to him, she’d never date him or do anything physical with him. He knew that she was already an emotional wreck from trying to deal with Debbie’s death. And most importantly, he knew she was drunk while he was sober. Had he really cared about her, he would have helped her upstairs and tucked her in to sleep it off – not encourage her to drink even more when she was already so vulnerable knowing that it could finally get her to act on those feelings she wouldn’t have acted on previously. I am glad that the writers didn’t actually let them go there and I will be incredibly disappointed if they hook up in the future now that this has happened.

via Fangover: Day 1 – Alcide.

Trueblood Fangover Day 1 (via @bgray09)

The finale was definitely epic.  I knew they wouldn’t kill Eric off, but I was still thrilled as I am hardcore Team Eric.  Russell finally meeting the true death also made me ecstatic, especially since it meant that Eric finally got to carry out his long awaited vengeance.  I am slightly confused with the whole Morella having four babies and leaving them with Andy.  Are they going to grow up to be like Sookie and Hunter?  Jason has absolutely lost his marbles.  I don’t know why he can’t just pick a team and stay with it.  He keeps going back and forth between wanting to kill all vampires and being an ally to them.  I was so excited when Bill “died”, though I was hoping it was for good.  He has been a huge lunatic for pretty much the entire season.  This Lilith stuff is fairly odd, especially since none of this happened in the books.    Speaking of the books, where is Quinn?  I was hoping he would be introduced into the series by now.  Then again, we haven’t really been following the books much here lately.  I think everyone will agree with me that the season left me hanging and as always I can’t wait to get more next season.

via Trueblood Fangover Day 1

Fangover day 1 Finale thoughts (via @SookieStack_SVM)

Well, now that I caught my breath back from that finale perhaps I can share some thoughts on it. I guess I can start at the beginning. It had to be Eric that killed Russell to save Sookie, that has been on the cards since season 3 and of course they have the blood bond which explains why he ended up there. BUT Bill had a connection to Sookie too yet felt nothing? Either this is a plot hole or the connection has worn thin to be replaced with the blood bond Sookie now has with Eric.

Eric’s deadpan delivery when Russell is goo, is legendary as is his scene with Nora when he forbids her to eat Sookie. He keeps things simple and says thank you to her for helping him find peace and gain the vengeance for his family. The little smiles and glances between the two obviously show that they still love each other.

From the Epic Eric Nora Bickering to Sookie and Jason, 2 sets of siblings where one has been fucked up at some point this season, first Nora and now Jason (These visions of his parents are more than they seem and his complete 180 back to an FOTS guy from season 2 is kind of hard to believe. Hopefully we will get answers in season 6.) The interplay with them in the House, with Tara chipping in “And you owe Pam.” Though done deadpan and highlighting a serious point in the story was also damn funny, as was Eric’s PLEEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE on the car roof, the big loveable Viking that he is!

I am glad to see Sam and Luna get Emma back and Luna ROCKED as Steve Newlin with the transformation happening on camera great to watch! I hope that she lives and hope to see more of this little family in the next season.

The way they linked Merlotte’s strange happenings to the TV strangeness was well done, Lafayette hanging everything together nicely, we need to see more of this Hookah cause he is way to good to be a minor character. The Birth scene was some much needed light relief to cut from the life or death battle that we were building up to. I WISH that we had orgasms when we gave birth instead of the pain! The part at the end where Maurella walks off, leaving Andy a dumbstruck father of 4 with the instructions that half must get to adulthood was classically funny. Holly summed it up perfectly “You’re a Dick.”

I am glad to see Pam and Eric being reunited and Pam getting the girl, not to mention that despite being in prison she retains her sense of wit, disdain for Bill and apparent hatred for Sookie. I will be keen to see what happens with her and Tara in season 6 and if she ever will learn to like Sookie.

The fighting was Epic and it was good to see Eric back to his badass best, not to mention Jason chipping in, but his rebuff of Jessica when she declares her love for him is harsh. That boy needs to sort his head out.

The final scene was as it should have been, Bill Sookie and Eric in a standoff. I found that to be OK in the main. Sookie was a little too syrupy in her speech, but she had to be as she was trying to save Bill, while Bill was still perfectly deranged. When they thought that Bill was gone, the genuine emotion Sookie and Eric showed was touching, finding comfort in each other’s arms and actually showing that Eric does care for Bill, but then after all they have been through it makes sense. The special effects employed here were superb as was the final scene.

RUN!!!! You had better!

I think it was definitely the best cliffhanger yet!

via Fangover day 1 Finale thoughts

Hello, Season 5 (via @mswriteok)

Thirty days ago I couldn’t imagine writing my last post of this Fang-a-thon.
It’s bittersweet.
That said, this post is going to either prove I have a preternatural power of observation or I’m a complete loony, because I’m going to speculate about how Season 5 will go.
First, I read the downloaded script pages and I laughed and laughed. Since this is a spoilerish-topic, I won’t say what I saw, but I will say this.
Russell Edgington will fall head-over-fangs in love with Steve Newlin. It’s perfect. Steve is as shallow and as well dressed as Talbot ever was and Russell will love showing the former head of Fellowship of the Sun the vampire ropes and cavorting with him behind the closed bedroom door.
It appears Hoyt is either going to be a fangbanger or turn into a complete vamp-hater. He may be both. It make take him all season to transition from one to the other, but Jessica broke his heart and her feelings for Jason broke his spirit. He’s a different sort of “Lost Boy” and I hope he can find a way back to the sweet guy he was.
I believe Eric will be the man to turn Tara. He will turn her over to Pam to teach her, and those two are going to recognize kindred spirits and they are going to be hell on wheels this season.
They will be the female version of Russell and Steve. Pam will love having another woman around, especially another bi- woman, and Tara will enjoy exacting revenge on all the men and women who screwed her over in her life.
Bill and Eric are obviously going to become great friends at last. I think they’ll both show up at Sookie’s house in the first 60 seconds of “Turn, Turn, Turn,” and while Sookie will be glad of their company, she won’t want much to do with them.
Jessica is going to get to Jason in the nick of time, chasing Steve straight into Russell’s arms. This season I think the deadly redhead and her boy toy will explore the depths of their attraction to each other.
I also wonder if one day Jason will open his front door and be confronted by half of the women from Hot Shot and their babies. Payback’s a bitch, kids.
Also, while Andy Bellefleur is courting Halleigh the waitress, he will be confronted at some point by either a pregnant fairy or one with a baby who looks remarkably like him. Andy’s going to have some ‘splaining to do, and he’d going to have to think fast.
I think Alcide will make a play for Sookie this season and will be the main man protecting her from Russell’s thirst for more of her intoxicating blood. I don’t know how far they will go, because Alcide also has a lot of pack business to deal with, and he will wind up Packmaster.
Debbie Pelt’s parents will come looking for their daughter and Sookie’s conscience will bother her, but not so much that she will confess she knows literally where the body is buried.
Sam, who will at first be blamed for Marcus’ death, will be saved by Alcide, but how will Luna explain to Emma that her dad is dead and Sam was there when it happened? They’ll have a tough time this season.
Lafayette will be in mourning for Jesus and Tara and even if his boyfriend’s spirit drops by to keep him company, right now he blames Sookie for at least half his problems. He will have to come to terms with his magical powers before he can be of any use to anyone else.
Arlene’s marriage to Terry may be in jeopardy since Patrick has come back. Terry and Patrick are not going to be doing anything good, but it should be interesting.
Last of all, the Authority and Nora will at first hunt Eric and Bill, then assign them to take care of Russell Edgington before he can kill too many more humans. It will be intriguing to see Eric and Pam’s backstory, as well as see how Eric and his “sister” Nora interact. From the trailers, it seems Nora can give Sookie a run for her money where Eric is concerned.
Sookie is going to have a rough year I think. Bill and Eric will be MIA from Bon Temps, Russell is surely coming for her and bringing Steve along for the fun of it, Alcide will be doing his best to protect her but pack business will interfere, Jason will be his scatterbrained self and will forget his sister might need him, so she’s going to have to depend on herself to keep safe and sound.
And, one more thing, as the season goes along, we’ll be less and less of Sookie, and I mean that since she’s expecting in real life, camera angles will be higher and higher and I’ve heard she’ll be carrying a big purse in front of her in any long shot.
I’m ready. Bring it on.

via Hello, Season 5

11 Reasons To Read The Sookie Stackhouse Books (via @EricSookieLover)

For my last and final fangalicious (Day 30) Fangathon 2012 post *sniff, sniff*, we’re going to be focusing on the books once again. I wanted to end this on a positive note, and I haven’t posted about the books for the last week or so.

Before I get into this, I just wanted to let my staff know how much I appreciate the encouragement and support I received from them during this fangathon. They were really sweet…always asking me; if I wanted to use certain ideas or topics in my posts, and letting me use them, when it might’ve been easier for them to do it themselves. They also acted as a sounding board to bounce ideas from. Thank you so much, ladies! I also want to thank you; Eric and Sookie lovers, for participating and (I hope) enjoying the posts!

Now it’s time for the very last one. I just wanted to point out one more thing before I get started…this is harder than it looks! LOL

Are you ready? Let’s get it on! (Those that subscribe to The Gracious Plenty, know what that means! ;) )

This last and final Fang-A-Thon post takes a look at the 11 reasons why you should read the books (if you haven’t read them already). This was NOT written by me, but when I came across it, I thought I would share it with you. I think you’ll enjoy reading what this person has to say about the series.

This was written by from Everyday eBook;

With season five of “True Blood,” the HBO adaption of Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse novels, premiering this month, we think it’s high time you got into the book series as well. Here are eleven reasons why the Sookie Stackhouse novels are our vampire mystery/romance/action series of choice.

1. Unlike some other vampire novel series intended for a young adult audience, the Sookie Stackhouse novels actually have main characters that are over the age of eighteen — so you don’t have to deal with all that teenage angst! Plus, those character crushes you’ve developed are a little less creepy.

2. It takes place in the South (Bon Temps, Louisiana, to be exact), which really makes you want to go hang out there and do Southern things like cook biscuits, go to Baptist church, fight off gators, and tan with Sookie.

3. Sookie could kick Bella’s butt.

4. ERIC NORTHMAN: Be seduced by the smoldering bad-boy vampire who always has the perfect witty quip. Just see if you aren’t hooked by the end of book one.

5. The writing is actually good! Finally, guilty-pleasure books without the occasional episodes of nausea, induced by overtly saccharine plotlines and adverbs.

6. Speaking of guilty pleasures — we all know a main reason to read these books is for the romance. Harris definitely delivers, with a slew of relationships, love triangles, and steamy plotlines that involve — just to name a few — humans, fairies, vampires, and were-panthers. After reading these books, normal human romance novels seem so … dull.

7. Pam. Eric’s right-hand woman and vampire progeny is the most badass person you will never meet because she’s fictional. She’ll make you want to cast off reality and become her BFF in fiction land. And her interactions with Sookie, a mixture of amusement and condescension, crack us up.

8. Sookie is funny. Name one other female character in a vampire series that has a sense of humor … that’s right, you can’t.

9. Sookie is no damsel in distress. Just after defeating a malevolent batch of memory-stealing witches, she has to take out crazed, jealous, werewolf psychopath, Debbie, with a shotgun. Does Sookie whine and moan? Nope, she just gets it done, and has Eric bury the remains in the woods. Her non-human kill count would impress the toughest Navy SEAL sniper.

10. With twelve books in the series, and more to come, you won’t run out of your Sookie fix so quickly! No trilogies here — read on!

11. Oh … did we mention Eric Northman?

Numbers: 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 11 are my personal fave reasons for reading the books! There’s nothing we could add to this list, which hasn’t already been stated. The person who wrote this is obviously an Eric and Sookie lover, just like us. I wonder if she knows about our site?

As someone who is sick and tired of hearing about Twilight, Edward and Bella…it warms my heart to read someone saying that Sookie could kick Bella’s butt – because she COULD – in a heartbeat! As for what she said about Eric…well, who am I to argue? We could probably write a novel on how much we love Eric Northman. The man is a Viking God!

Now my fangathon has come to an end…hope you enjoyed these 30 days/nights as much as I enjoyed writing them!

What are your favorite numbers, and what do you think of these 11 reasons? Share your thoughts

via 11 Reasons To Read The Sookie Stackhouse Books.

True Blood Females: Drained (via @DarlingSookie)

If you have ever heard me speaking on True Bites, you know how much I dislike what Alan has done to the character, Sookie Stackhouse. That is why I wrote A Telepathic Barmaid: A Tale of a Realistic and Modern Heroine. Because I love the character that Charlaine Harris created.

Sookie Stackhouse is a strong-willed, independent character who would risk everything, including her own life to protect and save those she cares for. She is extremely humble and good-natured. But in the imagination of Alan Ball, she serves as nothing more than a pawn. She is merely there as a seductive prospect to many of the males around her. There is little depth and even some of her more admirable qualities have been discarded. A prime example is her insistence at Pam paying her to babysit Eric. Sookie was embarrassed when Jason suggested such a thing in the books and this was extremely out of character for her.

In fact, Alan Ball tends to have a love for his male characters and very little appreciation for the female ones (hence Pam’s fall from grace last season). Perhaps I can suggest that he fears the idea of a strong, independent female character outshining the men around him?

Honestly, I have no clue what Alan Ball’s problem is in this respect. All I know and have seen is that he has left all of the female characters, with the exception of Jessica Hamby, as one-dimensional, fully defined by their male-counterpart, whiny, annoying, characters.

Unfortunately, that’s just the way the cookie has crumbled.

Male vampires = IMPORTANT

Dead-end storylines = IMPORTANT

Large cast = IMPORTANT

Strong, inspiring, independent female characters (with the exception of Jessica) = *hears nothing but the breeze blowing by*

Why has Jessica been spared?

Well, I do believe the simplest answer is probably the correct one. Alan Ball created Jessica Hamby. There is not a single character in the Southern Vampire Mysteries (SVM) series that even remotely resembles Jessica. Therefore, he is free to run wild with his own creation and with her, it has worked.

Charlaine has gone on the record and said she loves the baby vamp and I have to admit, I agree with her. Though it feels like sometimes Alan tries too hard to get her involved with everything.

For example, the Vampire A-Team sequence, why was Jessica even there? (Thanks JB for bringing up this point in one of your blogs)

I think this scene is a perfect example of how Alan operates. Jessica, a completely brand-new baby vampire who has shown no affinity for weapons or their use, is sent to rid the downtown area of Shreveport of their little “witch” problem?

On the other hand, you begin to watch Pam, who has been physically falling apart, begins to crumble before your very eyes. Her insane jealousy and desperation shows in every curse-filled insult and line. She truly is diminished within minutes of screen time. All because Alan Ball has no concept of how to handle Charlaine’s female characters.

Fortunately for us, the destroyer of all things Sookie (aka Alan Ball) will be gone after this season. The downside? The damage has been done and there may not be enough True Blood to save those who have been destroyed in the wake of Alan Ball’s attempt at fanfiction.

So, while I am excited for Season 5 to return, I am not holding my breath. After 4 seasons, I know what to expect and unfortunately, I’m sure I will have plenty of things that will upset me this season. I just look forward to those moments that I enjoy.

Such as

  • Sam Trammell pretending to be Tommy, who is skinwalking as Sam.
  • Nelsan’s performance as a Lafayette when he’s been possessed and so daintily picks up his shoes before walking outside.
  • Tommy’s (brief and short-lived) attempt at redemption.
  • Eric and Sookie finally getting together
  • Bill and Jessica finally finding their way to being Maker/Childe
  • Ginger riding Pam’s coffin
  • Many of Pam’s one-liners and outfit choices

And those are just some of the many things I enjoyed last season. So, I hope y’all are excited and maybe, just maybe this season will be the best one ever!

via True Blood Females: Drained.

The Day Before! (via @LuvBONESnTBlood)

It was just about noon and I started to begin Season 4! I realized I better get my post done. I am in a hurry of course! :-) Need to get back to the Viking!

I absolutely can not wait!!!!   For tomorrow!

Today I captured my three favorite Jason Stackhouse moments and made a quick video with all three. I am sharing them with you as my post of the day!

The first is from Timebomb – Season 2. Episode with Jason realizing he was “possessed” by Steve Newlin!

The second is from I Smell a Rat – Season 3. Episode with Jason back from looking for Sookie and Bill tries to give him hell!

The third is my favorite of all time! Soul of Fire – Season 4 – Episode with Jason stands up to Eric and Bill as they are about to blow up Moon Goddess!


Jason [to Jess]: Even without your blood in me, you are all I think about.

via The Day Before!.

Ode to Sookie (via @JBDuRoneTB)

This is an ode to Sookie Stackhouse. Most definitely not to Sookeh.

Sookie is a strong willed woman, who is forceful yet considerate, beautiful yet modest and disabled yet without self-pity. (She considers her telepathic ability to be a mental illness)

Sookie is buxom and loves to maintain a healthy tan. She works hard at keeping her house clean. Her senses of justice, fairness and “do the right thing” are pervasive in her personal interactions. She cutely and religiously studies her Word of the Day calendar and drinks beaucoup coffee.

Sookie has a strong work ethic and is Sam’s right hand person at the bar. She is even tempered; stoic while being tortured by some fae. She balances various groups of Supes in her life and does a moderately good job of keeping them in their place in her life.

Sookie is someone I like and would like to know. She smiles brightly and often, warming the world in her glow.

Sookeh, on the other hand, is simply annoying. She is shrill, easily manipulated by various groups of Supes and rarely shows up for work. She lived in a hell hole throughout Season 3 and was more interested in neutered Weres than cleaning up.

Sookeh is prone to screaming and makes the ugliest scream face to be broadcast in HD.

“Sookeh is mahne”, Bill is famous for espousing.

You can have Sookeh, Bill.

I’ll take the charming barmaid who always seems to know when I’m ready for another cold one.

via Ode to Sookie.

The Friday Before! (via @LuvBONESnTBlood)

Wow! Thanks to I saw the new Promo from Ryan Kwanten/Jason Stackhouse and boy was I not a happy camper to see this:

I embelished on the still I know! Guess we all knew that might happen but still!!!!!

Alcide: What if our hearts can’t be trusted and it’s our brains we should be listening to?

(IMO: Then shoot yourself in the head)

via The Friday Before!.

Healing Moon (via @TrueBloodMame)

Healing Moon Dawn is just breakingthe spell of the moon so brightthat healed with its light

Dawn is just breaking

the spell of the moon so bright

that healed with its light

via Healing Moon