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Night 10

Top Ten Reasons I Love The Men Of Bon Temps (via @CindyLouLouBear)

The Men of Bon Temps & Shreveport are Varied, but all Handsome in their own way. Here are some of the reasons why I’d like to live in that fictional world.

10. LaFayette. Do the words “Aids Burger” mean anything to Y’all? That & take your pick from any of his numerous one liners. You’ve got yourself a friend for life there, Hookah..

9. Sam. At first, I didn’t know if I liked Sam “that” way or not. But ever since I saw him with Daphne in Season Two, I can see the sweetness in him. He’s a complicated guy though. But then again… Who isn’t complicated in Bon Temps?

8. Hoyt. Hoyt just has this innocence & sweetness that I adore. He’s gotten out from under his Momma’s Annoying Thumb & is his own man now. Hoyt’s grown so much since the start, I just love seeing where he’s going next.

7. The Magister. Yes, I said The Magister. Never before his appearance had we seen behind the veil of Vampire Politics. We met the Authority, & It WAS the Magister. I got the yips just watching him rule.

6. Jesus. I will miss the sweet nurse with a soft spot for short order cooks. He was just such a breath of fresh air in LaLa’s life after all the shit that had come before. LaLa deserved to be happy with Jesus & would’ve been if it weren’t for fucking Marnie.

5. Liam. Ok, NOT the nicest guy or Nicest Vampire we’ve ever seen. He WAS the first & creepiest though. Seeing him with Maudette Pickens was the WEIRDEST thing in Vampire sex we’d see until Bill & Lorena.

4. Jason. Not too bright in the smarts department, Jason has been through the Ringer these past years. He’s really grown up though, & hopefully he can make things work with Jessica. Here’s to Bon Temps Finest! *salute*

3. Bill. I was smitten with Bill from the moment he walked into Merlotte’s. When he slid his hand in Sookie’s, I melted. I knew from the books what was coming from him, but I didn’t care. The scene where he tells Sookie she’s safe with him….Mmm.. Southern Gentlemen.

2. Eric. Ever since he laid spread out in Bill’s bathtub, I’ve adored the viking. He doesn’t suffer fools & he knows what he wants. Is he cutthroat? Hell Yes! But being 1000 years old, you kind of have to be. Amnesia Eric was the sweetest Man, you just want to lay your head against him & sleep.

1. Alcide. Good Lord, I love that man. He was in Bon Temps to do a job, and he did it. He didn’t know he’d fall in love in the meantime. Alcide’s had some bad luck with women along the way, but hopefully, that will change soon. You just want to hug him & have him sweep you up in his arms. He’s noble, he’s a man’s man, but can treat a lady like a queen. And the fact that he growls is just a bonus.

via Top Ten Reasons I Love The Men Of Bon Temps

Supernatural Superiority Race: Vampires (via @DarlingSookie)

Step right up folks! Get your seats while they last!

What exactly are you sitting down for?

Ringside seats the to the Supernatural Superiority Race, that’s what!

Honestly, I’m surprised at how low supes think humans to be, when in all fairness, they are no better than us normal folks. Though I suppose I can’t truly say I’m normal.

You would think that after years of hiding in the shadows of the human world, supes would have learned a thing or two. But truthfully, they are just so darn arrogant that they can’t see past their own fangs/microwave fingers/furry rear ends.

So here’s how all the opponents stack-up against one another.


Supernaturally fast and strong, vampires are considered to be the top of the food chain by some (mainly themselves and fangbangers, but who am I to judge?).

via Supernatural Superiority Race: Vampires.

True Blood Season 5: Eric Northman Billboards (via @EricSookieLover)

For today’s fangalicious Fang-A-Thon 2012 post, I wanted to share with you some True Blood Season 5billboards featuring Eric Northman!

These are starting to pop up all over the place! We thought you might like to see them!

This billboard (below) is located at Times Square in NYC!

Image Source

Here’s a billboard where you can sit on Eric’s face! Well…maybe after a little bit of awkward maneuvering…and you would need to be very flexible!

This was taken at a bus stop in Los Angeles!

I think I might have to start taking the bus…because gas is SO expensive nowadays. ;)   But how would I sit on there comfortably…? Hmmm… Sorry, those nasty skarsgasms are starting again, I’m beginning to go off topic!

What do you think? Share your thoughts below!

PS. If any of you see any billboard signs in the area where you live, please feel free to contact us by using the link at the top of the page! Thanks!

via True Blood Season 5: Eric Northman Billboards.

Day 10: The Sheriff’s Favourite Moments from Seasons 1 through 4 (via @Eric_NorthmanTB)

1. Season One

This is the first time that I met the blonde telepath from Bon Temps. It seems Bill Compton was trying to keep him all to himself. I admired Sookie for not bowing down to me like all other females do. She stood her ground even though it was obvious that Compton did not teach her how a human should act in front of vampires. She intrigued me.

2. Season Two

Sookie Stackhouse. My little bullet sucker. I will never forget this moment. It was the moment that I was able to get my blood into Sookie. What made it even more pleasurable for me was that she was willing. *Fangy smirk*

3.  Season Three

Sookie’s and my first kiss. It was better than I had ever expected to be. She tried to pull back but I did not let her. She needed to come to terms with the fact that she had feelings for me. That and there was no way I was letting her go. I wasn’t finished with her yet and I would have encouraged more had we not had been interrupted by Pam.

4. Season Four

This requires no explanation as to why it is my favourite moment of Season Four.

via Day 10: The Sheriff’s Favourite Moments from Seasons 1 through 4.

I wonder… (via @LuvBONESnTBlood)

I’ve been re-reading the books in order and I’m up to poor Eric without his memory and I just thought of something that had not popped in my mind before. I know Eric with his memory was like a dog with a bone when it came to sex and women but didn’t Sookie feel like she might have been taking advantage of Eric just a little bit since the real Eric was MIA when they were intimate.I mean the real Eric was begging to screw her whenever he could he wanted her so. bad. So now their first time isn’t even the Eric that has been wanting and longing for so long. I don’t know I know she could only keep her willpower for so long since anyone with half a brain would bed Eric memory or not but come on. I feel bad for him just a little Hot!!

Eric Northman: It’s strange to miss someone you don’t remember.

via I wonder….

#5HairMistakesVampiresMake (via @TB_PamR)

Pam's Poodle HairGodric's Bloody....Russell's Widow's Peak

Eric's Bloody FoilsLorena's Backwards 'do'nt

Vampires are unchanging. You would think that would mean we have no such thing as a bad hair day. -sighs- Unfortunately, that isn’t true, not even for me. Here are my picks for the worst #5BadHairNights from the first four seasons of True Blood.

5. Pam’s Poodle Hair – I am not a poodle or a zombie! -growls-

4. Godric’s Bloody… – I can’t decide if these are really sort braids/twists or if he just didn’t wash his hair for the first 1,000 years of his existence. Either way…ICK!

3. Russell’s Widow’s Peak – You’re 3,000 years old and you want to look like an air-brushed Eddie Munster???

2. Eric’s Bloody Foils – You just had to get blood in your hair, didn’t you Eric?

1. Lorena’s Backwards ‘Do – No hairstyle looks good when you’re head is on backwards. -smirks-

And yes, I was up all day worrying about this -smirks-

via #5HairMistakesVampiresMake

True Blood Don’t Cry Promo Video (via @vs4as)

HBO promo trailer for True Blood “Don’t Cry”. It features almost all of the True Blood character crying. Footage looks like it is from past episodes.


via True Blood Don’t Cry Promo Video

Fang-A-Thon Day 10: The Humans Behind the Vampires (via @VampKingBill)

If it’s one area where I think True Blood is truly different than a lot of the show are the obvious bonds of friendship between the actors. Oh sure, there are always some level of friendship between casts, but just like in the regular working world that most people inhabit, a set is still a working relationship and just because they work together doesn’t mean they create ties that go beyond the set.

This is clearly not the case for much of the cast of True Blood, especially when it comes to Alex and Stephen.

I think this picture about sums it up well:



The piggy back ride, the look of pure amusement on Stpehen’s face. Who knows what led to that point, but the fact still remains Alex is giving Stephen a piggy back ride. Not exactly something that grown men are wont to do, especially since so many would fear the implications. These guys? Couldn’t care less.

This easy going friendship translates onto the screen as well. Eric and Bill’s banter works so well because of that chemistry that exists. It’s actually the most noticeable in scenes between Eric, Sookie and Bill. Last season I couldn’t help but feel there was an awakardness between Sookie and Eric, especially during the sex scenes. You can’t blame them for it. It’s got to be odd knowing that her husband and your friend is wandering around the set somewhere (if not in the same room even). It’s a difficult task for anyone. But then if you throw Stephen into the mix everything changes. She relaxes. Alex relaxes. It all just <i>works</i> and works so much better.

I’ve said before that I really want Stephen and Anna to last because they’re so clearly meant to be together. I also really want Alex and Stephen’s friendship to last because it’s clear that they’ve got something special and fun and we should all be so lucky.

via Fang-A-Thon Day 10: The Humans Behind the Vampires.


Why it’s my favourite:
– No mention of True Blood…if you ain’t a Trubie you don’t have a clue what it’s about! Keeps the show ‘secret’ as such and give an air of mystery to those who aren’t Trubies.
– ’It’s back,’ No two words have ever filled fans with so much anticipation!
– Amount of detail in the promo is incredible (eyelashes, eyebrow, colour in the eyes, texture of the skin)
– Eye colour….doesn’t it remind you of Eric’s eyes a little? It does me.
– Blood tear, more blood and tears will be spilt this season?

The Way Eric Towers Over Sookie (via @EricNorthmanSVM)

Every now and then they must put Anna on a steppy stool or something so they fit better in the frame but Anna has said she’s 5’4” plus a little change and Alex is 6’4 making for a disparity between the two of a whole foot. I love how they look together when their difference in height is shown. I’ll talk about the size of his massive hands in relation to her tiny body in another installment 😉

via The Way Eric Towers Over Sookie

…And Sunday Always Comes Too Late (via @TBconfid)

More from Carolyn Hennesy on her True Blood season from TVFanatic
Joan Crawford and Betty Davis, move over. Make room for Rosalyn Harris.
This Vampire Authority member will make her first appearance on True Blood Season 5, and Carolyn Hennesy recently described the character to me as a “great dame,” one in the mold of the aforementioned legend.
“She’s just a grand old broad,” the actress said. “She’s someone who thinks pearls go with everything and hair can never be too high. She has a tremendous sense of humor.” That’s not how I would have pictured an Authority member, but Hennesey said fans of this HBO series are in for a few surprises when they meet who she describes as “the Pope and the Cardinals” of the vampire world. (Chrisopher Meloni, as Roman, would be the Pope in this analogy.)
“There are two principle factions within the Authority,” Hennesy explained. “There are those who believe in mainstreaming, who wish to assimilate the humans and those who… do not. They simply view humans a never-ending buffet.”
And on which side does Hennesy’s Rosalyn fall?
“Rosalyn is of the mindset that humans developed Tru Blood, they landed a man on the moon, they discovered Penicillin. What other miracles can they pull off? What else can they do for us?”
So it sounds like Rosalyn will be on the side of Eric and Bill when they inevitably clash with the Authority. Right? It won’t be that simple, the actress teases.
“We are very skeptical when we meet them,” she said. “Relationships become very convoluted and confused. There will be tremendous shenanigans within the Authority and Bill and Eric will become part of that. Whose side are they on? That will be revealed as time goes on.”
Hennesy, who also promises “huge battles” to come on season five, admitted that she never saw True Blood before landing this part.
But she then say in her office for 10 days and gave “the best Christmas present to myself that I ever had” by watching all four seasons in a row.
“I became addicted,” she said. “This show is the modern opium. You get everything: blood, fore, violence and sex. On a much deeper level, even, you get subtle, layered performances with brilliant writing. And it’s just beautiful to look at. It’s a skinny dip into a multi-colored pool.”


What do you mean you don’t go to Brooklyn?? Bill now knows what it’s like to take cabs in the city if you are dark. From pootie27′s instagram,to all you lovely people who posted pics all over the net a big thank you. I see some sites putting their watermark on your pics and I just think WTF?
More screencaps of Kristin Bauer from OUAT’s finale Here

Another wonderful gift idea from Etsy below- 

I liked beefy S1 Eric, bad wig and all, let’s look back to the beginning-

via …And Sunday Always Comes Too Late

More from Carolyn Hennesy on her True Blood season from TVFanatic
Joan Crawford and Betty Davis, move over. Make room for Rosalyn Harris.
This Vampire Authority member will make her first appearance on True Blood Season 5, and Carolyn Hennesy recently described the character to me as a “great dame,” one in the mold of the aforementioned legend.
“She’s just a grand old broad,” the actress said. “She’s someone who thinks pearls go with everything and hair can never be too high. She has a tremendous sense of humor.” That’s not how I would have pictured an Authority member, but Hennesey said fans of this HBO series are in for a few surprises when they meet who she describes as “the Pope and the Cardinals” of the vampire world. (Chrisopher Meloni, as Roman, would be the Pope in this analogy.)
“There are two principle factions within the Authority,” Hennesy explained. “There are those who believe in mainstreaming, who wish to assimilate the humans and those who… do not. They simply view humans a never-ending buffet.”
And on which side does Hennesy’s Rosalyn fall?
“Rosalyn is of the mindset that humans developed Tru Blood, they landed a man on the moon, they discovered Penicillin. What other miracles can they pull off? What else can they do for us?”
So it sounds like Rosalyn will be on the side of Eric and Bill when they inevitably clash with the Authority. Right? It won’t be that simple, the actress teases.
“We are very skeptical when we meet them,” she said. “Relationships become very convoluted and confused. There will be tremendous shenanigans within the Authority and Bill and Eric will become part of that. Whose side are they on? That will be revealed as time goes on.”
Hennesy, who also promises “huge battles” to come on season five, admitted that she never saw True Blood before landing this part.
But she then say in her office for 10 days and gave “the best Christmas present to myself that I ever had” by watching all four seasons in a row.
“I became addicted,” she said. “This show is the modern opium. You get everything: blood, fore, violence and sex. On a much deeper level, even, you get subtle, layered performances with brilliant writing. And it’s just beautiful to look at. It’s a skinny dip into a multi-colored pool.”


What do you mean you don’t go to Brooklyn?? Bill now knows what it’s like to take cabs in the city if you are dark. From pootie27′s instagram,to all you lovely people who posted pics all over the net a big thank you. I see some sites putting their watermark on your pics and I just think WTF?
More screencaps of Kristin Bauer from OUAT’s finale Here

Another wonderful gift idea from Etsy below- 

I liked beefy S1 Eric, bad wig and all, let’s look back to the beginning-

Were, oh Were did the real Weres go? (via @JBDuRoneTB)

When I first heard that the character of Alcide had been cast I thought, “Oh wow! Another kick ass Supe being added to the True Blood stable!”

After all, our Vamps are really awesome (some even with super powers like flying), the maenad from S2 was pretty sinister, what with her back-road-clawed-creature alter ego and all. So, I thought TB was going to raise the bar on Werewolf depiction and set the new standard for others to be forced to deal with.

Didn’t happen that way, huh?

Alcide, as it turns out, is far more intimidating and enigmatic in his human form than Were. As a human, he’s physically emposing and compelling. In his wolf form, he’s well… snarling, yet weak and ineffective. And his Were companions, besides having Hot Shotonian qualities, are markedly lame. C’mon, a weak and mostly drained Bill defeated a car full of Weres. Yes, Beeehl!

I think the pound neutered all the Weres before they were adopted into their Forever Home.

Here’s the big thing I don’t get – AB has taken a lot of creative license in adapting SVM into TB. And yes, I’m fully aware that the appearance of the Weres on TB is canon. But since S1, when has being canon been a concern of AB’s?

For God’s sake, even the Twilight and Ginger Snaps franchises have fearsome Weres. Isn’t it sad to think that TB falls behind those films and The Vampire Diaries when it comes to badass Weres. And that, my friends, is a bitter pill for me to swallow.

But, maybe I have it wrong. Maybe Alan Ball wanted badass Weres on TB, but was vetoed by HBO. I’m picturing an Austin Powers/Dr. Evil-esque scene when AB is reviewing the story boards for the Season Three:

Setting-the control room of Alan Ball’s mountaintop lair overlooking Hollywood.

Alan Ball (Dr. Evil voice): And do we have menacing Werewolves?

Number Too (HBO Executive): No Alan, we have regular wolves.

Alan Ball: Throw me a bone, people! All I wanted was 10 foot tall, half man, half wolf Werewolves!

Number Too: I’m sorry Alan, but wolves are still on the Endangered Species List. Our contacts at PETA feel that depicting them as half creatures would dilute the public perception of the wolve’s plight.

Alan Ball: So…. wolves. Are they… ill tempered?

Number Too (brightening): Why yes, Alan! They are very ill-tempered! And prone to tantrums and wetting themselves.

Alan Ball: Riiiiiiiiiight.

via Were, oh Were did the real Weres go?.

TEN IS HERE!!!! lmao night TEN we’re here! (via @FangbangerEst89)

most trubies will not like this so please do not go further

i am on here to have fun with every other trubie on the planet! thank you :)

Which character I would like to meet and why?


Yes the person I want to meet is yes Bill Compton. Why? Why? you ask especially all the bill dislikes lol.

Yes when the show did start I had a huge crush on bill he is so good looking and i thought, just as sookie thought, that he was as sweet as pie. I want to meet him yes because to me he is still good looking and hot, but also to ask him questions.

  • Why did he hurt sookie?
  • What did he get out of being King?
  • Why was he really in cohorts with the stupid Queen?
  • What is so special about sookie’s cousin hadley?

Just more than anything questions questions questions and yes i would love to sit down with him and have dinner and loved to be snatched in his arms and held lol. that would make my day too.


thank you and sorry bill haters i still like bill.

but yes Eric Northman is Supreme Vampire and Supreme Sexiness!

via TEN IS HERE!!!! lmao night TEN we’re here!.

G is for… (via @TrueBloodMame)

Godric – Eric’s maker

– Är du döden?

– Det är jag.

– Men du är ju bara en liten gosse.

– Det är jag inte.

– Mina män…

– Döda.

– Ditt svin.

– Jag såg dig på slagfaltet igår natt. Jag har aldrig sett någon strida så som du.

– Jag skulle strida mot dig nu om jag kunde.

– Ja, jag vet. Det är vacker.

– Vad väntar du på? Dräp mig.

– Skulle du kunna vara dödens följeslagare? Vandra vid min sida genom världen, genom mörkret? Jag ska lära dig allt jag kan. Jag blir din fader, broder, din son.

– Och vad får jag ut av det?

– Det du älskar högst: Liv.

– Liv.

via G is for…

Manipulation or Taking Advantage? (via @TrueBloodMame)

Both Bill and Eric try to make Sookie drink their blood, twice. The second time they got lucky. Both used the opportunity that presented itself.

What is the difference of creating an opportunity and taking the one that presented itself ?

How much did Bill help in orchestrating the events that lead to Sookie drinking his blood?

via Manipulation or Taking Advantage?

I do not like… (via @mswriteok)

I have tried since Season One to like Detective Andy Bellefleur.
I can’t really say why I don’t like the character but I do not, neither in the books nor on the series.
I’m sure actor Chris Bauer is a great guy, so he must do a fabulous job playing the biggest hick on the show.
Maybe it’s because he is a bigot on so many levels, or maybe because he’s a hypocrite. Here is a man who has loved hassling Jason Stackhouse for years, but got himself hooked on V.
If his cousin Terry Bellefleur had not stepped in, Andy would still be on V.
Maybe he simply is jealous of Jason and his success as an athlete, a lover and his ability to make friends with little or no effort.
The only time Andy has been sympathetic was when he stepped up to help Sam with MaryAnne. He let Sam live with him in his hotel, but while Sam worked to find out how to defeat the demigod, Andy drank. And drank. And drank.
Does Andy have any real friends? His grandmother Caroline bullies him, retired sheriff Bud Dearborne barely tolerated him, taking his badge and gun away wheAndy saw Dawn as a pig and tried to report it.
I am stumped why a fairy could choose him, out of all the available men in Bon Temps, to have her wicked way with in the woods. The only interesting thing about that is if she’ll have a baby that has fairy-like powers and what affect that will have on Sookie.
Can Andy be redeemed?
It looks like an overhaul may be underway for Season Five.
He finally is dating Halleigh Robinson, a waitress at Merlotte’s. In the book, they are married and a daughter on the way. On the show, will his night with the fairy jeopardize all this, or will he simply not mention it to his girlfriend and go on business as usual?
Even though Bill is his several times great-grandfather, it’s never clear what he thinks about this. We know Portia had to be glamored to stay away from Bill, and Caroline Bellefleur reveres him as the relative he is.
So there it is. The one regular actor on True Blood I could live without.

via I do not like…

Favourite Death…. (via @SassyJessOB)

Day 10…. Only 20 more days till season 5 hits the screens again but for me a lot longer!

True blood… My favourite death which is also included into the southern vampire mysteries would be the moment Sookie stakes Lorena. It’s a classic moment in book 3 and on the third series of true blood and I’ve enjoyed watching it many times.


via Day 10 #fangathon2012 – favourite death…..