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Night 3

A Peaceful Mother’s Day (via @DarlingSookie)

You would assume that as a single gal, whose grandmother and mother are both deceased, a day like Mother’s Day would get me down.

As much as I miss them, I find that focusing on things one can’t change is a bit pointless. Instead, I choose to use this day as a day of fond remembrance.

My mother was a beautiful and intelligent woman and despite her faults, I know she loved me to the best of her ability. Though I didn’t fully understand until more recently, my mother truly could not help herself. With his streak of fairy alluring her, she was helpless to love anyone more than she loved him. This, of course, left little room for Jason and I. Especially me, the other female in the home, what with my ‘disability’ requiring more attention than she wished to spare, my mother truly was under the spell of ‘love’.

But I try to not resent my mother. I like to believe that in her own way, she cared for me as any mother would and I hope she would be proud of the woman I have become.

I was blessed to have a grandmother as wonderful, kind hearted, as that of Adele Hale Stackhouse. Despite having already raised both of her children, my Gran never thought twice about taking Jason and I into her home when our parents perished in a flash flood.

Continue reading via A Peaceful Mother’s Day.

Having a Vampire for a Best Friend… (via @CindyLouLouBear)

So, having a vampire for a best friend can be ok, right? I mean my friend Hoyt is with… was with Jessica and they seemed fine. And Jason was friends with Jessica, too. Okay, maybe another bad example; But Sookie gets along real well with Jess. She is a sweetheart!
The friend that I have may make people do a double take. Not just because of what he is, but because of WHO he is.

See, my best friend (besides my sister Riah Lynn Washington) is… well. I’ll get to it, just give me a minute, ok?
He’s older. That’s an understatement. He’s WAY older than me; or even, if she were alive, my great grandmother ( God rest her sweet soul.) Even the fact that he is a HE often turns peoples heads, too. I mean what nice part were girl like me would be friends with HIM?
I’ll tell you what girl. THIS GIRL. See, they don’t know Eric.., shit.. I was gonna make y’all wait for that! But, I’m no Alan Ball now am I?


Anyway, Eric, yes, THAT Eric is my best friend. His wife Sookie and I get along really well too. They are so in love with each other and it’s such a beautiful thing to see. *beams*

Eric means the world to me. I be lost right now if not for him. I’m gonna tell Y’all some things about the mysterious man in sky blue, ruling over guests at Fangtasia that you would never know. You might not even be able to believe they’re true. Believe Me, They are.
I call Eric my “Pooh Bear.” Why? Because he gives the BEST hugs on the planet. (Sorry Baby! It’s a different kind of hug when I hug you, Quinn! *wink* ) As I said, Eric gives the best hugs.Since he’s so much taller, I end of hugging a little above his stomach. The perk of that is though, he leans down and smells my hair and kisses the top of my head.

We are purely platonic, but I Love Eric Northman. And he loves me. Whenever we hug, it’s like the world fades away. No, he doesn’t glamour me or anything. I genuinely want him to hug me. Remember when Sookie told him “There’s Good in you.” Well, there is. Quite a bit.

Eric walked me down the aisle and gave me away to my late husband, John. When John was killed, he hugged me and held me until I could hold myself together again. He literally helped piece me back together after John”s death. I probably would have left Louisiana if not for Eric, and I sure hope he knows I’m not going anywhere.

He calls me his “Pink Lady.” There are a few reasons for this. Pink is one of my favorite colors and my sorority rose; but when I married John, my bridesmaids dresses were various shades of pink. The groomsmen’s ties were pink. The roses were pink and white. So, am I a “Pink Lady?” *giggles* I sure am.

But the biggest reason the illustrious Mr.Northman calls me “Pink Lady” is because he couldn’t bear to call me Piglet. See, if you don’t know, Pooh Bear and Piglet are best friends, they walk side by side. “It’s so much friendlier with two,” is one of their mottos. Kinda sums up me and Eric. But he couldn’t call me Piglet. He chose “Pink Lady” instead, and it’s been my special name from him ever since.
We don’t get to see each other as much as we’d like to anymore, what with him on business a lot and my working for Pam Ravenscroft. Eric and Sookie have an amazing life together, I can only hope that Quinn and I are so lucky.

I would never give up my friendship with Eric Northman. He has done and means So Very Much to me, that there would be a whole in my heart if he was gone. FOTS and all their affiliates be damned, yes a “fanger” can be friends with a “furbanger”. And they can love each other like family, too. Take that TMZ.

via Having a Vampire for a Best Friend…

Poll: Which Eric pic do you like better? (via @EricSookieLover)

For the 3rd day in my fangalicious Fang-A-Thon 2012 posts, (and after watching the new True Blood Season 5 2 minute teaser earlier) I definitely feel like my brain is scrambled like eggs in a frying pan, and I can’t possibly concentrate long enough on a post with any kind of insight or depth.

That being said…this post focuses on True Blood and Eric Northman in particular! For those who haven’t watched the new teaser trailer yet…you better watch it first! We have it posted on our site here!

Oh…did I mention this post features Skarsporn?

Continue reading via Poll: Which Eric pic do you like better?.

Sookie-The Fool and The Empress (Tarot cards) (via @TrueBloodMame)

In the beginning of the show we meet Sookie Stackhouse.

When the time comes, as it always does, when the old rules, conceptual structures, prejudices and beliefs are not longer adequate to the challenges at hand, then the Fool is needed. He or she lives in a private world, and so is not bound by the shared conventions, preconceptions or norms of the society. The Gods – or Chance – select the Fool who will become the saviour who will transform society. He or She is elevated to King/Queen and must undergo many transformations before, with luck, he rejuvenates the world.

On a personal level, there are times in all of our lives when customary thought patterns have outlived there usefulness. There are no rules for this, for it is the rules that are bankrupt. The only escape is inspired frenzy and the blind leap into the abyss. We may hope for the best, but there are no guarantees. The Fool represents the complete faith that life is good and worthy of trust. Some might call the Fool too innocent, but this innocence sustains him/her and brings him/her joy. The Fool can signal a new beginning or change of direction – one that will onto a path of adventure, wonder and personal growth. The Fool also reminds us to have faith and trust natural responses, to believe in ourselves and follow our heart no matter how crazy or foolish our impulses may seem.

The Fool represents the irrepressible Vital Spirit, overflowing its banks, roaring across the landscape, and carving new pathways where it will. The Fool is the archetypal Puer Aeternus (Eternal Child), the Pure Fool as a necessary first step in becoming a true Hero (cf. Wagner’s Siegfried and Parsifal). Von Franz describes the fate of The Fool when she says of the Puer Aeternus, “half a devil and half a saviour [he, she] is either destroyed, reformed, or transformed at the end of the story”. At the end of S3 Sookie begins to change.

The Empress represents the characteristically feminine aspects of consciousness, the lunar illumination, which merges rather than separates. She is the First Mother “in actu,” who creates, preserves, nurtures, conserves, and organises growth and development – all with conscious awareness. The Empress is the bright side of the High Priestess; that is, she manifests in the light those tendencies that the Priestess conceals, and gives them living, material embodiment, but The Empress can be terrifying, for she is the Queen who must devour her mate, the Old King, reducing him to primary matter, raw material for her desire to mould and reshape, and so beget the Young King. She is the all-consuming side of Nature, who destroys so that she may create anew. The Empress represents the feminine Eros (vs. the paternal Logos of the Emperor): (Jung, Aion 12-3; MC 179) The Empress is accurately described in the alchemical Aurora Consurgens, where the Queen is called “the mother of fair love and of fear and of knowledge and of holy hope” (Jung, MC 377). In alchemy the Queen nurses the Green Lion and simultaneously drinks his rose-coloured blood from a golden cup brought by Mercurius, thus, like the ouroboros, consuming and regenerating her own substance, for she must integrate her own material nature before she can redeem the King (Jung, MC 292-3, 301, 305-11, 322, 364-5). The regenerated Queen is Luna (Jung, MC 315, 322). Yet by this same alchemical process, the Lion also consumes his own substance, for he will be reborn as the Young King when he has transformed the strength of his animal nature (Jung MC 294-7). The Empress corresponds to the Bride in the Sacred Marriage; in Sumerian-Akkadian mythology she is Inanna, Astarte, Ishtar, the Queen and Sister of the King and Shepherd, Dumuzi/Tammuz. Because she is also a war goddess, she gives the King his arms.

It is interesting how Sookie has to reconcile the two different paths and in the process discover who she really is and who she was born to be. Maybe this is a direct allusion to Eric’s words of two Sookies. One that is a small town naive girl who is on the perilous journey but ultimately, in the process becomes the saviour of others and the other is fairy Sookie who has powers beyond everyone’s imagination and maybe even a status that she is not even aware of. Sookie is a symbol of encroaching two worlds: our human one and the other, supernatural one.

via Sookie-The Fool and The Empress

Favourite Scene from True Blood (@Eric_NorthmanTB)

I will jokingly say that I love every scene with Eric Northman in it and I do. For those that know me, I’m @Eric_NorthmanTB on Twitter. I love seeing Eric on screen and in the books as it allows me the opportunity to observe a character that I have grown to love. I call it research.

However, my favourite scene from True Blood is the scene where Godric meets the sun in S2x09 “I Will Rise Up”. There is so much that I love about this scene, I don’t even know where to start. I really enjoyed Godric’s character. I’m glad that they changed Godfrey from the books to Godric. While Eric has a different Maker in the books, I prefer Godric for Eric’s Maker. I’m sad that we didn’t get to keep Godric around longer as I would have loved to get to know more about the ancient vampire, but I do understand why he met the fate that he did in the show.

Throughout Season One and the beginning of Season Two, we come to know Eric as an ancient vampire who cares for nothing more than himself, the well-being of his progeny, Pam, the livelihood of his business, Fangtasia and his position of Sheriff of Area 5. He becomes intrigued by Sookie and he has extended a hand in order to protect her and save her life but at this point, I don’t think he would have cared one way or another if something happened to Sookie (if you are going by the television show).

We then learn that Eric’s Maker, Godric, had been missing for a long time without a trace and it is evident that Eric is worried. Eric speaks about Godric with passion and it gives me the idea that aside for Pam, Godric is the one vampire that Eric would do anything for-including offering up his own life.The scene where Godric was on the rooftop with Eric in Season 2 broke my heart. I remember sitting on the couch all teary-eyed as I watched Eric, big, powerful Eric, reduced to tears and begging his Maker to change his mind. I’m glad that Sookie witnessed Eric and Godric on the rooftop. Sookie learned a lot about Eric in that episode. She learned that Eric isn’t everything that she thought he was. She learned that Eric had feelings and I think that a part of Sookie’s heart broke for Eric that day. I also think that it was the start to what endeared Eric to her. I know that Eric appreciated that Sookie volunteered to be with Godric until the very end. Of course, Eric wanted to be the one with Godric but he was forced inside. Sookie is one of the few humans that Eric trusts and he knew that he could trust Sookie to keep to her word and stay with Godric.

I think this scene will forever be my favourite of the series. Even when I re-watch the clip, I still get teary-eyed.

via Favourite Scene from True Blood.

FangaThon Day 3 Rant (via @LuvBONESnTBlood)

I have been reading this fan fiction I fell in love with I Remember You, a Sookie Stackhouse/southern vampire mysteries fanfic – FanFiction.Net It is amazing…it’s not complete yet but the author is quick on the updates! I really love the the plot twists and emotions she draws out of you.

I finally finished my mini marathon for the weekend. I watched all of Season 4 again on HBO Go. I finished at 3am. I’ve been up haven’t gone to bed yet. I am looking for another story to start reading.

I kept seeing the preview before every episode yesterday and I kept looking for more things to pick up on everytime I watched it. I wasn’t sure how I liked the idea I heard of the Bromance between Bill and Eric this season but after some thinking I do think this will be a good idea. I enjoyed the glimpse we had of it while they took care of Nan. I loved Bill from the beginning as potrayed on True Blood. In the books after awhile he changed way too much for me and he kind of lost me there but after everything I still can’t help love the guy. I’m sooo much more Team Eric but I think I will like them taking on Vamp business together…I think they could really make a mark in Louisiana, a force to be wreakin with.

I read that there is more fairy stuff happening this year wonder if the Fairy Prince will make an appearance? Well I’m going to find another story.

Here’s one of my fav Stephen and Alex shots!

Below is my quote of the day too!

“Sookie: You think I’m that stupid? Eric: No I think you’re human.

Sookie: Don’t under estimate me! Eric: Don’t under estimate yourself!

Eric: Your life to to valuable to throw away!”

via FangaThon Day 3 Rant.

Day 3 Sookie vs book Sookie. (via @SassyJessOB)

Having read all the Southern Vampire Mysteries so far, and having watched all the seasons of True Blood I have to put up this little debate (which I would also love to hear your thoughts on..)

True Blood’s Sookie Stackhouse played by the gorgeous Anna Paquin…

She’s had a tough old life so far, from running away from Renè in season one with him trying to kill her because she’s been with a vampire, and let’s face it as we also know in the books and the show Sookie has lost a fair few people that’s close to her as we see in many of times, from breaking up with Bill Compton to losing her grandmother Adele Stackhouse.

But who do I like more, Fictional Sookie or True Blood’s Sookie…Well that’s a good question, so I’m starting with book Sookie.

We all know Sookie enjoys sunbathing, reading, and enjoys working at Merlottes, but the difference between book Sookie to True Blood’s Sookie is the one thing I think Alan Ball has screwed up a tiny bit…

Sookie’s flashy hands!

Continue reading via Day 3 Sookie vs book Sookie.

Season 5 Gifs (via @llmorgan7)

The end may come soon.


It’s not like Eric to see a net and run, so he definitely wasn’t expecting this. Poor honey can’t help Sookie now ugh



I NEVER say this because I have no issue with Bill but you Asshole!! WTF??? And Eric looks SO sad!!! When he says that she doesn’t want anything to to do with them anymore.

Bill proving once again what an asshole he is.

Yep…and Eric does look said. :(

via hsm-7

Fang a thon 2012 #3 (via @Alice_Simon_)

On the third day of fang a thon, true blood gave to me, an aids burger “hold the aids!”

via Fang a thon 2012 #3

My Maker: Eric Northman (via @TB_PamR)

“Perhaps changing Eric was his finest hour. He created the perfect vampire.” Niall Brigant in DEADLOCKED.

I don’t often agree with faeries, but I give the Prince this one. My Maker is the perfect vampire and the perfect Maker. Since it’s Maker’s Night, I thought I might explain the 10 reasons why I believe Eric is the apex of what it means to be a vampire.

10. Patient. This isn’t a term you often hear in connection with vampires but it should be. In Eric’s case he rarely rushes into things which gives him the advantage of not only being prepared but also of picking and choosing the timing of his actions to maximize his chances of success.

9. Flexible. Many older vampires become rigid, sticking to outmoded customs and thought patterns. Eric is not among them. From his adoption of modern technology like texting and cell phones to his ability to change plans when better options become available, Eric doesn’t let “what has always been done” dictate what he is going to do.

8. Sense of humor. Vampires aren’t known for having a sense of humor, but Eric most certainly does. Whether it’s talking to teacup humans or greeting gay storm troopers my Maker has what it takes to make everyone smile.

7. Strong. OK so ripping the hearts out of humans isn’t exactly a show of uncommon strength among vampires. It’s still impressive as is staking another vampire with an oriental scroll.

6. Political. He’s survived for a thousand years. He may not be King, but he’s political enough to have survived Bill’s ascending the throne. Let’s hope he has enough political savvy to survive the arrival of the Authority in Area 5.

5. Cold. I’m not talking temperature here. Eric has emotions, though there are many who doubt that fact because he doesn’t let them control him or interfere with what must be done.

4. Practical. Eric doesn’t waste time on angst and regret. He does what he has to do to get the results he wants whether that’s buying Sookie’s house or killing Talbot.

3. Deadly. He’s a vampire. Bodies are going to pile up and he’s just fine with cutting a swath through the Authority’s troops or destroying a human coven.

2. Fangtasia. Ok, so this isn’t a personality trait. It’s a cult of personality and it was all his idea. Not only does it turn a tidy profit for him, it brings in a regular flow of fresh drinks.

1. Eric. The whole package. My Maker is beautiful, powerful, intelligent and well, Eric. What more could anyone possibly want?

As you can see, Eric is the perfect vampire. And on this Maker’s Night I am pleased and privileged to say I wouldn’t have any other Maker or my Maker any other way!

Day 3 #Fangathon2012 (via @QueenFaeMab)

Day 3 #Fangathon2012 This clip is one of my favorites from season 1. The interactions of the Merlotte’s staff was humorous and well written. I especially love Lafayette’s style and flair. Chica chica browow!

via Day 3 #Fangathon2012

Day 3: Fairy Lee (via @mswriteok)

My mother is now in the Summerland with her other kin. She was born in the Missouri Ozarks where her mother named her as a hint to her heritage. Her name was Fairy Lee.
Her father was around while she was young, but left one day never to return, leaving her mother pregnant with her youngest brother. She, a child in the middle, wondered what just happened.
She grew up in a tiny town, watching her littler brothers and sisters while her mother worked. They loved their sister Fairy, with her ladylike touch and ability to make everything a little nicer.

Everyone who knew her said there was always something special about little Fairy Lee. Whether it was her startlingly dark hair, pale skin and big brown eyes, her brilliant mind or her wistful smile, no one could ever say exactly what it was that made her so special.
She never spoke about it, but she knew she was different. She knew things before others, she was able to sense a situation before it happened, giving her the ability to comfort those who needed it most, congratulate the people who finished second in the contest while the winner gloated.
She was so shy, her brothers started calling her Flower after the lovely little skunk in “Bambi.” They called her that the rest of her life.
She had big plans for her life. She knew she was meant for more than her little town could offer. She was Harvest Queen her senior year of high school, and she was named valedictorian of her graduating class and received a college scholarship.
Providentially, a well-to-do aunt and uncle offered to let her live with them and go to college. They paid her fees to join a sorority, smiling secretly as they did so. They knew her true heritage, as did the elder women of the sorority. Her first day there, she was gently taken aside and told that from now on, she would be referred to as Lee, that her first name gave too much away about her true heritage.
She was stunned.
“Yes, they call us the special sorority for a reason. Each girl here as a special gift, left by her father. Did you father look like any of these men?”
As they opened the big black book, she saw several men she had seen often in her tiny town, and one that made her gasp.
“That’s my father,” she said.
“We know,” the women said.
As she got her degree, she honed her skills as best she could with the teaching provided in the sorority house. When her sister was old enough, she came to the college too, but while she was lacking Fairy Lee’s skills, she could sing like a nightingale.
Fittingly, Fairy Lee got a degree in history. After her graduation, her father came to see her and offered her a place to spend the summer —  his home in a tiny Arkansas Ozark town.
She loved it there. One moon-drenched night, she met her man. She knew immediately he was hers forever and nothing anyone could say or do could change her unshakable faith that they would marry.
They said their “I dos” in a tiny ceremony, hurried because the new life within her wouldn’t wait, and started their life together.
They moved to a bigger city where no one could know her past or her gifts. Their sons were handsome, but it was her only daughter who got the gifts from both sides of the family.
Fairy stayed home with her children until they were well established in school. They couldn’t quite say why their mother was different from all the their friends’ mothers, but knew she was.
We thought maybe she was the Tooth Fairy, I mean the name was there, but all we got was a little smile and a “don’t be silly.”
That is not a denial.
My cousins loved my mother. They called her “Aunt Fairy” and everyone I knew who knew her always spoke of what a lady she was, show she could always make them feel better than anyone else.
As we got older, my mother began teaching elementary school. She choose to work in the poorest areas, places where children needed a her gifts — and maybe a little magic — simply to get by.
Oddly, she never went back to her hometown, not for weddings, funerals or class reunions. She would simply stay away.  She chose her friends carefully, dressed beautifully and knew her sons and daughter would always love and care for her. She lived long enough to see grandchildren and a few great-grandchildren, but one day she could hear her distant kin calling her to come home.
She left, taking a little sparkle with her when she left.
I know she’s with family members now, spending sun soaked days in their small town in the Summerland.

I miss her every day.

via Day 3: Fairy Lee

Favorite Couple (via @xXItsCoZmicXx)


TrueBlood Challenge

:::Day 03-Fave Couple:::

Sookie Stackhouse + Bill Compton…..FOREVER!!!!

Day Three – 30 Day 2012 Fang-A-Thon (@DemonXDiantha)

Day Three: Favorite Couple from Season Four

The only thing stopping me from jumping in bed with them, is the fact that they’d probably throw me back out. So I’ll just stare creepily from the shadows. Or I would have. If Pokemon magic hadn’t been super effective against Jesus. My cries. My tears. No wonder Lafayette seems so pissed in the new promos. I’d be mad as hell, hookah.

via Day Three – 30 Day 2012 Fang-A-Thon.

True Blood Season 5 Promo Video Trailer (via @vs4as)

A new promo video for True Blood’s season 5 aired tonight 5/13/12. The video and screencaps are below: (I’ll be adding more images as I can grab them) Waiting sucks but the new season is almost here!

View more via True Blood Season 5 Promo Video Trailer

Favorite Character (via @missxflawless)

favorite character
Eric Northman

30 night fang-a-thon

[True Blood] Fang-a-thon: Day 3 (via @ShadeBlossom)

I’ve been roleplaying online since the mid to late nineties. The very first place I did any roleplaying was the old World Of Darkness chat rooms. They had designated places for all the WoD games: Changeling, Werewolf, Vampire, etc. I played in the Changeling forum. One of my favorite memories is of the night one of the other player’s character decided to cheer mine up with his impression of a vampire. It involved a lengthy discussion of ugly velvet decor, a lot of swooning, and the lines, “Look at me! I’m gorgeous, I’ll live for ever, and I dress like an eighteenth century homosexual. Oh woe is me.”

I mention this because every time I see Bill Compton, that’s all I can think of. This is a vampire who wears his eternity like a burden. While other vampires are reveling in their undead lives, Bill is often bemoaning his human life lost. I get so tired of the character type that has to mourn the past all the time. He was turned during the civil war. Time to let it go, Bill.

Also, on a purely aesthetic note, I don’t get the physical attraction and his Southern accent makes this former southern girl cringe and recoil.

I felt so vindicated when it was revealed that he’d come to Sookie initially because he was ordered to. That he lied and manipulated her. I knew there was something off about him.

Of course, tomorrow’s Fang-a-Thon entry will illustrate why my judgement in men shouldn’t be trusted anyway…

via [True Blood] Fang-a-thon: Day 3

Fang-A-Thon Day 3: Maker’s Day Drabble (via VampKingBill)

This 100 word drabble turned out a little softer than I’d originally planned, but I still like it. Hope you do too.

“Happy Maker’s Day, Bill.” Jessica said as she set down a neatly wrapped box on his desk.

“Why thank you, Jessica,” he said, genuinely touched. He hadn’t expected anything. Mother’s Day wasn’t usually celebrated by vampires.

He opened the box and pulled out an odd lump of plaster. He started laughing when he finally figured out what it was.

“An impression of your fangs?” he asked amused.

“Kids usually give handprints. I never got to. Momma thought it frivolous and…” she turned away, her face flush with embarrassment.

He smiled softly as he set it on his desk. “It’s perfect.”

via Fang-A-Thon Day 3: Maker’s Day Drabble


Season 3 – Sookie/Bill

I actually thought them quite sweet together in Season 1 and 2, even though Bill creeped me out at times (think graveyard sex) and Eric managed to get his blood into Sookie (ohh what a crafty but beautiful little devil he is!)

What frustrated me the most was the fact that Bill called Sookie and told her to stay away, he told her it was over and the comment about fucking Lorena was just cruel. Okay so he may have been saying it in a hope she’d bugger off and not get herself involved in everything but surely after two seasons and a god damn marriage proposal he’d know she’d come for him!

And that’s where my problem is. She went to rescue him. 

If I were her and he’d said those things to me, told me he’d fucked someone else and had ended it over the phone after proposing marriage the last time I saw him I’d have told him to shove it up his undead ass and I’d have left him there to rot. I’d have gone skipping all the way to Shreveport and let the Viking have me (you can tell I’m a Sookie/Eric shipper, can’t you?) 

I know that he was her first love and she gave him her virginity blah blah (insert ‘vampire emergency blah’ here!) but that doesn’t negate from the fact that he was being a total ass.

I understand that Sookie toughened up later on in the Season, especially at the end when she rather spectacularly put Bill in his place – I refuse to acknowledge the fact she shunned Eric too – and I was proud of her for that. But it had to take her risking her life, staking a vampire and then practically dying from blood loss in the back of a rusty old truck for her to realise that ‘hey, maybe this asshole isn’t worth the effort!’ Cue sobbing in the hospital bed. 

The moment he said ‘you are no longer of concern to me’ I’d have hung up on him and returned home, thrown everything of his out of my house and rescinded his invitation, and if he had’ve returned I’d have used the same line back at him. 

I know that at the end of the phonecall scene you see Bill looking all forlorn and upset but what was to stop him from sending her a text saying ‘don’t take what I’m about to say to you to heart!’ at least then he may have been able to redeem himself a little. Just a thought.

I get grumpy when Sookie weeps like a baby (she seems to do that several times each season…anyone else noticed?) and this time was no exception. GROW A BACKBONE WOMAN. You’re part fairy, you have your own house, you have a secure job, you have a nice little nest-egg of money from Dallas and you happen to have a shifter, a werewolf and two vampires who are fighting for your affection. I honestly cannot see what there is to weep about. Get rid of Bill and sleep with the other three options then take your pick!

I’m not trying to be cold and nasty but it seriously frustrates me when women weep over weak and pathetic men which is exactly the characteristics of Bill. He’s all talk and no trousers. He tells her what he wants her to hear in order to keep her sweet and avoid conflict where as Eric will tell her things even if she doesnt want to hear it knowing she will kick off about it and he seems to relish seeing her get all worked up. He’s honest with her and you gotta respect that.

Bill cheated on her, he’s lied to her countless times (okay she doesn’t know the extent of that yet, but still), he’s not told her important things right away i.e. Jessica, and he has some serious issues. He should be all happy and pleased that he’s now immortal and can do whatever he likes, travel the world experiencing everything and enjoying his time on the planet without worrying and instead he’s all broody and depressed. 

In short, Bill was right when he said they were ‘doomed from the start’ – he’s the darkest dark you’ll ever find and Sookie is a lovely little radiant light. He’s not healthy for her because of his attitude and how highly he thinks of himself i.e. ‘You like the feel of it, don’t you, Bill? That crown’, and the way he is with others i.e. ‘Now will you deal with this yourself or is it still beneath you?’ His cockiness would end up getting her killed, and he’d end up over-protective of her to the point where he’d probably wrap her in cotton wool and keep her in his coffin and she would only to be taken out for special occasions.

She shoulda just cut her losses and ran. Preferably straight into the arms of a lovely 6’4 Viking Vampire Sheriff (did I mention that I ship Sookie/Eric? ;))


Favorite Eric and Sookie Book Moment (@EricNorthmanSVM)

True Blood 30-Night Fangathon –  Day 3

Favorite Eric and Sookie Book Moment

He began to dress for his return to Shreveport, and I pulled down the covers and snuggled into the bed properly. It was hard to keep my eyes open, though watching him move around my bedroom was a sweet sight.

He bent to kiss me, and I put my arms around his neck. For a second, I knew he was thinking of crawling back in the bed with me; I hoped it was his body language and his murmur of pleasure that cued me to his thoughts. Every now and then, I got a flash from a vampire mind, and it scared me to death. I didn’t think I’d last long if vampires realized I could read their minds, no matter how seldom that occurred.

“I want you again,” he said, sounding a little surprised. “But I have to go.”

“I’ll see you soon, I guess?” I was awake enough to feel uncertain.

“Yes,” he said. His eyes were bright and his skin glowed. The mark on his wrist was gone. I touched where it had been. He leaned over to kiss the place on my neck where he’d bitten me, and I shivered all over. “Soon.”

~Dead and Gone

via Favorite Eric and Sookie Book Moment

Happy Mother’s Day, True Blood Style. (via @TBconfid)

Special Giftees!

We’ll have more on this video in tomorrow blog, till then enjoy.

The mothers of Bon Temps are as diverse a group of women as in anytown USA. One thing they have in common, even if they don’t always show it, is that they love their kids.  Adele took in Little Jason and Sookie after their parents died, who wouldn’t  want a caregiver as loving as Gran? 

Tara sure wished she did, poor kid got stuck with the crazy drunk Lettie instead. 

Lettie has since married her preacher and Tara doesn’t have to do anymore backwoods voodoo rituals to save her, we hope.

Continue reading via Happy Mother’s Day, True Blood Style.

Bon Temps Needs Moms (via @JBDuRoneTB)

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone! As I consider the Bon Temps landscape in the greater Sookieverse, I’m struck by the abscence of moms among our characters.  I made my rounds first thing this morning of moms to make contact with; friends, family, neighbors – the process took just shy of an hour.  How long does this take in Bon Temps; maybe 10 minutes?  Obviously just a few phone calls.

I’m going to run down the moms that come to the top of my head (strickly from TB);

  • Gran – consummate matriach, community leader and outstanding role model for Sookie.  Status – killed off in first season (yet made a “Hell Yeah!” comeback to sort out the S4 Big Bad)
  • Lettie Mae – Bat arsed crazy, radical moods swings and random critical thinking.  You can bet Tara isn’t buying her a Mother’s Day card or taking her out to lunch.  Status – bat arsed crazy, radical mood swings and random critical thinking
  • Arlene – prolific producer of gingerheads.  Her parenting skills reminds me of a mother sea turtle informing her kids genetically to “run like hell for the surf before the seagulls get you.  Good luck, kid.” Someone tie this woman’s tubes!  Status – still popping them out
  • Melinda (Ma) Mickens – Gold digger, welfare leech and prime example of codependency issues.  Has yet to discover using bleach in the white laundry. Tommy probably felt a strong connection with Joe Dirt, yet loves his mom unconditionally.  Well, except for the ONE condition… Status – condemned to enterity, trapped in the lyrics of the song “Polk Salad Annie”
  • Caroline Bellefluer – Matriarch of the Bellefluer kids (and maker of one kick ass chocolate cake).  The jury’s still out on this one.  I like her so far, and have a soft place for Terry and Andy.  Portia on the other hand…   Back to Caroline; she needs to “launch” Andy and Portia, using her time to spread the love around Bon Temps through chocolate cakes.  Status – wearing an apron that covers too many peeps; return it for a smaller size.
  • Maxine Fortenberry (forgot about her) – wow. Just… wow! Domineering, critical, pea sized brain running a softball sized mouth.  Who didn’t foresee Hoyt kicking her to the curb? Status – empty nester; missing one dress, one pair of shoes and has utility equipment littering her yard.

That’s about it as far a moms go.  There’s obviously more (yet minor) characters that could be covered; Jessica’s mom, Bill Compton’s wife, etc.  If there’s a more major character I’ve over looked, please let me know.

Edit – I forgot where I was going with this. ; )

I think what Bon Temps needs is a few good moms.  Who doesn’t think Gran could have sorted Maryanne out in a fraction of the time it took the entire citizenry of Bon Temps?  And Gran certainly would never have left the house in such a state of disrepair as Sookie did. Bon Temps is certainly a colder place without some good moms steering the ship

Happy Mother’s Day to all you Trubies out there!

via Bon Temps Needs Moms.

Day 3 earlllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy…………….lol (via @FangbangerEst89)

Who is the Fairy that came and ran into and yes had sex with Andy at the end of season 4? I am wanting the answer to this really really badly. I am thinking maybe she was going to find about sookie’s fairy godmother *i love when eric just looks up at sookie and says sorry after eating her up lmao* or to take sookie back to the fairy world. i wish we could have some promo or knowledge of that and why??? Hence forth waititng does suck

p.s if anyone does know or something pleeeassee blog it!thank you

Yes this is about true blood………..But for all the Trubies who are mothers Happy Mothers Day the best part is from reading sookie stackhouse’s blogs tomorrow will be another promo!

I will be spending the day re-watching Season 4 for my trubie fangtastic mother day

via Day 3 earlllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy…………….lol.