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Posts tagged “Sookeh

Ode to Sookie (via @JBDuRoneTB)

This is an ode to Sookie Stackhouse. Most definitely not to Sookeh.

Sookie is a strong willed woman, who is forceful yet considerate, beautiful yet modest and disabled yet without self-pity. (She considers her telepathic ability to be a mental illness)

Sookie is buxom and loves to maintain a healthy tan. She works hard at keeping her house clean. Her senses of justice, fairness and “do the right thing” are pervasive in her personal interactions. She cutely and religiously studies her Word of the Day calendar and drinks beaucoup coffee.

Sookie has a strong work ethic and is Sam’s right hand person at the bar. She is even tempered; stoic while being tortured by some fae. She balances various groups of Supes in her life and does a moderately good job of keeping them in their place in her life.

Sookie is someone I like and would like to know. She smiles brightly and often, warming the world in her glow.

Sookeh, on the other hand, is simply annoying. She is shrill, easily manipulated by various groups of Supes and rarely shows up for work. She lived in a hell hole throughout Season 3 and was more interested in neutered Weres than cleaning up.

Sookeh is prone to screaming and makes the ugliest scream face to be broadcast in HD.

“Sookeh is mahne”, Bill is famous for espousing.

You can have Sookeh, Bill.

I’ll take the charming barmaid who always seems to know when I’m ready for another cold one.

via Ode to Sookie.

True Blood Dialect (via @QueenFaeMab)

Let me start off by saying, my PM was born and raised in southern Louisiana. She doesn’t sound anything like they do on the show except for the occasional y’all and folks, but does find many of the accents and speech funny. Let’s start of with the most obvious, Lafayette. Of course he’s black and gay, but he adds his own colorful flair. There’s the ever popular hookah, beyatch and hallelujahs. Next we have Bill or as Sookie likes to call him, Beehl. His favorites are of course Sookeh! and Jessicuh. Sookie, who tries to be polite, abbreviates curse words like “holy S”. Then we have Arlene who loves to add holy in front of words and good gravy. Andy’s favorites seems to be gaw dam and sheeit! It’s funny the one actor who’s actually from Louisiana, Sam sounds normal. No one in this town seems to remember the “g” on the end of any words, they use “ain’t”, “and” is now “an”, “you” is now “ya” and “for” is “fer”.

Let’s not forget the fabulous one-liners. Tara to Lafayette: “Giving Jason Stackhouse vampire blood is like giving Ho-Hos to a diabetic. You know he can’t control himself.” Terry to Arlene: “Your hair is like a sunset after a bomb went off! Pretty.”  Maxine Fortenberry to Hoyt: “You’re Dirty Harry now ‘cause you’re dipping your penguin dick into that vamper tramp?” Jason to Steve: “I reckon I’ve already been to heaven and it’s inside your wife.” Lafayette to Jason: “Ew, luvah, you gon’ make me clutch my pearls.” I could spend days listing my favorites, but this fae needs her beauty rest. In the words of Lafayette, I’m goin’ ta bed, y’all bitches clean. 🙂

via True Blood Dialect

The Kickoff to the True Blood Fang-A-Thon 2012

So congradulations to me! I’ve Just embarked on a 30 day long journey that will make me blag about TrueBlood every single day for thirty days! Now you may be asking yourself. How is this different from any other day on your blog? Well, because…




let us all say this prayer, and we can get through this together.

Trueblood will air on HBO in 30 days,

I can take my plastic fangs out of the case,

and open the bottle of trueblood.

Eric shall always be a shirtless viking God,

and Bill will always love Sookie.

I pray to HBO and every fan of trueblood, that I can one day stop reading “Sookie” as “Sookeh”

via The Kickoff to the True Blood Fang-A-Thon 2012