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Night 29

Blood and Black Leather (via @TBconfid)

Thanks to for posting another great photo from the EW shoot

EW has even more TB goodness today with a Kristin Bauer interview
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Pam’s biggest issue last season was the rotting curse that Marnie put on her. What did it feel like to spend so much time looking disgusting?
KRISTIN BAUER VAN STRATEN: For four episodes, it was actually pretty freeing. I didn’t worry about beauty lighting and got to be really raw — no pun intended — and really feral and really pissed-off. It felt like any constraints I’d ever put on myself for the character I got to lift for four episodes. Even though my butt got pretty sore sitting in that chair, it was such a fascinating process. What you saw on screen we actually did.
What did that take?
We had nine hours in the chair for the first makeup test. After a few hours in the head cast, where I discovered I was claustrophobic — I said, “No, no, I’m fine! I’ve gone cave diving. I’m fine!” Eight minutes into it, I wasn’t so fine, but the fear of embarrassing myself kept me from ripping it off my face. I knew that story would go around the set forever, and I’d never live it down.
I didn’t see a lot of bloopers/outtakes on the Blu-ray, but surely there were some ridiculous moments on set?
The most ridiculous thing that’s ever happened to me on any set ever was the first take of trying to do the ‘wacky walk’ (as we’ve been calling it) in episode 411, when the vampires are being pulled into the witches’ force field outside Moon Goddess. The problem was that Deborah [Ann Woll], Stephen [Moyer], and Alex [Skarsgård] were about 10 feet from the camera, where they would then be off-camera. I was about 100 yards back, and I’ve never seen people laugh so hard at anyone. I was basically doing a bad imitation of Steve Martin inAll of Me. Michael came up and was laughing so hard he couldn’t talk. When he finally did, he said, ‘I will not be using that take.’ … Deborah is the sweetest person in the world, but her neck was wet with tears she was laughing so hard. MOREEEEEEEE

This Behind the scenes video from EW’s photoshoot was tweeted by Kristin yesterday, it’s from JoyParade (thank you!). There is another one I’ve seen but can’t find it yet.

New interview with Janina from Jarrett of the Insider, much more at the link- 

Insider: Fans seem to like Luna with Sam. Do you?
Janina: Yea. He’s a good man. You know how when you meet somebody and are automatically willing to accept whatever baggage they come with? That’s what Sam and Luna have. Even when sh*t goes completely south — like when Tommy got in the mix — she didn’t get mad at Sam because that wasn’t his fault. It’s just the baggage he comes with. And she’s probably done worse [laughs]. At that point, Sam is really falling for Luna too, so he’s willing to take everything as it comes with her because they share something special.
Insider: How do we find them in season five?
Janina: It’s definitely a rollercoaster this year for Sam and Luna. They haven’t been together very long, and he just killed her ex-husband – so the drama is inevitable [laughs].
Insider: What else can you tease about the upcoming season?
Janina: You’re about to see some badass shifter-ness. You are going to see a little bit of the darker side to being a shifter too. You’ll see what happens when a shifter can’t control their temper. That’s a very dangerous situation for you – and those around you.

True Blood GIFs

TVGuide’s Natalie Abrams has spoilers, more at the link-
Sookie’s future: As if the Stackhouse home hasn’t seen enough damage, now there’s at least one, possibly two dead bodies in Gran’s kitchen— both of which could be blamed on Sookie herself. “She has a lot on her plate,” Ball says. “She just blew Debbie Pelt’s head off with a shotgun, and her best friend just got shot in the head, so there’s a lot to deal with just taking care of those things.”
Bill and Eric team up: After killing Vampire Authority member Nan Flanagan together, Bill and Eric will really have to rely on each other this season, which may make their shared recent heartbreak easier.  “Bill and Eric have a rocky history, we all know this, and it got particularly rocky when they both wanted the same thing: Sookie. But when Sookie is out of the picture, there just might be hope for friendship.”
The Vampire Authority: Speaking of the Authority, Ball likens the organization to “the Catholic Church for vampires,” noting that Authority Guardian Roman is quite like the Pope. “The Vampire Authority is the governing body for vampires across the world. They’re incredibly old, incredibly powerful, and not very forgiving. If you’re a vampire, there’s a very good chance they know almost everything about you.” There’s also a vampire civil war brewing between the mainstreamers, like the Authority, and the Sangunistas, a faction that believes humans are just food.New castmember Carolyn Hennesy, who plays Authority Chancellor Rosalyn Harris, says “It’s the fate of vampires all over the world — those who want mainstreaming, those who do not — and even the Authority itself is divided. If the Vatican is divided, where do they go?”
From bromance to romance: Just because Sookie has given up on Bill and Eric, doesn’t mean they’ll be without lovin’ this season. In fact, they’ll both have a new love interest, who just happens to be the same lady. (Déjà vu!) Authority Chancellor Salom, will be taken with the duo. “She has a different relationship with both of them,” portrayer Valentina Cervi says. “She will have feelings for both of them during the season. She’s full of love and needs to be loved.” (This is the first I read that she is involved with BOTH)
For the good of the pack: With former packmaster Marcus dead, the pack is now without a leader and they’ll certainly be on the hunt to find out what happened to him. Will Alcide take his place as the rightful new packmaster? “[Marcus’ death] will cause the pack to split into two factions: One that will immediately worship Alcide as the new packmaster, and the other faction that believes that he has no claim,” Manganiello says. “Werewolves are a very tribal and ritualistic bunch, and you will find out this season how deep that goes. Because he didn’t do it in the ritualistic fashion, they’ll oppose him, and therefore there will be fighting within the pack.”
The death of Debbie Pelt: Ding dong, the wolf is dead! Sorry, we’ve been holding that in a while. But certain characters may not feel the same way as we do. “You know that Alcide’s going to find out she’s dead, and there will be fallout,” Manganiello says.
 Russell returns! The former King of Mississippi has been rescued from his cement grave, but the question is: Who helped him? O’Hare would only tease that we’ll find out sooner rather than later, but added that we may see a different Russell than we have before — one who may not immediately seek revenge on Bill and Eric. “He’s never a character who’s going to adhere to any conventional thinking,” he says.
So, is Tara dead or what? That will be answered in the season premiere. “We will see a lighter side to her,” Wesley promises. “I hope we do get back to that Season 1 Tara where she has that flippant sense of humor that we all love. I just think she’s guarded and I know sometimes it comes off as being angry at everyone in the world, but it’s all earned.”
 Jessica, all grown up: Since Bill is dealing with the impending vampire civil war, Jessica will have the run of Bon Temps. “She’s starting to grow up, she’s not really a baby vamp anymore,” Ball says. “She’s going to do what any teenager would do when her parents are out of town… party!”
Steve Newlin… vampire? The former vampire-hater is now a vampire, but he’ll still fit right in. “The role that [the Authority] finds for him in the vampire community is really smart on their choice,”MIchael McMillian says.
A Pam-tastic voyage into the past: We’ve seen how Eric met Godric and how Bill became a vampire, but this season, it’s Pam’s turn. “We’re going to see how Pam and Eric found each other and we learn how Pam became a vampire,” Ball says. But Pam isn’t the only focus of this year’s flashbacks. We “even get a glimpse into some of Sookie and Jason’s past,” he adds. More HERE.
The latest Interview magazine talked to Deborah Ann Woll (girl never took a bad photo).
Here’s just a wee bit, more at the link including some photos-

EMMA BROWN: There’s a lot of violence in True Blood, many opportunities for characters to be killed off at any moment. Have you thought about how you would like Jessica to die?
WOLL: Oh gosh, I don’t want her to die! I have less fantasies about how I would like her to die, and more nightmares about how she might die. I would imagine there would be a spurned lover or something like that. I think, if it were happen, I don’t know… Last season, season four, we had this accident, Jessica was in the wrong place at wrong time and consequently the witches’ spell got her. I sort of see that as Jessica’s path, that someday it will be your time, almost an accident.
BROWN: If Jessica lives, where would you like her to be in five years?
WOLL: My grand hope for Jessica is that she comes to terms with these dual sides of herself—the side of herself that’s an animal, that’s a vampire that wants to feed and hunt and live out these adventures, and then the more human side of her, which is sweet and vulnerable and kind. I think Jessica’s long-term story is about experimenting with both sides of herself, and learning to balance them or to merge them in some way. I eventually hope that Jessica finds some peace in that.
BROWN: Do you worry about playing an eternal 17-year-old?
WOLL: I do! I’m already about 10 years older than my character, but I think I still have fairly young features, and if we don’t put on too much makeup, I can look young. But Jessica’s also maturing, so even though physically I’m supposed to be 17, my worldview and my personality can become more nuanced.

THR has 5 Season 5 Teases HERE

                                          Jim Parrack tweets a wake up photo
Huge TB fan Brian of Campblood wrote an excellent and of course funny piece on the screencaps over on AfterElton.

                                                Arlene’s having another baby! (eek!)

via Blood and Black Leather

Bless the Blood (via @TBconfid)

Weekend TV from TVGuide– Very likely coming soon to a T-shirt near you: “Bless the Blood.” This new catchphrase is a favorite of True Blood’s new vamp in town: Roman, the 500-year-old Guardian of the Vampire Authority, a zealot who’s about to complicate the already messy lives of the bloodsuckers who live among the shape-shifters, territorial werewolves, telepathic fairy hybrids, assorted bigots and bumpkins of Bon Temps, Louisiana.

Roman doesn’t appear until well into next Sunday’s second episode, presiding over a sinister gathering of Chancellors who include the Biblical siren Salome (new cast member Valentina Cervi). But Roman casts an immediate dark shadow over the fate of Sookie’s spurned undead suitors Bill and Eric  In what promises to play out like a buddy adventure with fangs, they’re headed towards a treacherous suicide mission to take down the “ancient, pissed-off psychopath” vampire king Russell Edgington, who has been disentombed and threatens the Authority’s spiritual-political campaign to assimilate the supernatural into a judgmental human world.
Back in Bon Temps, Sookie  stays busy cleaning up the mess from last season’s cliffhanger, when werewolf hunk Alcide’s jealously deranged ex Debbie Pelt was blown away by Sookie, but not before Debbie blasted a hole in the head of Sookie’s BFF Tara. Helping Sookie try to bring Tara back to life — has no one in this town read The Monkey’s Paw?— are the reluctant Lafayette and the resentful Pam, with Kristin Bauer Van Straten stealing the first episode as Pam seethes hilariously barbed disdain for all things human: “I am wearing a Wal-Mart sweatsuit for y’all. If that’s not a demonstration of team spirit, I don’t know what is”. Much more HERE for not only True Blood but other shows.

Two days to go and we have 2 Inside True Blood blog posts!
What’s currently in Eric’s dungeon?   By Gianna Sobol
Pam’s pink coffin, of course!

Wolfing Around By Gianna Sobol
I came across this pup on my way by set yesterday. The werewolves of Shreveport are pretty damn cute, huh?

Handsome Sam on The Soup, wish I could post it but the autoplay and ads, no way. 

                      Joe filmed Extra at The Grove and they tweeted this photo today.

“The global launch of Encounter Calvin Klein introduces a new interpretation of the contemporary, confident man,” Catherine Walsh, senior vice president, American Fragrances, Coty Prestige, tells Us Weekly in a statement. “Alexander perfectly reflects the Encounter Calvin Klein attitude — modern, stylish and unapologetically masculine.”
Skarsgard and Stone, 28, also shot a short film to promote the scent; further details about their TV spot will be released in August. “Their idea for their concept was very intriguing to me. It was almost like a short film and very film noir. It felt interesting to me,” Skarsgard tells WWD. “I wanted to be involved with something where you tell a story — even though it’s a short story.” USWeekly

                                               One more pic from Magic Mike

Guess what? DAW is going to live tweet during the premiere of True Blood Sunday! 9est/6pst. She’l answer questions and comment on the ep

USA Today talked to Stephen
There’s always a lot of hot, hard bodies showcased on True Blood, but Stephen Moyer reveals to USA TODAY that there’s a whole lot of incentive going on in the background.
“We started because I hadn’t had any love scenes in particular, because I’d been directing, and I hadn’t been to the gym as much as I normally would during a season,” said Moyer. “I was laughing with a couple of the camera boys saying, ‘I’ve got to get back on it Monday.’ And one of their standard jokes is, ‘Yeah, we’re going to start our diets on Monday (too).’ And I went all right, well why don’t you then? It started off as a little joke but by Monday, we decided to do a Biggest Losercompetition for the whole crew.” Thirty six people jumped into the two-month-long competition, which will end “probably July 12 when we finish shooting.”
The prizes could be bloody hefty. “Me and Anna are going to do something,” says Moyer – perhaps even a weekend away for the winner and a guest. “I think HBO is, too.” But the loser will have to face Paquin, and a possible public running of suicides. “Anna was talking about doing one of her crazy juices (for the loser), like some kind of kale and ginger and – they’re (expletive) nasty,” he said. Pregnant or not, “she’s pretty intense,” he grinned. “She can get people do do sh–.”
But come on, we protested. How out-of-shape could Vampire Bill really have been in the first place? “There is a difference between looking all right in a shirt and taking the shirt off,” promised Moyer. “The older that us dudes get, the more the paunch has to be worked on. It’s hard.”
P.S. Not all the cast needed the incentive. “You’ve got people like Joe (Manganiello) who is a two-a-day fitness freak to somebody like Ryan (Kwanten) who runs at his lunchtime. Ryan won’t even get in the mini-van when it’s going to location,” said Moyer. “He’ll run by the side of it.”

via Bless the Blood

Alex’s ‘Encounter’ (via @EricNorthmanSVM)

Alexander Skarsgard is the new face of the Calvin Kline fragrence Encounter. I don’t like it. They’ve airbrushed the worry lines from his brow, the bags under his eyes, his crow’s feet and it even looks like they even thinned out his nose. Grrrr… When will they realize that it’s all the imperfections coming together in a perfect storm that makes him so handsome?

Alexander Skarsgard is the new face of the Calvin Kline fragrence Encounter. I don’t like it. They’ve airbrushed the worry lines from his brow, the bags under his eyes, his crow’s feet and it even looks like they even thinned out his nose. Grrrr… When will they realize that it’s all the imperfections coming together in a perfect storm that makes him so handsome?

via Alex’s ‘Encounter’

Season 5 Episode Guide (Updating) (via @TBconfid)

Will keep updating as info gets released, I had this in other places but think it needs it’s own link.
SUNDAY, JUNE 10, E1, “Turn! Turn! Turn!
Sookie (Anna Paquin) and Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) struggle with the aftermath of Tara’s (Rutina Wesley) shooting, while also cleaning up after Debbie Pelt. Meanwhile, Bill (Stephen Moyer) and Eric (Alexander Skarsgård), cleaning up a mess of their own, are visited by the Vampire Authority, one of whom is Nora (Lucy Griffiths), a woman from Eric’s past. In search of the missing Marcus, Alcide’s (Joe Manganiello) werewolf pack comes after Sam (Sam Trammell). With Bill away, Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll) enjoys her new freedom by partying with local college kids; Jason (Ryan Kwanten) is visited by the recently turned Rev. Steve Newlin (Michael McMillian); Terry’s (Todd Lowe) PTSD is reignited by Patrick Devins (Scott Foley), an old Iraq War buddy; and Alcide turns up at Sookie’s to warn her about the recently resurfaced Russell Edgington (Denis O’Hare).

JUNE 17, E2, Authority Always Wins
At the Vampire Authority headquarters in New Orleans, Bill and Eric meet Salome (Valentina Cervi) and become acquainted with the Authority’s interrogation techniques. Pam (Kristin Bauer van Straten) recalls her human life as the madam of the Comstock Brothel in San Francisco, and her first encounter with Eric. Werewolves J.D. (Louis Herthum) and Rikki (Kelly Overton) pay tribute to Marcus, but Alcide refuses to participate or take his rightful place as the new packmaster. Martha Bozeman (Dale Dickey) shows up wanting to see her granddaughter, causing conflict for Sam and Luna (Janina Gavankar). Fearing Russell’s return, Sookie procures a home-protection system; Arlene (Carrie Preston) tries to get to the bottom of Terry’s erratic behavior; Steve Newlin stops by with an offer for Jessica; and Jason feels the brunt of his womanizing ways.
SUNDAY, JUNE 24, E3, “Whatever I Am, You Made Me”
Bill and Eric barter for their lives with the Authority Chancellors and their leader, Roman (Christopher Meloni). Salome and Roman enlist a new ally in the face of Russell’s return. Sookie goes to Fangtasia to ask for help from Pam, who is still caught up in her memories of Eric and the strange murders at the Comstock Brothel. Andy’s dalliance with Holly (Lauren Bowles) comes back to bite him in the butt; later, he’s visited by Gordon (Steve Rankin) and Barbara Pelt (Linda Purl), who are searching for Debbie. Jason bumps into an old high school teacher, but their reunion brings up conflicting feelings.
SUNDAY JULY 1, E4 “We’ll Meet Again”
Episode #52 (5.04): “We’ll Meet Again”: Eric and Bill fear for their lives; Lafayette puts Sookie’s life in danger; Roman and Salome root out a Council traitor. (Written by Alexander Woo; directed by Romeo Tirone.)
Playdates: July 1, 4, 5 and 7  
SUNDAY JULY 8, E5, “Boot N Rally”
Bill and Eric turn to Sookie for help with Russell’s whereabouts; Jason has a disturbing dream. (Written by Angela Robinson; directed by Michael Lehmann.)
Playdates: July 8, 11, 12 and 14  
SUNDAY JULY 15, E6, “Hopeless”
Bill and Eric are retrieved by the Authority; Roman lays out his plans for Russell. (Written by Alan Ball; directed by Dan Attias.)
Playdates: July 15, 18, 19 and 21
SUNDAY JULY 22, E7, “In The Beginning”
Salome reveals her true allegiances; Sookie embraces her human side; Sam sniffs out some perps; Alcide braces for a fight. (Written by Brian Buckner; directed by Michael Ruscio.)
Playdates: July 22, 25, 26 and 28  
E8 “Somebody That I Used to Know”
The Authority revels in a new direction; Sookie and Jason visit the site of their parents’ deaths; Luna gets stuck on Sam. (Written by Mark Hudis; directed by Stephen Moyer.)
Playdates: July 29 and 31 
E9 “Everybody Wants to Rule the World”
E10 “Gone, Gone, Gone”
E11 “Finally”
E12, “Save Yourself”
From IMDB and and of course, Rhoswhen7.
According to the schedule that HBO sent to media outlets in May, new True Blood episodes will air on all 5 Sundays in July. It makes sense, because the 4th is in the middle of the week, but it’s good to have confirmation anyway. That means season 5 of True Blood should finish up on August 26.
I want to thank the person known as Rhoswen7, they have made this a fun hiatus, and very bearable with info for fans before the entertainment sites posted the news.

via Season 5 Episode Guide (Updating)

The Friday Before! (via @LuvBONESnTBlood)

Wow! Thanks to I saw the new Promo from Ryan Kwanten/Jason Stackhouse and boy was I not a happy camper to see this:

I embelished on the still I know! Guess we all knew that might happen but still!!!!!

Alcide: What if our hearts can’t be trusted and it’s our brains we should be listening to?

(IMO: Then shoot yourself in the head)

via The Friday Before!.

Alexander Skarsgard New Face for Calvin Klein (via @vs4as)

True Blood’s Alexander Skarsgard is the new face of Calvin Klein. This is not the first modeling gig for Alexander. He was also  the face of  ”Hickey Freeman” two years ago. The ad image above shows the scent “Encounter”.

The Encounter Calvin Klein campaign tells the story of unresolved tension and desire between a man and a woman,” said Thomas Burkhardt, vice president of marketing for Coty Prestige, the fragrance licensee of Calvin Klein. “It’s meant to be open to interpretation. It also makes you a bit uncomfortable, which is a trademark of advertising this brand.”


via Alexander Skarsgard New Face for Calvin Klein

Broken (via @TrueBloodMame)

BrokenDon’t look at me nowwhen all I feel is sadnessfor the broken trust

Don’t look at me now

when all I feel is sadness

for the broken trust

via Broken

Follow Friday: True Blood (via @TB_PamR)

Confused by all the TBRP characters on Twitter?  We’ve got the scoop on where to find the real stars of HBO’s original True Blood as well as official accounts for the show and the Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries books  by Charlaine Harris. For all things True Blood the place to start is @TrueBloodHBO on Twitter and on Facebook

Please note: HBO does NOT endorse and is not affiliated with any RP accounts, Neither is Charlaine Harris. To the best of our knowledge NONE of the RP characters on Twitter are or are even affiliated with with the talented actors and actresses appearing in True Blood.

Before we dive into the cast members we want to give a special shout out to some of the amazing musicians and crew members who work so hard to make True Blood the series we all love. Although it’s unlikely a role-player will ever choose them as a character for TBRP, we should all applaud their work. They are:

Jace Everett

Admit it, you’re never going to hear Bad Things the same way again. Musician Jace Everett tweets as @JaceEverett. He also has a website.

Nathan Barr

The composer who gives True Blood its unique soundtrack tweets from @composerbarr and he has a website.

Romeo Tirone

Cinematographer Romero Tirone helps give True Blood its unique look and visual feel. You can find him on Twitter as @RomeoTi.

true blood cast Follow Friday: True Blood

Now on to the faces you all know and recognize! Please note that Alexander Skarsgård who plays Eric Northman on True Blood does not, to the best of our knowledge, tweet or have a Facebook page.

True Blood Season 5 Cast

Anna Paquin-Moyer

Sookie doesn’t tweet but Anna has an official Facebook page.

Carolyn Hennesy

The talented actress behind the Authority’s Rosalyn Harris is on Twitter as @carolynhennesy. She also has a website at

Carrie Preston

Versatility is the middle name of the talented actress behind waitress  Arlene Fowler. Find her on Twitter as @Carrie_Preston She’s also on Facebook and has a website at

Deborah Ann Woll

You can find the lovely lady behind Jessica Hamby on Twitter at @deborah_annwoll. She’s also on Facebook.

Denis O’Hare

Russell Edgington’s kinder and more human half is on Twitter as @denisohare. He also blogs at

Jamie Gray Hyder

You can find the actress behind True Blood newcomer Danielle on Twitter at @JGHyder She is also on Facebook and has a website.

Janina Gavankar

Luna Garza’s human half is on Twitter as @Janina. She is also on Facebook and Posterous.

Jim Parrack

The talented actor behind the long-suffering Hoyt Fortenberry tweets from @parrack120

Joe Manganiello

Instantly recognizable as the Were(wolf) Alcide Hevereaux, you can find the multi-faceted actor on Twitter as @Joemangiello.

Kelly Overton

You can find the actress behind Rikki, a new werewolf in town on Twitter as @iamkellyoverton

Kristin Bauer van Straten

The beautiful lady filling Pam Swynford de Beaufort’s pumps can be hound on Twitter as @BauervanStraten. She is also on Facebook and has a website.

Lauren Bowles

The bewitching lady behind Holly Cleary tweets from @LaurenEBowles.

Lindsey Haun

You can find the multi-talented  human behind Sookie’s cousin, Hadley Hale on Twitter as @HaunSoloProject . She’s also on Facebook and Formspring.

Michael McMillian

The gifted comic book author and actor behind Rev. Steve Newlin is on Twitter as @McMillzz.

Nelsan Ellis

This comes with a disclaimer. It appears the talented actor behind Lafayette may be on Twitter at @OfficialNelsan, however, Twitter isn’t listing this account as verified and there only appear to have been on Twitter since May, so it’s hard to judge the authenticity of the account.

Rutina Wesley

The talented actress behind the long-suffering and much maligned Tara Thornton doesn’t tweet but you can find her on Facebook.

Ryan Kwanten

If you’re looking for the handsome man behind Jason Stackhouse you can find him on Twitter as @Ryan_Kwanten. He is also on Facebook and tumblr.

Sam Trammell

The extraordinary actor who shares a first name with his character Sam Merlotte is on Twitter as @SamTrammell

Tara Buck

Don’t scream but the amazing actress behind Fangtasia’s favorite waitress, Ginger, is on Twitter as @iamtarabuck. She’s also on Facebook.

Finally Dead or Ghosts

We’re pretty sure the characters played by the following actors and actress are finally dead. Of course that doesn’t mean they won’t reappear in True Blood at some point. Look at who turned up for the Season 4 Finale!

Allan Hyde

The very talented man behind Eric’s Maker Godric is on Twitter as @Allanhyde

Ashley Jones

The beautiful actress behind the ill-fated Daphne Landry is on Twitter as @AshleyAJones

Evan Rachel Wood

Best known as Queen Sophie Anne, this amazing actress tweets as @evanrachelwood.

Kevin Alejandro

The handsome man who stole our hearts and Lafayette’s as Jesus tweets from @KevinMAlejandro.

Lara Pulver

The amazing actress behind Claudine Crane, Sookie’s fairy godmother can be found on Twitter as  @LaraPulver

Mariana Klaveno

The terrifyingly talented lady behind Bill’s Maker Lorena Krasiki is on Twitter as @KlavenoFarmGirl.

Marshall Allman

You can find the man behind Tommy Mickens, Sam’s troublesome brother on Twitter as @MarshallAllman. He’s also on Facebook.

Mechad Brooks

Poor Eggs. The handsome man who brought him to life tweets as @MechadBrooks.

Michael Raymond-James

The fascinating and talented actor behind True Blood’s very first villain, Rene Lenier can be found on Twitter as @MRaymondJames

Paola Turbay

May not be a familiar name among TBRP but Spanish-speaking truebies will definitely want to follow the ghost of Antonia Gavilán on Twitter at @paolaturbay.

Status Unknown

Although True Blood has a reputation for killing off characters, those played by these talented folks are in a sort of limbo. Their characters are not know to be finally dead but they also aren’t known to be appearing in True Blood Season 5 Not that that means anything….

Courtney Ford

Don’t tell Bill but the sexy actress behind Portia Bellefleur is on Twitter as @_CourtneyFord_ She is also on Facebook.

Dawn Oliveri

The actress fortunate enough to play Alcide’s sister Janice Hevereaux tweets as @DawnOliveri

Kristina Anapau

The mysterious woman behind Maurella tweets from @KristinaAnapau She is also on Facebook.

Marcia de Rousse

The actress who gives Dr. Amy Ludwig her attitude tweets from @smartlilblonde.

Tanya Wright

The lovely lady behind Officer Kenya Jones is on Twitter as @tanyaTTwright.

via Follow Friday: True Blood

Healing Moon (via @TrueBloodMame)

Healing Moon Dawn is just breakingthe spell of the moon so brightthat healed with its light

Dawn is just breaking

the spell of the moon so bright

that healed with its light

via Healing Moon

The eyes say it all (via @TrueBloodMame)

These two scenes look very similar on the surface and the setting is the same, the woods near water. But the differences between the two scenes that look so much alike are greater than the similarities. Just look at these two pictures.

In the first one, Sookie has just been fed Bill’s blood for the first time. She looks really dazed and confused, not really sure about what has happened. She is under the influence of his blood, drugged up. Bill’s eyes, on the other hand, are fixed on her neck and he is looking like he is assessing if she is effected by his blood or not.  Sookie has got exactly the same look in her eyes after being fed Bill’s blood in Fangtasia after the maenad attack. And at that time, Eric warned Bill not to overcook her.

In the second one, we see Sookie trying to get closer to Eric, grabbing his back and neck pulling him closer. Her eyes,looking into his, are filled with joy and she almost looks surprised that there’s no pain or fear, only pleasure. Eric’s eyes are fixed on hers making sure that she is comfortable. Her eyes are clear and she is not effected by any other substance than love.

via The eyes say it all

True Blood Season 5 Episode Summaries 5×04- 5×08 (via @vs4as)

True Blood season 5 premieres on Sunday June 10, 2012. The episode summaries for episodes 52-56 are below:

Episode #52 (5.04): “We’ll Meet Again”: Eric and Bill fear for their lives; Lafayette puts Sookie’s life in danger; Roman and Salome root out a Council traitor. (Written by Alexander Woo; directed by Romeo Tirone.)
Playdates: July 1, 4, 5 and 7

Episode #53 (5.05): “Let’s Boot and Rally”: Bill and Eric turn to Sookie for help with Russell’s whereabouts; Jason has a disturbing dream. (Written by Angela Robinson; directed by Michael Lehmann.)
Playdates: July 8, 11, 12 and 14

Episode #54 (5.06): “Hopeless”: Bill and Eric are retrieved by the Authority; Roman lays out his plans for Russell. (Written by Alan Ball; directed by Dan Attias.)
Playdates: July 15, 18, 19 and 21

Episode #55 (5.07): “In the Beginning”: Salome reveals her true allegiances; Sookie embraces her human side; Sam sniffs out some perps; Alcide braces for a fight. (Written by Brian Buckner; directed by Michael Ruscio.)
Playdates: July 22, 25, 26 and 28

Episode #56 (5.08): “Somebody That I Used to Know”: The Authority revels in a new direction; Sookie and Jason visit the site of their parents’ deaths; Luna gets stuck on Sam. (Written by Mark Hudis; directed by Stephen Moyer.)
Playdates: July 29 and 31

via True Blood Season 5 Episode Summaries 5×04- 5×08


Finally Bill gets a funny line, we’re so use to him being uptight and pompous that this was a nice little change. I especially love the explanation behind this from the Blu-Ray, Pam wore that outfit to a funeral once, it’s quite amusing that she’s wearing it again and she’s mourning the loss of her appearance.


Why I Hope [Spoiler] Is Real (via @VampKingBill)

All right. One last warning for spoilers. Spoilers regarding the two people below. Don’t want to know, leave now.

Okay. By now it should be obvious post is going to be about Pam and Tara’s fate.  There have been hints about this for a while now: the title of the premiere “Turn, Turn, Turn” and the preview with the oversized grave that looks rather similar to the one that Bill dug when he turned Jessica. There have been hints in the media, most notably the TV Guide interview with the following quotes about the ladies.

Tara: R.I.P.? Not this tortured soul. Sookie’s BFF, shot dead in the season finale will be back…”And she’s going to experience a growing intimacy with the last person she would have ever expected.”

Pam: “There’s a new vampire in her life,” Ball teases. He/she will fill the void while maker Eric is MIA.”

If that isn’t convincing enough proof, it was confirmed at the Season 5 Premiere that Pam indeed does turn Tara. Personally speaking, I’m looking forward to this chain of events for a couple of reasons:

Firstly, this chain of events would allow both characters a lot of room to grow, which quite frankly they need. Pam is the Queen of One Liners, but she’s never really been developed much beyond that point (unless you count whiny and clingy as positive growh) and this event could truly be a liberation for Tara. Instead of her rejecting it and meeting the sun, I could absolutely see her embracing it and like Jessica, finally truly begin to thrive in her life. Although she’ll certainly still have time to obsess over Sookie, having to be a Maker to Tara will force her to vamp up and focus on someone other than herself. Plus, I think these two could be a good match. They’re both feisty and beautiful and would appreciate that in a partner.

Second, from a plot perspective this just makes sense. Clearly we see both Bill and Eric hear/feel Sookie’s cry for distress. However, neither one of them is exactly in a position to be turning anyone right now, not with the Authority hot on their heels. Pam however, has disobeyed both Bill and Eric. Turning Tara could easily be her punishment just as turning Jessica was Bill’s.  Plus it gives those characters something to actually do while Bill and Eric are off hunting Russell and trying to not get killed by all of the Authority politics. It’s also nice from a plot angle because it’s finally a plot where Tara isn’t a victim or being cared for someone a definitely bonus.

Finally, I love the possibilities for how it can change the interactions between Tara and Lafayette and Sookie. We’ve already seen a strained relationship between Sookie and Lala, and this is no doubt at least a part of the source of the tension. The three have been friends for so long that you hope that you’ll see the friendship strained to the limits yet somehow pull through. Or maybe it’ll end in a glorious mess. Either way, it’ll be great to watch.

I know that there’s already a lot of people out there that aren’t exactly keen on this idea, but I hope that they take a moment and give it a chance. It may just wind up being one of the things we talk about as one of Season 5′s highlights.

via Fang-A-Thon Day 29: Why I Hope [Spoiler] Is Real.

True Blood Season 5 Countdown: Two Days! (via @vs4as)

Only two days until the True Blood season 5 premiere airs! Sunday June 10, 2012 is the day when True Blood fans can finally see the premiere episode titled “Turn! Turn! Turn!”. The countdown video is below and it features Deborah Woll-Vampire Jessica:

via True Blood Season 5 Countdown: Two Days!

Z is for… (via @TrueBloodMame)

Zoo – what Eric calls Fangtasia and those visiting and working there

“This feels a little bit like what a vampire-bar would look like if it were a ride in Disneyworld.”

– Vår lilla djurpark börjar växa till sig.

– Jag vet.

via Z is for…

True Blood Season 5 Countdown: 2 Days (via @DarlingSookie)

But who’s countin’? LOL

Waiting Sucks!

via True Blood Season 5 Countdown: 2 Days.

The Origins of Me, Queen Of The Faeries (via @QueenFaeMab)

Let’s take a look at me. You didn’t think I was going to overlook myself did you? *laughs* (Please forgive the length of this blog, but I wish to show all the known versions of me.) I have been known by many names. Tatiana and Mab, being the two most prevalent. My name Mab originates from Ireland and means- happy. (I suppose that’s true for the most part.) I am sometimes shown with black and red hair, but blonde is the most popular and my personal favorite. *smiles*

Now let’s take a look at how us fae are in the Southern Vampire Mysteries: Fairies “…are your basic supernatural being. From us come elves and brownies and angels and demons. Water sprites, green men, all the natural spirits… all some form of fairy.” —Claudine Fairies are portrayed in the series as beautiful, with pointed ears and glossy, thin skin. Physically, fairies are super-humanly strong and durable. They are tough, ferocious, and incredibly long-lived, but not immortal. The Shreveport werewolf packmaster says, “They love to flirt with disaster, they love to role-play.” In this universe, fairies are extremely attractive to humans as well as to vampires. Vampires have a hard time resisting fairies because of their smell and taste; fairy blood is intoxicating to vampires. A fairy, Claudine, is first introduced in Dead to the World. Watching vampires react to her, Sookie thinks that “it was like watching cats that’d suddenly spotted something skittering along the baseboards.” This makes face to face interactions between them all but impossible. However some individuals, such as Sookie’s great-grandfather Niall Brigant, are able to “suppress their essence”, effectively masking their scent and making such contact safer. In the Southern Vampire Series, fairies can be killed with either lemons, limes or iron. When a fairy dies a corpse is not left, just a sparkling powder (or fairy dust); the body just fades away and the spirit of the fairy goes to the next oldest family member to tell them of their death. The fae call their afterlife “The Summerlands”. Fairies are secretive about their own race, customs, interactions, and world. They normally inhabit the fae world, named Faery, but there are portals and doorways between it and the human world. Sookie’s great-grandfather Niall is a fairy prince, and Claudine and Claude are Niall’s grandchildren. In later books, Claudine admits that she is Sookie’s fairy godmother. She was assigned this role in an effort to move on to the next level, which is angelhood. Sookie’s great-grandfather is over a thousand years old and her half-human great-uncle is centuries old. Those who have fairy blood in them but are not full-blooded fairies are immune to the effects of iron, lemons and limes, while maintaining some of the attractive qualities of fairies. Niall states that Sookie and Jason have both inherited the beauty of the fairies but only certain creatures can tell they are part-fairy. As a genetic quirk (possibly due to fairy blood), Jason greatly resembles his great-uncle to the point where others are unable to differentiate between the two of them. Sookie appears to have inherited more magical fairy powers (such as immunity against mind spells from vampires and maenads), while Jason only has the power of attraction and seduction. However, most assume this is mainly due to his physical appearance. It is also stated in one of the books, by Mr. Cataliades, that Sookie’s telepathy is not a trait that she obtained from her fairy blood. In the short story Fairy Dust, it is expressed by Sookie that Fairies love attention and admiration, a fact she learned from Sam. In this story, it is also implied that Fairies have the ability to cast spells, as Claudine was muttering something under her breath to hypnotise or calm down the people she and her brother, Claude, were interrogating. Claudine also magically appeared to aid Sookie when she was in mortal danger on a number of occasions, however, she hinted that there were limits to how and when she could perform that trick. Sookie was not always aware of her fairy godmother’s timely interventions. It is also known that fairies can conjure objects, demonstrated by Claudine in Fairy Dust, when she summoned a contract, and in Dead to the World, when she changed her outfit magically. A fairy, Preston, also displayed the abilities to shapeshift and to seduce even Sookie, who is usually telepathically resistant to such abilities. (I of course am not mentioned in Charlaine Harris’ books.)

Here’s True Blood’s version of me: As Sookie, a human of faerie descent, has ended up in the Fae Realm, the supernatural location where faeries live, she eventually comes to meet Mab. Mab emerges as Sookie communicates with her grandfather Earl telepathically, warning Earl that they need to leave the Fae Realm. Mab picks up on Sookie’s message to Earl and openly wonders what Sookie is afraid of. She reveals herself as Queen of the Fairies and offers Sookie a “light fruit”. Sookie quickly discovers Mab has ordered for all humans of faerie descent to be brought to the Realm, in order to eliminate any connection to the human world after a vampire (Bill Compton) breached the Realm. Sookie attacks Mab with photokinesis as Mab tries to force Sookie to eat a light fruit (the light fruits, as is later revealed, make a person unable to leave the Faerie Realm without dying).(“She’s Not There”) As a full-blooded fairy, the complete extent of Mab’s powers are not yet known. Mab is capable of performing fae magic – the most obvious being photokinesis in which she manipulates light energy as a form of attack against enemies. Mab might be able to do these things too, but she is also capable of telepathy, the ability to hear the thoughts of others and communicate mentally. She is physically stronger than a human, and can shapeshift, changing herself to appear more human-like and beautiful. She can also control the appearance of the Fae Realm to appear more appealing and beautiful, as well as manipulating the landscape that forms the portal between the human and fae realms. Her age is unknown but due the fact Fae Realm time is diffrent than earth, she is presumably very old. Her name comes from Queen Mab , who is a fairy midwife mentioned in Romeo and Juliet. She is a popular character in literature and fiction featuring fairies.

Typical Wikipedia definition: Queen Mab is a fairy referred to in Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. She later appears in other poetry and literature, and in various guises in drama and cinema. In the play her activity is described in a famous speech by Mercutio written originally in prose and often adapted into iambic pentameter, in which she is described as a miniature creature who drives her chariot into the noses and into the brains of sleeping people to compel them to experience dreams of wish-fulfillment. She would also “plague” “ladies’ lips” “with blisters”, which is thought a reference to the plague or to herpes simplex. She is also described as a midwife to help sleepers ‘give birth’ to their dreams. She may be a figure borrowed from folklore, and though she is often associated with the Irish Medb in popular culture and has been suggested by Thomas Keightley (historian) to be from Habundia, a more likely origin for her name would be from Mabel and the Middle English derivative “Mabily” (as used by Chaucer) all from the Latin “amabilis”.

Another version of my name is Tatiana: Titania is a character in William Shakespeare’s play A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In the play, she is the queen of the fairies. Due to Shakespeare’s influence, later fiction has often used the name “Titania” for fairy queen characters. In traditional folklore, the fairy queen has no name. Shakespeare took the name “Titania” from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, where it is an appellation given to the daughters of Titans. Shakespeare’s Titania is a very proud creature and as much of a force to contend with as her husband Oberon. The marital quarrel she and Oberon are engaged in over which of them should have the keeping of an Indian changeling boy is the engine that drives the mix ups and confusion of the other characters in the play. Due to an enchantment cast by Oberon’s servant Puck, Titania magically falls in love with a rude mechanical (a lower class labourer), Nick Bottom the Weaver, who has been given the head of an ass by Puck.

My own personal bio is a mix: For many centuries, I along with King Oberon and my people resided in the mortal realm living peacefully out of sight from most humans. All was well until creatures known as vampires discovered that our blood is intoxicating and once bitten cannot stop drinking. I became horrified that so many of us were killed that I feared we would be wiped out to extinction. Drawing upon my powers, I fashioned another dimension called the fae realm. There I and my people could live in peace away from those that sought to harm us.

We devised a plan to reestablish our species by coupling with humans to produce half human/fae respectively. The plot was working until the vampires learned of our little secret. I then commanded Claudine and others to keep a watchful eye on our offspring. Receiving word about Sookie, I became very angry and took it upon myself to venture to a small town in Louisiana called Bon Temps. In order to fit in, I changed my appearance, my name to Tatiana and opened up a costume shop called @BTCostumes and a pet store @HappyCritterz .

Living amongst humans for 9 months, I gathered first hand knowledge about the vampires. Recently, I traveled back to the fae realm where I ordered Claudine to harvest all fae from the human plane. Forcing them to eat lumiere fruit essentially trapping them in faery. My attempts to abduct Sookie were frivolous and Claudine was insubordinate. Eric, sensing her distress attacked me. Niall rushed in and teaming together with the witches, cast a spell on me. The magic was so great I developed amnesia and was forced back into Bon Temps. Wanting my memories back, I contacted my good friend and local sheriff’s deputy @Kenya_JonesBT. Explaining to her what happened, she invited @MenaGrazie, a local witch to try and reverse the awful curse that was placed upon me. Upon casting her spell, she soon realized that it was indeed a fae not a witch that cursed me. She informed me that only a fae could reverse the spell. I gave a call to my fae friends. They instructed me to take several personal items and meet them at the Bon Temps’ cemetery. There they began to chant and use their magic to reverse the spell. I was relieved to have my memories back, but saddened at the things I had done to others. I will make amends for my past and use my powers for good as I continue to live in the human realm. Even though others will know my name is Mab, only other fae will know of my true self or my horrific past.

In October of 2011 I met a vampire named Valondra. She wasn’t like any vampire I had ever met. Very beautiful with a kind, but mysterious nature. Spending time with her, I began to fall in love. She showed me not all vampires are vicious creatures set out to drain us fae. I can’t imagine my life without her now. Perpetually in love with @Vamp_Valondra

via The Origins of Me, Queen Of The Faeries

True Blood and Food (via @TrueBloodMame)

One of the most memorable and important concepts in the show is food. It is not an accident, given that it is our blood too that is considered a food source. From rabbit stew, AIDS burger, heart souffle, blood gelato, hoe cakes, Gran’s pecan pie to food with ju ju, Fairy Land lumieres that have magical abilities, blood that is Nirvana and Arcadia and elixir of life. Egg in the show is represented as a reference to life, birth and growth, fertility and creation but also as a symbol of a Cosmic Egg giving this particular food even more universal and powerful meaning.

Food has always been a symbol with strong social, religious and anthropological connotations. Food is a rich resource for symbolic communication, expression, and action.

Food is particularly powerful as a symbol because it is so deeply embedded in everyday as well as celebratory life and can therefore be read in many ways. Because it fulfils physical as well as emotional and psychological needs, it may be intentionally utilised as a symbol. And because food engages all the senses, it tends to evoke strong sensory and emotive as well as cognitive associations.

via True Blood and Food

True Blood Episode Summaries for July (via @EricSookieLover)

In my Day 29 fangalicious Fang-A-Thon post for today/tonight, I have the episode summaries for the True Blood episodes in July! Now you’ll know what you’ll be missing, if you go away on vacation!

WARNING: If you don’t want to know – don’t read below!

Here are the brief episode summaries for July and episodes 4 – 8;

Episode #52 (5.04): “We’ll Meet Again”: Eric and Bill fear for their lives; Lafayette puts Sookie’s life in danger; Roman and Salome root out a Council traitor. (Written by Alexander Woo; directed by Romeo Tirone.)
Playdates: July 1, 4, 5 and 7

Episode #53 (5.05): “Let’s Boot and Rally”: Bill and Eric turn to Sookie for help with Russell’s whereabouts; Jason has a disturbing dream. (Written by Angela Robinson; directed by Michael Lehmann.)
Playdates: July 8, 11, 12 and 14

Episode #54 (5.06): “Hopeless”: Bill and Eric are retrieved by the Authority; Roman lays out his plans for Russell. (Written by Alan Ball; directed by Dan Attias.)
Playdates: July 15, 18, 19 and 21

Episode #55 (5.07): “In the Beginning”: Salome reveals her true allegiances; Sookie embraces her human side; Sam sniffs out some perps; Alcide braces for a fight. (Written by Brian Buckner; directed by Michael Ruscio.)
Playdates: July 22, 25, 26 and 28

Episode #56 (5.08): “Somebody That I Used to Know”: The Authority revels in a new direction; Sookie and Jason visit the site of their parents’ deaths; Luna gets stuck on Sam. (Written by Mark Hudis; directed by Stephen Moyer.)
Playdates: July 29 and 31


From the looks of things, it appears we might have Eric and Sookie in an episode together in episode 5. Unfortunately,  Queen King Bill will be there too. (Oh goody…I get to recap that one! LOL)

In Episode 8, it looks like the fairies will make a “triumphant” return. And I wonder what is up with Salome in Episode 7?

What are your thoughts? Share ‘em

via True Blood Episode Summaries for July.

Night 29 Oh Sookie! (via @FangbangerEST89)


what in the universe has put you where so much has troubled and put you in so much danger? will you ever find a happy ending? i prey you do find a happy ending and hopefully with eric whom is the love of your life or one of them lol. what is in store for you now sookie? so much death and chaos are we ever to see a sign of silver lighting ahead?

Oh sookie! dear sookie! please take care.

via Night 29 Oh Sookie!.

Oughta Be An Otter (via @mswriteok)

I love otters.
They’re lovely, graceful creatures who live in and around water. They like to hang out in groups and they seem to have a real sense of humor and love to have fun on a regular basis.

Personally, there’s nowhere I’d rather be than in, or near the water. I like water parks because they combine water and playing in a delightful way.
That being said. If I were a shifter, I’d want to change into an otter at every opportunity.
It’s a too bad really, because I realize this means I’d need to stay away from the Bon Temps/Shreveport area because of the werewolves and werepanthers who hunt in the area. Also, I’d have to really pay attention to all the pesky alligators who live around the area.
It’s also a shame because I’d like to invite one bar/restaurant owner in Bon Temps to come shift with me one full moon. Or, maybe two. Or three.

You get the idea.
However, if there were someone in Bon Temps who needed a roommate, say a telepathic waitress who lived alone in a big, rambling house in the country, I could stick close to the house, maybe invest in an above ground pool for us and that’s where I’d play when there was hunting in the area during full moons.
It would be a win/win situation. I could help with bills as well as buying the pool, and I could entertain Bill and Eric while Sookie was getting ready to go out with one or the other.
I could even bring home the occasional fish for supper.

Then, a few times a year, I could fly out to spend time with the otter shifter communities scattered throughout the U.S. and spend time with them as well.
I believe it’s a workable plan, but I do have one question.
How much rent do you think Sookie will charge me?

via Oughta Be An Otter