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Night 27

True Blood Season 5 Episode 1 Preview “Turn! Turn! Turn!” (via @vs4as)


HBO posted the preview for True Blood’s premiere episode titled Turn, Turn, Turn. The fifth season will premiere on Sunday June 10, 2012. This is an action packed episode and I can’t wait to see it again! working on screencaps!

Interesting action in the preview!

Going Away (via @TrueBloodMame)

Going away<br /><br />
Your mind is made up,<br /><br />
nothing will keep you away<br /><br />
from meeting the sun

Going away

Your mind is made up,

nothing will keep you away

from meeting the sun

via Going Away

X is for… (via @TrueBloodMame)

XTC – what Eric and Sookie feel when they make love

– Mmm. It’s snowing. Why is there a bed?

– Can we make love in it?

– Like maybe never stop.

– Why would we ever want to?

via X is for…

A Whole New Dimension (via @mswriteok)

Most of the characters in True Blood can become a bad-ass if the situation is right. Every single character will fight viciously when threatened, but there exists one group who can kick anyone else into the middle of next week. The Britlingen Collective. In the books, Sookie met them during the the Vampire Summit in Rhodes when she sees two strangely-dressed women. They are wearing black clothing resembling body armor and their demeanor is all business. Sookie discovers that not only are these woman not human, they’re not from any place around here. People  who use the collective need bodyguards whose sole aim is to do whatever it is their boss of the moment needs, no questions asked. The Britlingens clients pay handsomely because the soldiers don’t stop until the job is completed. Their sole rule? “What is the law?’ “The client’s word.” They must be summoned by a witch from their dimension and when they arrive, it’s up to the witch to negotiate their contract with their guild and then send them home when their contract is up. They do not leave until it is completed to the letter. Needless to say, they are extremely well paid. I’d love to meet one of these women. In my mind they’re dressed a good deal like Kate Beckinsale in the “Underworld” movies.

They are lethal weapons whose mercenary ways make them impossible to corrupt. Personally, I think Bill and Eric would each pay half and hire one to protect Sookie. Think how many hospital visits Sookie would miss by having someone there who could fight any supernatual person and kill them without mercy or regret. On second thought, Sookie would hate having someone protecting her all the time. She does love to take care of herself, but maybe the idea of having one she could call on when she needed one would make her accept having one around. They would make an interesting addition to the show, and their basic existence would give the show an extra layer, to the point we could see their homeland, much like we got to take a look at Fae.

via A Whole New Dimension

True Blood’s Cast Answers E! Online’s Questions (via @EricSookieLover)

For today’s (Day 27) fangalicious Fang-A-Thon post, I’m going to share with you some MORE True Blood Season 5 spoilers! I bet you’re getting sick and tired of them by now…but during this time of year, with True Blood only 4 days away – this is “Christmas in June” when it comes to spoilers. This is just one of our little “gifts”.

E! Online shared an interesting spoiler which is very close to our Eric & Sookie lovin’ hearts…the fate of Sookie and the men in her life!

WARNING: If you don’t want to know – don’t read below!

This is what they revealed in E! Online’s Spoiler Chat!

It’s almost time, fangbangers! True Blood‘s new season finally premieres this Sunday!

But before you settle in to catch up with the folks in Bon Temps, you should know we bugged the entire cast about the burning questions on our minds since season four. Who dug up Russell Edgington? What’s the status of the Eric-Sookie-Bill love triangle? If you’re curious to hear what Anna Paquin, Alexander Skarsgård and the rest said, then sink your teeth into some True Blood scoop:

Before we get into the love triangle situation, let’s eliminate a couple of people from the Russell Edgington (Denis O’Hare) mystery.

“It definitely wasn’t Eric,” Skarsgård tells us. “Eric would never do that.” OK, one down. Only about 18 suspects to go, plus countless other new characters who might have done it. What about the werewolves?

“It wasn’t Alcide. I’ll tell you that much,” Joe Manganiello insists. OK, two down. Back to the vamps.

I can’t tell you who dug up Russell Edgington because it’s a very major plot point,” Stephen Moyer laughs. Hmmm, interesting response, Vampire Bill. We’ll let that vague answer slide…for now. Moving on to that Bill-Sookie-Eric love brouhaha, Moyer reveals how the situation is going to play out in season five.

“I think he’s got other things on his mind. There’s just not time to worry about that relationship,” he tells us. “When we left Bill and Eric last time, Sookie had just told them she was going in a different direction for a while. And then something major happens to them and they are completely caught up with dealing with that.”

Meanwhile, Manganiello says that Alcide is not exactly still smitten with the lovely Sookie. “You’re going to see him pick up where he left off last season, which was pissed, and you’re really going to see his transformation this season into the big bad wolf,” he teases. “This is the season I’ve been waiting for since I’ve been on the show.”

Okay…so it’s not Eric or Alcide who released Russell. Bill is sounding a little bit suspicious though. But I don’t think he would let him out, when Russell knew he helped Eric bury him to begin with. No, my money is either on Steve Newlin or somebody else. Someone who we don’t know about yet. One of his werewolf followers perhaps?

From the sounds of it, Sooicide might be short-lived too. Whew, what a relief! It’s not very surprising, since Sookie has that big, fat ole secret involving Debbie’s death hanging between them. I wonder how and when the big, bad wolf finds out? I’m pretty sure it won’t be from Sookie herself. It will be some time later in the season too.

We already know about the bad bromance between Eric and Bill, and how they’ll be involved with The Authority. I’m beginning to look forward to this, because you KNOW there are going to be a lot of insults thrown each other’s way, and those are always good for a few laughs…especially if Eric gets the last insult in.

What are your thoughts? Share ‘em

via True Blood’s Cast Answers E! Online’s Questions.

Those Burning Feelings (via @TrueBloodMame)


Some feelings survive being brought into the light as they can stand being put to the test. When Sookie dreams about Bill, he quickly burst into flames as her feelings for him are fabricated and false due to his blood in her veins. Eric, on the other hand, walks up to her door, knocks and stands there in broad daylight. He doesn’t burst into flames or disappear, just as he in reality always stands by Sookie. Her feelings for Eric are true and not even another dose of Bill’s blood has changed that.

via Those Burning Feelings

A Look Back at True Blood Vampires (via @TB_PamR)

If you’ve been paying attention to the True Blood teasers and trailers being released for Season 5 you may have noticed there are some new vampires coming to town. These vampires are members of the Authority, well, except for the newly Turned Steve Newlin, not sure what’s up with that. In many ways the Authority represents the connection of vampire society to our past, not as individuals, but as a society and a race.

That inspired me to do a little digging on my own and what I discovered was this video about True Blood vampires which first came to light between Seasons 2 and 3.

The basics haven’t changed…much. TruBlood still allows vampires to survive without feeding off humans, if you want to call that survival. I’m not quite sure I’m down with Russell’s gorging on humans concept expressed for Season 5 but I can and do agree that I like feeding on Lunch much more than anything that comes in a bottle. Methods for making and killing vampires are also pretty much the same. To Turn someone you drain them to the point of death then let them drink your blood. Maker and Progeny are then buried in the earth for the days and on the third night the newly turned vampire rises. Killing a vampire is much simpler. You can stake them, cut off their head, drain them  or burn them. Season 3 added shot with wooden bullets to that list.

Presuming a vampire survives their Turning and manages to avoid the short list of things that will kill them, they will increase with power over time. Put bluntly, Eric is more powerful than Bill no matter who is wearing the crown -smirks- A point that might be worth remembering in Season 5 is that Jessica will be more powerful than the aforementioned Newlin. One aspect that hasn’t really been dealt with is the fact that as vampires age new powers come into play. Makes you wonder what tricks Russell is hiding, doesn’t it?

A vampire’s ability to glamour hasn’t played a big role in True Blood since it got a workout in Season 1. That Season Bill glamoured a cop and I glamoured Ginger…for the umpteenth time. Poor girl gets it again between Season 3 and 4 after the demise of the Magister. Does anyone else wonder just how much mind she has left? And in Season 5 it looks like our newest vampire uses it on Jason….

The Maker-Childe relationship remains intense, though, as we’ve seen there are many ways to define intense. I think Season 5 will continue to prove that point for me, so I’m not going to expand on it further here.

It’s interesting that two seasons ago the power struggles between kings and queens only merited a brief mention in the video. One might be forgiven for thinking vampires were more concerned with blending in with human society and their own personal emotional baggage than anything else. That, I think is the biggest change I see in the vampires of True Blood heading into Season 5. We are political animals…in every sense of the words.

via A Look Back at True Blood Vampires

True Blood Dialect (via @QueenFaeMab)

Let me start off by saying, my PM was born and raised in southern Louisiana. She doesn’t sound anything like they do on the show except for the occasional y’all and folks, but does find many of the accents and speech funny. Let’s start of with the most obvious, Lafayette. Of course he’s black and gay, but he adds his own colorful flair. There’s the ever popular hookah, beyatch and hallelujahs. Next we have Bill or as Sookie likes to call him, Beehl. His favorites are of course Sookeh! and Jessicuh. Sookie, who tries to be polite, abbreviates curse words like “holy S”. Then we have Arlene who loves to add holy in front of words and good gravy. Andy’s favorites seems to be gaw dam and sheeit! It’s funny the one actor who’s actually from Louisiana, Sam sounds normal. No one in this town seems to remember the “g” on the end of any words, they use “ain’t”, “and” is now “an”, “you” is now “ya” and “for” is “fer”.

Let’s not forget the fabulous one-liners. Tara to Lafayette: “Giving Jason Stackhouse vampire blood is like giving Ho-Hos to a diabetic. You know he can’t control himself.” Terry to Arlene: “Your hair is like a sunset after a bomb went off! Pretty.”  Maxine Fortenberry to Hoyt: “You’re Dirty Harry now ‘cause you’re dipping your penguin dick into that vamper tramp?” Jason to Steve: “I reckon I’ve already been to heaven and it’s inside your wife.” Lafayette to Jason: “Ew, luvah, you gon’ make me clutch my pearls.” I could spend days listing my favorites, but this fae needs her beauty rest. In the words of Lafayette, I’m goin’ ta bed, y’all bitches clean. 🙂

via True Blood Dialect

The Bump Before the Premiere (via @LuvBONESnTBlood)

Well I’m writing a quick bit today!

I start my marathon of watching True Blood 1-4 all episodes in order! (but I just might watch my fav moments a couple times as I go :-) )

Below is one of my favorite Eric videos from Cantrous

Alcide: What if our hearts can’t be trusted and it’s our brains we should be listening to?

I also stumbled upon Rikki a new were this season…click on the link for more info.

via The Bump Before the Premiere.

The Last Hiatus Support Humpday. (via @TBconfid)

TVFanatic say’s Kelly Overton might not be a fan favorite when she first shows up, whole interview at the link. They may not be huge fans of Overton’s Rikki, a member of the late Marcus’ werewolf pack, when they first meet her. “She’s definitely not in the best of moods,” the actress just told me over the phone, describing Rikki as “fiercely loyal” and focused on one question: What happened to her Pack Master? “She tough, she’s resourceful, she’s pretty much the opposite of a damsel in distress,” Overton added. “She will do whatever needs to be done to protect the pack.” What will this mean for Rikki’s interactions with Alcide, who is responsible for Marcus’ fate? Overton couldn’t say specifically, but did tease: “There are many different colors and levels to her relationship with Alcide.” Any kind of teaser for what’s to come? “Every scene I’ve done,” she laughed. “You’ll see werewolves like you’ve never seen werewolves this season.”

New Promo for Turn, Turn, Turn! Skarsgardfans has screencaps

How funny is this? Standing next to each other and not a clue.

From Tommy Lightfoot Garrett, (read in entirety at the link, great site for Hollywood happenings as well as news)- Trubies are counting down the days to the season 5 debut/premiere of “True Blood” only on HBO.  With only 4 days to go, count them; tomorrow is Thursday, then it’s Friday, Saturday and Sunday is Makers Day! Alright, enough of the jokes, I get it. But I have some ideas and inside scoop for what we can expect for Terry, thanks to Scott Foley’s words, and even Kevin Alejandro spills some secrets and teasers about Lafayette and Jesus this season. Jesus, you asked?It is “True Blood!” So  just because we saw  someone (DIE), doesn’t mean they’re gone for good, right? Highlight Hollywood recently caught up with the sexy nurse himself, Kevin Alejandro, and he tells us viewers could be seeing this brujo again. “My character definitely has a role in this season, but I can’t tell you how,” Alejandro teased. “I’ll tell you this, the death of Jesus really has affected Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) in a very dramatic way, so you can expect to see how he deals with that and how it affects the other people around him. There’s a lot more depth to Lafayette that audience is in store for, hope you’re ready for it”
Remember Trubies, at the end of  last season, we met Patrick (Scott Foley). Patrick was Terry’s commanding officer in Iraq, who we know will be heavily involved in this season’s drama. Foley tells Highlight Hollywood, “We’re going to see a lot of Terry figuring out who he is and coming to grips with what he has done in is past, especially over in Iraq. And we’re going to find out whether Terry and Arlene stay together.” So, we had to ask, because we know our readers want to know! What is it about Patrick that makes him so important? Foley coyly answered, “I bring in a substantial supernatural element to the show that hasn’t been seen yet.”

Interview with Nelsan Ellis on Blog Talk Radio, listening now.

Listen to internet radio with Artists On Demand on Blog Talk Radio
Zap2it’s Jenna Busch talked to Chris Bauer about “The Ladies” more at the link-

Well, according to Bauer, things are still going well for him in Season 5. Zap2itcaught up with Bauer at the “True Blood” Season 5 premiere in Hollywood where he told us that Andy will “get into some ladies.” We asked, “Holly?” He said, “She’s a sweet kind of a small town gal who happens to be a witch. But he’s been exposed to so many weirdos at this point that he’s fine with it.” We asked him about the plural here. “Ladies?” “Well, maybe I was speaking as Andy and maybe overshooting, but you know at the end of last season, he was that guy who every guy thinks they may be someday, who actually ran into a gal in the woods and they had a thing,” he says. It’s like a supernatural Playboy letter! We told him that some of our favorite scenes were between Andy and Terry (Todd Lowe) and asked if we’ll see more. Bauer says yes, and that he loves working with Lowe. “Whenever I speak to him, I imagine I’m speaking to Waylan Jennings because he’s from Texas and he’s got the beard and the voice and everything. And I always love those guys.”

If you’re in Vegas next week “True Blood” star, Sam Trammell, will celebrate the HBO series’ fifth season premiere at Gallery Nightclub inside Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino on Saturday, June 16. Best known for his role on the award-winning vampire series, the “True Blood” heartthrob will get party-goers revved up for a night of dancing at the stylish hot spot. Both Gallery Nightclub and Pussycat Dolls Burlesque Saloon will transport fans to the venues featured in the HBO hit. Gallery Nightclub will become Merlotte’s Bar, incorporating a sexy bayou theme accompanied by entertainers and lingerie-clad acrobats dressed in seductive Southern attire. Pussycat Dolls Burlesque Saloon will transform into a Fangtasia-inspired venue, and the Pussycat Dolls dancers will evoke a vampire-glam style on the burlesque stage. Get the specifics here

From Eonline– I can exclusively reveal that the 35-year-old hottie has landed himself an endorsement deal with Calvin Klein men’s fragrance.

Details are being kept under wraps, but I’m told the campaign, shot a couple of months ago, will be released any day now in time for Sunday’s season premiere of—what else?—True Blood.
I like Bill but this is too funny, he got whooped a lot.
Andy Swist tweeted his notes on last season’s finale- Luna and Sam must last forever, lol.

ETOnline has a good interview up with Kristin about last season and the upcoming season 5. Much longer at the link. 

ETOnline: What was the key for you in terms of planning Pam’s emotional arc this year? Bauer Van Straten: When I saw the face melting and losing Eric, I pictured that this would be the season when Pam really crumbles. That’s when Alan [Ball, creator] said to me, “But she’s also pissed.” And that was really a defining moment for me with Pam because when the sh*t hits the fan, that’s when you find out about yourself. Pam’s a scrapper. She’s a fighter till the last second. That last crying rant about the fairy vaginas, when Eric chooses Sookie, was as low as we’ve ever seen her — and as an actor, that is half challenging, half nerve-wracking but totally what you hope for. ETOnline: I know new season secrets are more closely guarded than that photo you have of Alex, but what are you excited for fans to see? Bauer van Straten: The backstory stuff is pretty fun for me. Alex and I have been asking for years to learn more about Eric and Pam’s history – I’d been making up ideas in my head, Alex had been making ideas up in his head and the writers came up with a third idea — but between the three of us, we came up with something that is the most brilliant, efficient way to show Pam’s humanity, what she dealt with, why Pam could be the most unapologetic vampire and why Eric is her one person. Everything is taken to a new level this year.
Another long interview with Kristin HERE

Here’s just a bit of Carrie Preston’s interview with Gotham Magazine
True Blood is about to begin its fifth season on HBO (June 10). When we last left Arlene, she was conflicted about the future of her child. Has she resolved these issues? CARRIE PRESTON: In season 4, Arlene’s baby generated a lot of fear and worry for Arlene, but by the end of the season, she realized the baby was actually not possessed by the ghost of her dead serial killer fiancé at all. He was being controlled by another ghost altogether, and the baby is actually normal and fine. Only on True Blood! What would you say is the main plot of season five? CP: This is the season of the Vampire Authority. There’s a struggle between the Authority, who want to mainstream, and the fundamentalist vampires who don’t. So I guess you would say the theme is having to choose where loyalties lie. Do you tap into your background as a southerner as Arlene? (Sidenote: I’m from Georgia, too. I was raised in Roswell.) CP: If you were raised in Roswell, then you know what strong southern women are like. I grew up with them, too, so I always draw on my personal understanding of those women. Even though Arlene isn’t based on a particular person, I definitely knew women like her and find that she comes easily to me as a result. True Blood has such a cult following. Do you get mobbed by fans wherever you go? CP: I don’t get mobbed by fans the way some of the other cast members do. I am so different from Arlene that even with the red hair people still have to take a moment to make sure it is me. But the fans are always so kind and excited to tell me how much they love the show.


Introduced in Dead Until Dark, Bubba is Elvis Presley in vampire form. A morgue attendant who was a vampire and a big fan discovered that The King still had a tiny spark of life left. The misguided vampire decided to bring the king over, but the resulting creature, answering only to “Bubba”, is brain damaged by or before the process. The other vampires treat him as a treasure and give him small jobs to keep him busy and out of the public eye however, occasionally he is seen by humans, resulting in the countless Elvis sightings that litter the tabloids. Bubba prefers cat blood, and does not drink human blood at all. He’s always cheerful, goodwill radiating from his fearsome smile. (But never call him Elvis, it agitates him.) He will sing only when he feels like it, and the vamps regard this as a very special event. In the third novel, Club Dead, Sookie says that “though every now and then, he exhibited a streak of shrewdness” he follows directions quite literally. He is kind of mentally challenged but is seen as the sweet little brother of the vampire world. It is safe to assume that Bubba is strong – even for a vampire – because all are careful not to upset him.


Sookie My Little Bullet Sucker (via @EricNorthmanSVM)





One of my favorite moments in both the books and True Blood is when Eric blocks Sookie from being harmed from the explosion that takes place in the Dallas nest. Eric guilts Sookie into tending to his wounds thereby tricking her into ingesting some of his blood. True Blood captured the moment perfectly but had an epic fail when they didn’t include this exchange between Sookie and Eric some time later.

“Sookie, my little bullet-sucker,” he said, sounding fond and warm. “Eric, my big bullshitter.” “You want something, my darling?”

~Living Dead In Dallas

via Sookie My Little Bullet Sucker

Fang-a-Thon Day 27: Theme of the Season [mild spoilers] (via @VampKingBill)

Alan Ball often likes to have thematic narratives that arc over a season. Season 2 for example was religion, season 3 was politics. Perhaps part of the reason season 4 suffered was because there was no official theme. Regardless, the theme of season 5 is officially “Church and State”

So the main storyline for the vampires is going to be the battle within the Authority – the pro-mainstream camp lead by Roman vs. the Sanguinistas, which are likely the #vampyr faction who want to drink humans like cattle. Roman basically agrees to cut a deal with Bill and Eric for help with the Sanguinistas more so than Russell.

I’m intrigued by this notion and look forward to how it’s going to play out over the course of the season. Not only does it let the show get its usual social commentary on, but it makes perfect sense that there WOULD be this kind of battle going on among vampires. You know that when the decision to come out of the coffin was made, it wasn’t put up to a popular vote. It really probably was something like “I am Roman. I am the Authority. We reveal ourselves” and lo they did. And I’m sure that many were not happy about it, hence having a decided need for pro-mainstreaming monarchs and why the Authority cleared the way for Bill to become King. Digression aside, you know that the tensions that have been hinted at subtlety and more overtly probably have been running much deeper than we’ve been lead to believe and now is threatening to spill out into the public as a full out civil war – the likes of which could bring about all their demises. We don’t know much more beyond this. There are teases that perhaps Russell isn’t the main villain and we’ll also see the European Authority as well.

All told, I think there is a lot of play with this idea and I look forward to how it comes together.

via Fang-a-Thon Day 27: Theme of the Season [mild spoilers].