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Posts tagged “Season 5

True Blood Episode Ratings Season Comparison (via @vs4as)

True Blood has shown strong ratings each season. I have been keeping track of the figures for a few seasons. The source for the figures is :  SpoilerTV 

  • Season 1 averaged 2 million viewers per episode.
  • Season 2 averaged 4.28 million viewers per episode.
  • Season 3 averaged 4.97 million viewers per episode.
  • Season 4 averaged 4.97 million viewers per episode.
  • Season 5 averaged 4.664 million viewers per episode.
Comparing season 4 ratings to season 5 here is the per episode breakdown for season 4:
  • Episode 4.01 (June 26th) : 5.42 million viewers / 3.0% of the 18-49 demo.
  • Episode 4.02 (July 3rd) : 2.90 million viewers / 1.5% of the 18-49 demo.
  • Episode 4.03 (July 10th) : 5.04 million viewers / 2.8% of the 18-49 demo.
  • Episode 4.04 (July 17th) : 5.10 million viewers / 2.7% of the 18-49 demo.
  • Episode 4.05 (July 24th) : 5.26 million viewers / 2.8% of the 18-49 demo.
  • Episode 4.06 (July 31st) : 5.19 million viewers / 2.8% of the 18-49 demo.
  • Episode 4.07 (August 7th) : 5.14 million viewers / 2.9% of the 18-49 demo.
  • Episode 4.08 (August 14th) : 5.30 million viewers / 3.1% of the 18-49 demo.
  • Episode 4.09 (August 21th) : 5.53 million viewers / 3.1% of the 18-49 demo.
  • Episode 4.10 (August 28th) : 5.31 million viewers / 2.9% of the 18-49 demo.
  • Episode 4.11 (September 4th) : 4.40 million viewers / 2.4% of the 18-49 demo.
  • Episode 4.12 (September 11th) : 5.05 million viewers / 2.8% of the 18-49 demo – Season Finale.
Season 5 figures:
  • Ep 5.01     5.201 million viewers/  2.9 % of the 18-49 demo.
  • Ep 5.02     4.417 million viewers/  2.6% of the 18-49 demo
  • Ep 5.03     4.661 million viewers/  2.6% of the 18-49 demo
  • Ep 5.04     4.541 million viewers / 2.6% of the 18-49 demo
  • Ep 5.05     4.500 million viewers/  2.6% of the 18-49 demo
  • Ep 5.06     4.629 million viewers/  2.7% of the 18-49 demo
  • Ep 5.07     4.463 million viewers/ 2.6% of the 18-49 demo
  • Ep 5.08     4.596 million viewers/ 2.6% of the 18-49 demo
  • Ep 5.09     4.498 million viewers/ 2.7% of the 18-49 demo
  • Ep 5.10     4.491 million viewers/ 2.6% of the 18-49 demo
  • Ep 5.11     4.926 million viewers/ 2.8% of the 18-49 demo
  • Ep. 5.12    5.049 million viewers/ 2.8% of the 18-49 demo
So what do these numbers really mean? The ratings show the total viewers live plus same day viewing and the rating among the 18-49 age demographics. True Blood has grown from season 1 where it averaged 2 million per episode to an average of 4.664 million average in season 5. I know that EW recenly posted a higher figure but they are including the second viewing of the episode in their figure. (to stay consistent I used the numbers as reported by SpoilerTV).
It’s not a surprise to me that season 4 ratings were higher than season 5 figures. Season 4 featured the long awaited romance between Eric and Sookie. The storylines in season 5 did not always hold the fans interest. The finale for season 5 did show a slight increase in viewers. In short, the ratings are still very strong for True Blood. It is still rated number one as a cable show on Sunday night.
Futoncritic has a great detailed explanation to the way ratings are calculated link here:
It will be interesting to see how the ratings fare for the show in season 6. It has already been announced that there will only be 10 episodes in season 6. The season 5 finale left fans waiting for more and hopefully the ratings will remain strong in season 6.

via True Blood Episode Ratings Season Comparison.

Fangover Day 9: Ah, Sookie (via @mswriteok)

Considering the other four seasons of “True Blood,” Sookie Stackhouse had a relatively quiet few days in Season 5.

It did literally start with a bang. Two bangs in fact. The first went to Tara’s head as she threw herself in front of Sookie in one of most selfless acts I’ve ever seen.
The second was the shot that killed Debbie Pelt, one that I thought was long overdue.
I was surprised Pam showed up and not Eric or Bill, but as I said before, they were snuggled in the trunk of a car headed to Authority Central.
Sookie and Lafayette had to do some serious begging to persuade Pam to turn Tara, and after some skillful negotiating, Pam agreed to turn Tara for a favor to be named later.
Sookie’s relief at Tara’s rising as a vamp was short lived as Tara took one enhanced sniff of her best friend and decided she would make a great first meal.
Pam’s quick moves saved Sookie from being a snack, but our girl soon realized she would need to find a new bestie.
Lafayette stuck around for a day or two to help her cope and clean, but he was one of the next people to tell her what a dangerous friend she was to have.
Yes, our Hookah was grieving for both Jesus and his cousin, but I don’t think he needed to be quite so cruel to Sookie, because she had lost a former lover, a current lover and a best friend in less than 24 hours.
I think her decision to get drunk was long overdue, and Alcide dropping by was a nice distraction and a chance for her finally to have some kind of physical relationship with someone, well, who was not a “dead boy.”
It was a real pity her stomach and Eric and Bill all contrived to ruin that idea, and fast.
I considered the hangover she must have been nursing while trying to deal with her pet vampires, and don’t blame her for practically screaming at them, “It must be Thursday.”
She didn’t have much to do in a couple of episodes that focused mainly on the Authority, Lafayette’s trip to Mexico, Jason and Jessica’s relationship, Terry’s wild ride and Russell and Steve’s Excellent Adventure.
Her real-life pregnancy made it necessary for us to see less of her, and that allowed so many other characters to get a bit more screen time, but while we might not have seen her, she was busy in the background doing things for others.
Personally, after this season, I wish she could have a bit of rest. I realize most of the folks in Bon Temps think she had a year-long vacation while she was in Faery, but she didn’t get any down time.
She has a lot of information to process right now, and probably not much time to do it.
She seemed quite surprised to see Tara and Pam kiss, but by then she was pretty shocky. Her brother has a head injury and while Sook doesn’t realize he’s seeing and talking to his parents, she knows he’s a bit more vacant than usual.
Probably the biggest shock for our girl is what has happened to Bill. I think she always believed that Bill would love her forever, no matter what he said, but after his spectacular parlor trick of rising from a pile of goo with some pretty bitchin’ fangs, she’s not so sure.
Eric, who at the beginning of the season had written Sookie off, saw he might still have a chance with her and got her out of the room as fast as he could, but the new-and-perhaps-improved Bill may be faster.
It’s a bit disheartening to believe that for the next nine months in True Blood time, Sookie is running.
I hope she’s not too exhausted when Season 6 kicks off next year.

Fang-A-Thon: The Fangover: Day Nine (via @DemonXDiantha)

Favorite Flashback

     Ha! I bet you thought I was going to say Eric and Pam’s flashbacks! Didn’t you? Don’t you lie to me!

     Actually, I really enjoyed the flashback of Bill seeing his daughter. It showed that he did still have his “humaniteh” and that he still truly cared for his family as a father would. It must have been torture to see his child laying there, and knowing that he would not help her. I thought it was interesting that he still may have hated what he had become. What other reason would he have to not “save” his daughter. He didn’t want to condemn her to his immortality. Perhaps he knew it wouldn’t be everything she expected. I have heard a lot of hate about this scene; but I just don’t understand that. He wanted to see his daughter one last time. To speak with her. To let her know she was loved. Hate Bill all you want, but he was a father. And father knows best.

via Fang-A-Thon: The Fangover: Day Nine.

Fangover Fangathon 8 Sookie Stackhouse (via @SookieStack_SVM)

I am actually quite glad about Sookie’s character this season for the simple reason that as in the book, she has gotten on with her own life and is determined not to be involved with Bill or Eric. This is a nice tie into the books as that is what she tries to do, though as in the books things do not go according to plan.

Sookie is still very much act first think later, especially with Tara when she begs Pam to turn her. She also will still do anything to defend her friends and those she cares about, even though sometimes her friends do not like it too much. She also risks a lot for Jason when they have their plan to deal with Russell Edginton and fight not to mention risking her life when she stumbles on the hate group that has been chasing non humans and finding Hoyt.

Just like in the books she is soon hip deep in trouble as she has to deal with an Angry Tara and then find out Russell is on the loose again. She also nearly dies in a car crash and in her drunken haze manages to get cozy with Alcide. That was always on the cards but the delicious twist of Eric and Bill walking in on them was a great way to illustrate the wrong time aspect and also the three men in Sookie’s life scenario, which first reared it’s head in book 3. I do regret there not being the moment with Eric Sookie and Bill which was in the books and suggests a menage a trois, however we did get the dream sequence about that in season 4.

Sookie, just as in the books can’t avoid the Vampires and all too soon she is helping them out and is involved in their problems as always though this time there is very little protest and a lot more guts from her. Instead of being weak, she is now showing more strength and is fighting for herself as well as trying to solve her own problems. She is becoming more like the independent book Sookie that I like.

I hope we see more of the independent Sookie in Season 6 and maybe we will also see how her relationship with Eric resurfaces and defines itself too as it is going to happen.

via Fangover Fangathon 8 Sookie Stackhouse

Favorite Villain – Day 8 (via @lexiglam)

THE Russell Edgington is my favorite villain. I admit, I detested him in S3, with all of that werewolf control and V shit, not to mention the way he just grabs the innards out of people. But he certainly grew on me this season.

Oddly, enough he actually brought a bit of normacly to the Authority. I love how he accused them of basically being “school marms,” when the rest were talking about teaching The Vampire Bible to all baby vamps.  That’s when things started to really unravel and the Authority fell apart one by one.

I only wish his death scene had been longer. I really wanted to  see Eric get his revenge but drag it out a bit. I know Russell has suffered in the past but this was OH FUCK! I’m dead. Where was the foreplay? Maybe Russell could’ve helped Bill see the fucking light and he wouldn’t be Bililth! Then you could kill him.

RIP Russell. I’m gonna miss you and your hot mess…

via Favorite Villain – Day 8

Fangover Day 8: Arlene and Terry and Andy, Oh My! (via @mswriteok)

This year, the main focus of True Blood was vampire business to the point nearly everyone else’s business focused on it too.
There were exceptions, and we’re peeking in on those today.
I thought Terry and Arlene’s story line this year was stupid. Why did Rene even show up at the end of last season? She paid no attention to that Halloween visit and welcomed Patrick with open arms, even when Terry clearly was not glad to see him.
Patrick’s role was pretty much a place holder so Terry and Arlene, perhaps the only happily married couple in Bon Temps, could have their own story line, miss each other and take right up with their lives next season.
We all knew Terry has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but we didn’t know why. Seeing Patrick brought back both those memories and his terrible mental state.
A slaughter in an Iraqi village was no big plot  surprise until one victim cursed the soldiers who shot her.
She calls up in Ifrit, an Arabian fire monster, to stalk and kill them..
I’ll give them that. The Ifrit was cool.
Terry’s road trip was a waste of plot time we’ll never get back, and the lone soldier in the Dakotas was only there to be Ifrit food.
Arlene though, had a better season. She knew something was wrong, really wrong with her husband and started asking for help – first Holly, then Lafayette.
Wasn’t they séance was great?
 Patrick got a big dose of “Damn it’s real!” and Terry, who had already accepted his death, got a chance to redeem himself when Lafayette channeled the Iraqi woman.
His apology, while it didn’t fix everything right away, got Terry the forgiveness he needed, but with one caveat. He had to kill Patrick.
We all know what happened next. I’m glad Arlene had the gumption to fight for Terry and her children herself, giving Terry the courage to do what needed to be done to Patrick and get his life on track for the first time in a long time.
It’s all sunshine-and-roses between Terry and Arlene now but I’m thinking they won’t be having any more kids right now.
Surprisingly, Andy Bellefleur will be the one on Daddy Duty.
His night with Murella and the ET-like finger touch cost the sheriff dearly, though that birth scene was much needed comic relief. Like everyone else, I think if we orgasmed  while giving birth, there would be a lot more people on this planet.
I’m not clear that all four babies are girls. I’d like to think there are two boys in the mix. Whatever, Andy will have his hands full  and a whole lot of explaining to his grandmother when he brings those bundles of joy home.
We can only hope those half-fairy babies will grow up at super speed and they’ll be school age in no time. And, even if they are telepathic, I don’t think Sookie is going to start a career as a tutor.

And it can’t have been only me, but I wonder when Chris Bauer started working out, because wasn’t he a buff boy this year? Perhaps it was knowing he had to do a nude scene at last.

via Fangover Day 8: Arlene and Terry and Andy, Oh My!

Fang-A-Thon: The Fangover: Day Eight (via @DemonXDiantha)

Storyline You Wish You Had Seen More Of

Eric and Pam

     I was very excited when it first came to light that we would be seeing some flashbacks of Eric and Pam. Although, I thought it would be a lot more. While it did show that Pam was aware of something supernatural even in her human life, I wish it had gone into further detail. There must be more to the story of why Eric turned her; why Eric chose her. I just don’t see him suddenly feeling sorry for a human. I wish we could have seen the first feeding, or how they had to live back when the entire world didn’t believe in the existence of vampires. We got to see how Jessica and Bill, and even how Pam and Tara had to learn to deal with this suddenly new relationship. I just wish we could have seen a bit more of that with Eric and Pam. Oh well, there’s always next season. You hear me, HBO? NEXT. SEASON.

via Fang-A-Thon: The Fangover: Day Eight.

via Fang-A-Thon: The Fangover: Day Eight.

Favorite Storyline – Day 7 (via @Lexiglam)

Because I watched Seasons 1-4 in succession, the history of True Blood is still fresh in my mind and it’s without doubt that I crown S5 my least favorite season. I truly lived the life of a vampire while watching S1-4! I just HAD to know what happened next, so I wouldn’t go to bed until the sun rose. Then, this season happened and I was no longer wanting an instant fix. Things did pick up in the middle though and I quite enjoyed watching the Lilith/Bilith storyline unfold.

It was intriguing to witness the unraveling of the role reversal between Bill, the sensible one and Eric, the ruthless. Eric was the only one with his wits about him that ended up not giving into the hype. He wanted to save everyone from destruction, especially his sister Nora.

I can understand why the power was so seductive to Bill. He’s been so used to playing second fiddle; always having to answer to a higher being but his first taste of control was when he became King of his Parrish. Even though Eric is older, it was Bill’s turn to boss him around. I call this the foreplay. Drinking Lilith’s blood was the orgasm. The beautiful release into immaculate power.

I’m hoping that Sookie is the one who can bring Bill back to the light, metaphorically speaking. I love them together and they have been apart long enough in television land. Imagine the sex that might be had because Bill will be even more attracted to his once fae love. He needs someplace to release all that energy into. 😉 Keep him occupied Sookie, please!

via Favorite Storyline – Day 7

Fangover Day 7: Lafayette and … (via @mswriteok)

When Marnie-as-Lafayette killed Jesus, I was mad.
Finally, our favorite Merlotte’s cook and medium found his true love and that bitch took him away.
In “True Blood’s” first episode of Season 5, I honestly thought Lafayette might not make it through.
I loved Gran’s return from the grave and her taking care of Marnie, but the shell of Lafayette was so weak. Then, when his cousin is shot by that bitch Debbie Pelt, well it was almost more than a man could stand.
I was glad Pam agreed to turn Tara, because it gave Lafayette a chance to want to live. That long night, waiting to see if Tara would awaken in a new life, was a bad one for our boy.
And, when he decided to clean up and reached for that razor…
I like Lafayette’s new look, and after he preached at Sookie about leaving a trail of dead bodies in her wake, I still was a bit worried.
I think everyone was scared when he started doing strange things around Merlotte’s kitchen and actually tried to kill our favorite telepathic/fairy/waitress. It certainly scared him.
His haring off to Mexico to discover what was happening to him was a misstep in the season I think, but I was glad to see the poor pregnant wife take her husband out before he could do any more damage.
I like to think Jesus will visit Lafayette from time to time, because after the last visit, we got our swaggering, bodacious, gayer-than-gay Lafayette back.
It was like Springtime to see him return with his glittery makeup and outfits, that smart mouth going ninety-to-nothing and his swagger, and totaly bad-assness intact.
The season finale brought it all home.
First, he changed the tunes playing in the club to a much more jazzy blues, and I agree it was a welcome change from that redneck music we generally hear.
When he came out with Cajun Margaritas and a pithy play-by-play of Maurella’s delivery of a litter of fairettes with the equally funny Arlene, you could tell he was in a better place.
Has he found some kind of inner peace at last? That being said, what will next season bring?
I have an idea.
There is a Gay-American-Vampire on the run right there in the neighborhood. He doesn’t know many people in the neighborhood and most of the ones he knows are down in New Orleans with a newly-risen Bill at the Authority.
Yes, Steve Newlin would be just the thing for Lafayette.
Lafayette has a history of doing bad things with vamps. He has no problem either using or selling “V,” and Steve could use a little more soul, don’t you think?
I do hope they let these two fabulous men hook up. Can you see the fun they’d have and I’d give a lot of cash to see Steve’s face when he got a look at all the religious icons inisde Lafayette’s house.
‘Nuff said. Bring it on.

Fang-A-Thon: The Fangover: Day Seven (via @DemonXDiantha)

Best Death

     All jokes aside, I truly thought there was going to be a MUCH higher body count this season. I thought Alan Ball would take as many out as he could. That sick bastard. That I love. There were a few good deaths, but the only one that left me truly impressed was Rosalyn Harris. How could you not have loved that death? Kudos to Sam. He should win the big award at the next “My Girlfriend Turned Into Me And Then We Almost Kissed” Awards.  I’m sorry. It was just so fucking cool. And creative! One of very few ways a vampire could not fight back. Also, I’m pretty sure I’ll never be able to sing that “There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly” song ever again without being reminded of what happens when that fucking fly is Sam Merlotte. I’m sorry to see you go, Chancellor Harris. But what a way you went.

via Fang-A-Thon: The Fangover: Day Seven.

Least Favorite Character – Day 6 (via @lexiglam)

Can I just take a moment to talk about how annoying Arlene is and how she needed to GTFO Terry’s business?

Arlene is annoyingly sweet, basically hair-brained but a fairly decent friend to Sookie and the others but this season she was annoying ANNOYING! Honestly, the whole Ifrit storyline needed to go but it didn’t make things any better for her to be prying even further into Terry’s business. In a way, she made him run to Patrick and get caught in that shit hole.

I don’t even understand where this storyline fit into the spectrum of things. Usually, the side stories, always come together at the end, but this was just so out there. Not to mention it was treading on some very thin ice. True Blood has never shied away from controversy but the Muslim faith is a very sensitive topic and with a certain anniversary coming up, it almost went over the line.

The glimmers of hope were Layfette and his medium services. I love how he was trying to BS the whole Ifrit thing (YAY LaLa!) but he actually ended up calling upon the spirit who created the curse! Haha Oops.

Fang-A-Thon: The Fangover: Day Six (via @DemonXDiantha)

The Storyline You Wish You Could Change

     As if I could keep track of all the story lines running around without any parental supervision this season. Seriously, at first it seemed to me that Alan Ball doped everyone up on Pixie Stix and then took everyone to the zoo. If I had to pick just one, I suppose it would be the whole Bud Dearborn/Sweetie/Obama/Pigs storyline. I’m still not so sure what the point of it was. Except maybe to promote Obama masks. I like to wear mine to church. I just thought that they could have explored that whole crazyfest a little bit more. It just seemed a little far fetched to me. And that’s saying something in a show mostly concerned with supernatural creatures. For the longest time, I was convinced Hoyt’s mama was in on it. Okay maybe I just wanted to see her dance moves again. Still, it was a nice little story filler. Although I was sorry to see Bud go. He reminded me of my creepy uncle.

via Fang-A-Thon: The Fangover: Day Six.

Fangover Day 6: Pam and Tara: I called it: “Hell on Wheels” (via @mswriteok)

During the pre-season “Fangathon,” I made some predictions about what would happen during Season Five of “True Blood.”
The one I was happiest about was thinking Pam and Tara would wind up together and would be “Hell on Wheels.”
It took all 12 episodes to get them there, but the season finale gave us what we wanted — a hot, steamy kiss between Tara and Pam.
Let’s look back over their stormy relationship these past 12 episodes.
Pam did Sookie and Lafayette a big favor by turning Tara, and her warning of Tara turning into a “Fucktarded” vampire was not even her best line.
I will always remember her dressed in one of Sookie’s sweatsuits from Wal-Mart, taking one for the team as she went to ground with her new child.
I loved how, even though she tried to keep up the tough as nails exterior, Pam was kind to Tara from the beginning, soothing her in every way she knew how except sexually. She got Tara willing donors and one bitch of a woman who was mean to Tara became her slave.
They shared “dinner” that night, but Pam made sure Tara didn’t make more of it than intake of needed calories.
I enjoyed seeing Tara dressed in some seriously hot outfits. She looked the best I’ve ever seen her, even though she could not believe she found herself behind a bar again, this time at Fangtasia, working for her Maker.
After Eric released Pam, I think Pam cherished Tara even more, though it was hard for her to admit it. Since they didn’t part on any sort of bad terms, I know Eric will be back around the bar when he can, and I look forward to the interplay between the Viking and his grandchild. Yeah, Eric’s her grand-maker.
Tara, at first so angry at becoming the thing she hated most, started to enjoy her new-found powers and her growing attraction to her Maker.
What’s not to love about Pam? She always looks hot (even in yellow sweats), gets all the best lines and keeps her kick-ass attitude front and center at all times.
When the new Area Five Sheriff showed up and started extorting money from Pam, Tara didn’t hesitate.
She took action.
Uttering one of my season-favorite lines: “I don’t know nothing about birthing no vampire babies,”  she beheaded the sheriff.
As a total aside, I totally loved the outfit Pam was wearing when she took the blame for the sheriff’s death and was arrested by Rosalyn. The waist cincher was too, too cute, and Pam looked great in it, even lying in a prison cell.
When Tara and Sookie showed up in the Authority prison to free them, watching Tara go into action was wonderful.
She finally, fully inhabited her role as vampire and accepted that Sookie and Lafayette did her a favor by getting her turned rather than letting her die, though she did not let Sookie forget for one second that she owed Pam.
When Tara grabbed the silver door of Pam’s jail cell and grabbed Pam, all wishes were granted.
Tara got a real kiss from her Maker, Pam realized that Tara could be “The One” and kissed her right back. Sookie’s debt to Pam was retired and for a split second, all was right in the world.
Heaven knows what will happen in 9 months, when Season 6 kicks off, but I think “Hell on Wheels” is on.

via Fangover Day 6: Pam and Tara: I called it: “Hell on Wheels”

Fangover Day 5: Jason’s 19th Nervous Breakdown (via @mswriteok)

Jason, Jason, Jason.
What a season you’re had.
In the space of 12 episodes you went from the biggest slut in the parish to a man who turned down an eager college coed, a fairy and finally the girl I think you really love (even if she is a vampire).
You also lost your best friend and support system by banging his ex-girlfriend before he had gotten over her, causing a breach that broke Hoyt’s spirit and trust in anyone from his home town.
Most of all though, you were trying to grow up. I was so proud when you gently disengaged from the college girl, made her put on more clothing and drove her back to her dorm.
I frankly was floored, but could see you had matured.
You  also starting falling for Jessica, considering a real monogamous relationship, not realizing Jessica still wanted a chance to play around. Forever is a long time when you measure time in millenia.
It didn’t matter really, the feelings between you and Jess are real, try though you might to deny them.
The real trouble started when the Judge took you and Andy to the Fairy Bar. When you saw Hadley and learned that Hunter was there too, you were at first happy they were both alive, then shocked to learn that the Fae wanted your sister there as soon as possible, and forever. You learned about the allure of Fae blood to vampires.
The big blow, though, was learning that vampires, not a flash flood, had killed your parents. When you caused a scene at the club, you were ejected by white light, which finally clicked on the bit of Fairy in you. You started hallucinating about your parents, and it seemed so real.
That caused a major crack in the armor built of your beliefs.
Because you enjoy detective work, you grabbed Sookie and headed back to the Fairy Bar, not just for you, but for your sister to hear she was in danger from the men she loved and maybe she should spend some time relaxing at the club.
In the middle of this, a gang in Obama masks started shooting shifters. Sam Merlotte was great at tracking the group and you discovered retired sheriff Bud Dearborn and his girlfriend were behind it.
You got to the hog farm just before Bud was going to kill both Hoyt and Sookie, and though it cost Bud his life, you saved two of the most important people in your life.
You hoped that this event would help heal the breach between you and Hoyt, especially when he invited you to meet him at Merlottes.
You were surprised when you saw Jess was already there, but heartbroken when you discovered the reason he had called you there.
First, how could Hoyt just leave Bon Temps for Alaska, and worst of all, ask Jessica to glamour him so deeply he would forget his relationship not only with her, but with you too?
You could understand he wanted a new start, but how, really, could he do it without you? He’s your Bubba, your running buddy, your very closest friend. You were heartbroken, and though you’d never heard the word, bereft.
Things continued to fall apart when you and Sookie discovered the clue about what was going on with the Stackhouse family under Gran’s bed. Neither one of you could make head or tail of the strange document.
Back to the Fairy Bar you went. Learning your sister has been pledged to someone named Warlow 300 hears ago — whom the Fae imply is a vampire — ripped the walls down. You were determined to protect your sister with everything at your disposal.
You left Sookie there, sure she would be safe and cared for.
You had no idea that Russell Edgington was so much closer than you knew, and you can’t help that you get glamoured with ridiculous ease. You ratted their location right out and not even the eldest Fairy there could survive a full-on onslaught of a ravenous and raving vampire.
Russell sent you flying, and you hit your head — hard — when you landed.
You missed Russell’s inglorious end, but when you awoke, you found your parents were with you, standing right there, telling you to take care of your sister and to start killing vampires.
Since those desires dovetailed so nicely, you went right along to the Authority with Eric and his sister Nora, as well as Sookie’s best friend Tara, now a vampire too.
What’s a man to do? You did well. You armed yourself to the teeth with all manner of  weapons designed to kill vampires, and went to work. With your parents egging you on and seeing and smelling the blood and the muck of dead vampires, your grip on sanity finally slipped away.
You looked at the woman you love straight in the eyes and told her you could never, ever, love her. Then, you just went on, oblivious to the sound of her heart breaking.
Right now, you’re in an elevator with four vampires and the voices in that damaged head are telling you that you could take them out too.
Man I hope your sister gets to you before you try.

via Fangover Day 5: Jason’s 19th Nervous Breakdown

WTH Alcide?!? – Day 5 (via @lexiglam)

First Debbie, now Rikki. When will Alcide get a fucking break?!? Did the writers not think we’d notice or care that both of his lady loves have overdosed on V?

Well I care. Alcide had a good thing going with this she-wolf Rikki, not to mention the sex was rough and hot! Raawwwrrrr… 😉 Then the writers had to go mess it up within the last few minutes of the finale. Son of a bitch! This is only going send Alcide back into the arms of Sookie and with Bilith ressurrected and Eric thinking Godric knows what, she may not be able to stop herself this time.

Sookie has already been penned the “supernatural slut,” which is highly unfair considering her brother Jason is Bon Temps  Town Gigalo.  Having two beaus that just happen to be vampires, does not make you a trollup, it means you have a healthy love life. Although, if Alcide and Sookie were to hookup, it might snap Jason out of his psycho babble and visions of parents.

I hope this is the last we hear of V because honestly, that rodeo is getting old. Rikki will snap out of it so she and Alcide can build a life together. Or Alcide should just avoid all names that have an “ie” sound to them  Oops,  that means Sookie!

via WTH Alcide?!? – Day 5

Fangover Fangathon Day 5 Worst Storyline (via @SookieStack_SVM)

While there were some good parts about this story line, I think the Obama’s one was very ill thought out. I think it was a very poor attempt to give a nod to those of us who know the books. The good bits in it were when Luna turned into Sam and then went to find Sam, the moments there were just so funny and though it was a serious situation, I had tears rolling down my face with laughter. How the actors managed to keep a straight face when doing those scenes, I will never know. I also liked how this story line gave Martha a chance to redeem herself after what she did to Sam in the first episode. The scene where Luna sees Martha in hospital and is told that Emma ran to her was well played out by the two ladies. Martha came across as a very determined grandmother who would do anything to protect Emma.

The Obama’s “rescue of Hoyt” was in one word absurd. Hoyt just did not look right playing a member of this hate group. He was uncomfortable from the start and it seemed that all the reasons that we loved Hoyt in the previous seasons were just expected to be wiped away in a flash. I found it to be very unconvincing and there could have been better ways for Hoyt to deal with the hurt he was feeling after finding out about Jessica and Jason. This just seemed very unconvincing as a whole.

On the Subject of unconvincing, Bud as one of the leaders of the group definitely filled that description. Also To suddenly have a new character introduced as a Villain, sweetie des artes, without any real prior mention of her was also very remiss of the writers. This whole story line started off well but then seemed to get rushed in the desperate bid to find filler and also try and tie some things together; Hoyt’s hurt, Sookie and Jason’s Parent’s death and to give the season some tie to the books.

I was glad when the whole thing ended the way it did, cause there is no way this can be resurrected again.

via Fangover Fangathon Day 5 Worst Storyline

Season 5 Fangover Countdown!

It’s just a few hours before the season finale of True Blood and Truebies everywhere are anxiously awaiting to see how everything goes down.

Not ready for it to be truly over?

Well, we are still accepting registrations for our first Fang-a-Thon Fangover. For 10 days, Truebies are encouraged to participate in reliving their favorite moments from Season 5. All those who complete all ten days will be entered to win one of several prizes.

The prizes are as follows:

So go ahead and fight that fangover for another 10 days!

Fang-a-Thon Fangover Event

In honor of True Blood’s Season 5 finale, we at the Fang-a-thon have decided to host another event.

Now, before you start wondering how you are going to come up with another 30 days worth of blogs, calm down. Our fangover event will be a shorter event. Instead of 30 days (nights), we will only be going for 10 days. That’s right. Just a 10 day challenge.

What all do you need to do to join in?

First of all, you must register. A valid e-mail address, blog url and twitter/facebook link is required. Please provide these.

The fangover event will begin August 27th and will continue until 11:59 PM (PCT) on September 5th. Each post must be about season 5 of True Blood (if you live in a country that hasn’t shown the new season, please type that in the comment section of your registration, so an exception can be made). Each post must have at least 150 words. You may post as many video clips, pictures and gifs as you please, but an actual blog post is required.

Just like with the Fang-a-Thon, we will have several prizes to offer. I will update the prize page within the next day. But some of the prizes included are: an exclusive True Blood shirt from Comic Con 2012, Everything is at Stake – Alcide poster and Season 4 of True Blood on Blu-Ray or DVD.

The topics page will be updated and released on Sunday just before the season finale. So be on the look out. Registration is open from now until noon on August 27th.

Season 5 Episode Guide (Updating) (via @TBconfid)

Will keep updating as info gets released, I had this in other places but think it needs it’s own link.
SUNDAY, JUNE 10, E1, “Turn! Turn! Turn!
Sookie (Anna Paquin) and Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) struggle with the aftermath of Tara’s (Rutina Wesley) shooting, while also cleaning up after Debbie Pelt. Meanwhile, Bill (Stephen Moyer) and Eric (Alexander Skarsgård), cleaning up a mess of their own, are visited by the Vampire Authority, one of whom is Nora (Lucy Griffiths), a woman from Eric’s past. In search of the missing Marcus, Alcide’s (Joe Manganiello) werewolf pack comes after Sam (Sam Trammell). With Bill away, Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll) enjoys her new freedom by partying with local college kids; Jason (Ryan Kwanten) is visited by the recently turned Rev. Steve Newlin (Michael McMillian); Terry’s (Todd Lowe) PTSD is reignited by Patrick Devins (Scott Foley), an old Iraq War buddy; and Alcide turns up at Sookie’s to warn her about the recently resurfaced Russell Edgington (Denis O’Hare).

JUNE 17, E2, Authority Always Wins
At the Vampire Authority headquarters in New Orleans, Bill and Eric meet Salome (Valentina Cervi) and become acquainted with the Authority’s interrogation techniques. Pam (Kristin Bauer van Straten) recalls her human life as the madam of the Comstock Brothel in San Francisco, and her first encounter with Eric. Werewolves J.D. (Louis Herthum) and Rikki (Kelly Overton) pay tribute to Marcus, but Alcide refuses to participate or take his rightful place as the new packmaster. Martha Bozeman (Dale Dickey) shows up wanting to see her granddaughter, causing conflict for Sam and Luna (Janina Gavankar). Fearing Russell’s return, Sookie procures a home-protection system; Arlene (Carrie Preston) tries to get to the bottom of Terry’s erratic behavior; Steve Newlin stops by with an offer for Jessica; and Jason feels the brunt of his womanizing ways.
SUNDAY, JUNE 24, E3, “Whatever I Am, You Made Me”
Bill and Eric barter for their lives with the Authority Chancellors and their leader, Roman (Christopher Meloni). Salome and Roman enlist a new ally in the face of Russell’s return. Sookie goes to Fangtasia to ask for help from Pam, who is still caught up in her memories of Eric and the strange murders at the Comstock Brothel. Andy’s dalliance with Holly (Lauren Bowles) comes back to bite him in the butt; later, he’s visited by Gordon (Steve Rankin) and Barbara Pelt (Linda Purl), who are searching for Debbie. Jason bumps into an old high school teacher, but their reunion brings up conflicting feelings.
SUNDAY JULY 1, E4 “We’ll Meet Again”
Episode #52 (5.04): “We’ll Meet Again”: Eric and Bill fear for their lives; Lafayette puts Sookie’s life in danger; Roman and Salome root out a Council traitor. (Written by Alexander Woo; directed by Romeo Tirone.)
Playdates: July 1, 4, 5 and 7  
SUNDAY JULY 8, E5, “Boot N Rally”
Bill and Eric turn to Sookie for help with Russell’s whereabouts; Jason has a disturbing dream. (Written by Angela Robinson; directed by Michael Lehmann.)
Playdates: July 8, 11, 12 and 14  
SUNDAY JULY 15, E6, “Hopeless”
Bill and Eric are retrieved by the Authority; Roman lays out his plans for Russell. (Written by Alan Ball; directed by Dan Attias.)
Playdates: July 15, 18, 19 and 21
SUNDAY JULY 22, E7, “In The Beginning”
Salome reveals her true allegiances; Sookie embraces her human side; Sam sniffs out some perps; Alcide braces for a fight. (Written by Brian Buckner; directed by Michael Ruscio.)
Playdates: July 22, 25, 26 and 28  
E8 “Somebody That I Used to Know”
The Authority revels in a new direction; Sookie and Jason visit the site of their parents’ deaths; Luna gets stuck on Sam. (Written by Mark Hudis; directed by Stephen Moyer.)
Playdates: July 29 and 31 
E9 “Everybody Wants to Rule the World”
E10 “Gone, Gone, Gone”
E11 “Finally”
E12, “Save Yourself”
From IMDB and and of course, Rhoswhen7.
According to the schedule that HBO sent to media outlets in May, new True Blood episodes will air on all 5 Sundays in July. It makes sense, because the 4th is in the middle of the week, but it’s good to have confirmation anyway. That means season 5 of True Blood should finish up on August 26.
I want to thank the person known as Rhoswen7, they have made this a fun hiatus, and very bearable with info for fans before the entertainment sites posted the news.

via Season 5 Episode Guide (Updating)

True Blood Season 5 Countdown: Two Days! (via @vs4as)

Only two days until the True Blood season 5 premiere airs! Sunday June 10, 2012 is the day when True Blood fans can finally see the premiere episode titled “Turn! Turn! Turn!”. The countdown video is below and it features Deborah Woll-Vampire Jessica:

via True Blood Season 5 Countdown: Two Days!

True Blood Season 5 Countown Video 3 Days to Go (via @vs4as)

True Blood season 5 will premiere in 3 days! We see quite a few new scenes in this clip including a certain kiss scene! Also get to see Bon Temps’ policemen sporting new suits (image above)

Caps coming soon.

I see Kibwe below handing over a stake: *could be Lafayette? Thanks to Nymerias for the clue!!


True Blood Season 5 Episode 1 Preview “Turn! Turn! Turn!” (via @vs4as)


HBO posted the preview for True Blood’s premiere episode titled Turn, Turn, Turn. The fifth season will premiere on Sunday June 10, 2012. This is an action packed episode and I can’t wait to see it again! working on screencaps!

Interesting action in the preview!

Only 2 Nights to Fang-a-long

So I’m excited to see so many of you are still hangin’ in there! The finish line is in sight and soon True Blood will be here!

I almost feel like a kid waiting up for Santa Clause on Christmas Eve!

So… I don’t know if any of you listen into True Bites, but i made an important announcement.

As you all know, I’ve been reading all of your blogs and reblogging them (not as quickly as I would like, but I’ve been doing my best!)

After much consideration and just becoming in awe of one of the bloggers, I’ve decided to award a specialized prize to one of you.

I am pleased to announce that I will be awarding @TrueBloodMame a ‘Team Eric’ t-shirt for all of her wonderful posts on her blog, Eric, Alex and Mythology.

I don’t know if y’all have checked it out, but you really should. She’s done an amazing job with coming up with a daily word for each letter of the alphabet, all of which are in regards to Eric Northman. She’s been creating a Tarot set, using the True Blood/SVM characters. She’s posed poems, haikus and even interesting posts behind the mythology of symbolism and other aspects that can be found within the series.

So great job, @TrueBloodMame!

Also, I have been ordering the prizes for those who have finished all 30 Nights and I discovered one of the posters I had promised is no longer in print. I am working on trying to find another prize that is equal to that in price value and I will let you know when I find one.

Once again, I apologize for the delay on my reblogging. Unfortunately, there’s been a ton of supernatural mayhem going on around here and sometimes a telepath just falls behind. I have been keeping up with your posts and all of them are ready to be posted, I’m just trying to avoid spamming my TL too much.

I hope you guys are as excited as I am for Sunday to hurry up and get here!

~Sookie Stackhouse

Fang-a-Thon Day 27: Theme of the Season [mild spoilers] (via @VampKingBill)

Alan Ball often likes to have thematic narratives that arc over a season. Season 2 for example was religion, season 3 was politics. Perhaps part of the reason season 4 suffered was because there was no official theme. Regardless, the theme of season 5 is officially “Church and State”

So the main storyline for the vampires is going to be the battle within the Authority – the pro-mainstream camp lead by Roman vs. the Sanguinistas, which are likely the #vampyr faction who want to drink humans like cattle. Roman basically agrees to cut a deal with Bill and Eric for help with the Sanguinistas more so than Russell.

I’m intrigued by this notion and look forward to how it’s going to play out over the course of the season. Not only does it let the show get its usual social commentary on, but it makes perfect sense that there WOULD be this kind of battle going on among vampires. You know that when the decision to come out of the coffin was made, it wasn’t put up to a popular vote. It really probably was something like “I am Roman. I am the Authority. We reveal ourselves” and lo they did. And I’m sure that many were not happy about it, hence having a decided need for pro-mainstreaming monarchs and why the Authority cleared the way for Bill to become King. Digression aside, you know that the tensions that have been hinted at subtlety and more overtly probably have been running much deeper than we’ve been lead to believe and now is threatening to spill out into the public as a full out civil war – the likes of which could bring about all their demises. We don’t know much more beyond this. There are teases that perhaps Russell isn’t the main villain and we’ll also see the European Authority as well.

All told, I think there is a lot of play with this idea and I look forward to how it comes together.

via Fang-a-Thon Day 27: Theme of the Season [mild spoilers].