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Posts tagged “Alcide Herveaux

WTH Alcide?!? – Day 5 (via @lexiglam)

First Debbie, now Rikki. When will Alcide get a fucking break?!? Did the writers not think we’d notice or care that both of his lady loves have overdosed on V?

Well I care. Alcide had a good thing going with this she-wolf Rikki, not to mention the sex was rough and hot! Raawwwrrrr… 😉 Then the writers had to go mess it up within the last few minutes of the finale. Son of a bitch! This is only going send Alcide back into the arms of Sookie and with Bilith ressurrected and Eric thinking Godric knows what, she may not be able to stop herself this time.

Sookie has already been penned the “supernatural slut,” which is highly unfair considering her brother Jason is Bon Temps  Town Gigalo.  Having two beaus that just happen to be vampires, does not make you a trollup, it means you have a healthy love life. Although, if Alcide and Sookie were to hookup, it might snap Jason out of his psycho babble and visions of parents.

I hope this is the last we hear of V because honestly, that rodeo is getting old. Rikki will snap out of it so she and Alcide can build a life together. Or Alcide should just avoid all names that have an “ie” sound to them  Oops,  that means Sookie!

via WTH Alcide?!? – Day 5

Fang-A-Thon: The Fangover: Day Four (via @DemonXDiantha)

Least Favorite Character:

Jackson Herveaux

     I thought a father and son picture might add some warmth to this relationship. I can’t actually name a least favorite character on the show. I have a sick fascination with all of them. But if I had to choose who I wasn’t exactly fond of this year, I’d have to go with Big Pappa Herveaux. Now, I’m well aware he wasn’t around as much as the other characters, which is most likely the reason I didn’t really care when he came on the screen. Also, did anyone else think the pack initiation scene was a little bit Twilight? I half expected Jacob Black to come bounding through without his shirt on. Not that I would have complained, I’m just saying. I do hope we get to see a bit more of him in the upcoming season. I’m sure it could be an interesting backstory.

     Poor kids. All these crazy parents running around, hopped up on the hooch. Maybe Papa Herveaux and Lettie Mae could go on a demon expelling date.

via Fang-A-Thon: The Fangover: Day Four.

Fangover Fangathon Day 3 Favourite Flashback (via @SookieStack_SVM)

There were a few contenders this season. The death of Sookie’s parents, Alcide with his dad when he was asked what to choose and of course the Pam flashback where she first meets Eric. Eric in that top hat and tails was to die for, he was so gorgeous and I am sure I am not alone in that thought.

My favourite had to be the second Eric and Pam flashback, where Eric encounters Bill and Lorena as they had been responsible for draining Pam’s girls. Of course Eric had made it clear that he was only interested in Pam with his usual charm but that was disturbed by this discovery. Bill’s behaviour is very typical of baby vamps in that he thinks he can kill Eric, while Eric stands there, fangs bared, cheeky smirking grin on his face as he holds the stake and tells Lorena off.

The stylish way he deals with that as those two slope away before he moves in for the girl is so romantic and yet still typically Eric. I loved that flashback, best of all for the different players in it. Not to mention the insight it gave into the chemistry between Eric and Pam and how they laid the foundations for the partnership that we came to know and love over the course of the show.

This then runs onto my next favourite flashback, since I loved the whole Eric Pam story as a whole. As well as getting a nice glimpse of naked Eric, which is always a good thing, we learn more about Pam. We see her frailty and her strengths, we see her strong will shining through in her impassioned speech before she basically forces Eric’s hand. It is this whole package that convinces Eric that she would be perfect as his child and the rest, as they say is history.

via Fangover Fangathon Day 3 Favourite Flashback

Fangover: Day 1 – Sam and Luna (via @VampKingBill)

Aren’t they sweet? Yeah. Never saw them this way this season. Sucks to be us.

Credit where credit is due: overall this was one of the better interesting storylines and it gave them a relatively smooth way to interact with a good chunk of the cast in a way that didn’t feel forced. Unfortunately there was a major problem with the entire storyline: to quote Darling Sookie, “shifting is the new microwave fingers.” Need to get out of the hospital? Just shift! Need to find out where the Obamas might be? Just shift! Need to get brought to Emma? You guessed it – just shift! While I can’t blame them for using their ability it’s like they can’t do anything without it. I also had some serious concerns about their entry into the Authority. But props where props are due: Rosalyn’s death was seriously one of the more imaginative ways to off someone on that show and they really went for it too. I do wonder if Luna is going to survive her skinwalking, let alone what’s going to happen since they’ve effectively outed shifters on national tv, but I guess those are questions for Season 6

Best Moment: Sam offing Rosalyn

It was a brilliant bout of quick thinking. It was a clever way to keep Luna out of harm’s way. It wasn’t nearly as ridiculous as rolling around on the ground to get the scent of the Obama’s. It was short. It was sweet. It was awesome.

Worst Moment: Sam acting the martyr and claiming to have killed Marcus.

Sorry, but that just didn’t make any sense. Tommy’s act of self-sacrifice made perfect sense. He was a character that grew up in an abusive household. Sam welcomed him in home, gave him a job, showed that he was cared for. And he threw it back in Sam’s face with his selfishness. The self-sacrifice was, in a twisted way, a way to make it back up to Sam and feel like he’s done something valuable. On the other hand, Sam had no such motivation. Luna, by virtue of being Emma’s mother (and Martha’s insisting that Emma would be wolf before she turned the first time) more or less wasn’t in any danger until Sam stepped in and if anyone owed the other it was Alcide who could have saved Tommy’s life by stepping in sooner. So in essence we had a deed with no motivation behind that endangered more than it aided. Pointless and stupid.

via Fangover: Day 1 – Sam and Luna.

Fangover: Day 1 – Alcide (via @VampKingBill)

That’s about the face I’ve making this entire season when it comes to Alcide.

Poor Alcide. He finally gets a nice wolf-centric storyline and unfortunately, he’s the weakest link in it. As far as that storyline goes, Martha was the more interesting character, the Pelts added tension but were abruptly dropped off (perhaps to return next season bookies?) and he was beaten by a V-infused JD making him seem weak right before he got kicked out of the pack. The aftermath of that defeat lead to the biggest weakness of all of that storyline: the non-stop insistence that Alcide is a pack wolf first and foremost.

Alcide has never shown any previous pack-leaning tendencies. In Season 3, he’d largely distanced himself from the Jackson pack  – it was protecting Sookie that drew him back in again. In Season 4 he resisted joining the pack in Shreveport, ultimately only doing so because Debbie wouldn’t let it drop and even then he was almost immediately disgusted by Marcus and his character. That’s not pack-first behavior.He remained disgusted by JD especially when JD allied himself with Russell. He knew where that road lead and didn’t want any part of it. Yes, he  finally made a effort to dethrone JD – but only after it was essentially too late. Had he been pro-pack, he’d taken the mantle of leadership when it was first offered to him. So what of any of that says that he’s a pack-wolf?

I think it was a shame they went that way: it was more interesting for him to be an outsider especially because he didn’t like what packs could force a wolf to become. You can almost parallel the wolves with vampires living in nests: the net effect is almost seemingly more negative than positive whether it’s a V-addiction or standing by and doing nothing when the Pack Master is obviously doing something awful. Ultimately that Alcide was more complex and more interesting than what we got. The writers did try to give him some depth by contrasting him to his dad, but I think those scenes added so little (aside from showing the baby vamps roaming) as to essentially be filler. The ending of the arc was a bit redemptive, but somehow having to stoop to JD’s level by taking the V negates it somewhat, however necessary it was.

Best Moment: Beating the ever loving shit out of JD.
I know that only the line before I said it was a bit cheap for him to take V, but hey, sometimes you do what you gotta do. Clearly JD had lost his marbles and was causing so much harm that there were few choices to be had. It was interesting to note that no one was really stepping in to try and defend JD – even before Martha and her bow made an appearance. For all of my gripes that Alcide has not been a packwolf, they have done a decent job completing the transformation to pack wolf. Let’s see what they can do with it in Season 6.

Worst Moment: Alcide tries to take advantage of Sookie
Yes folks, that is exactly what he was trying to do. He knew that Sookie didn’t feel the same way about him. He knew that although that maybe she was attracted to him, she’d never date him or do anything physical with him. He knew that she was already an emotional wreck from trying to deal with Debbie’s death. And most importantly, he knew she was drunk while he was sober. Had he really cared about her, he would have helped her upstairs and tucked her in to sleep it off – not encourage her to drink even more when she was already so vulnerable knowing that it could finally get her to act on those feelings she wouldn’t have acted on previously. I am glad that the writers didn’t actually let them go there and I will be incredibly disappointed if they hook up in the future now that this has happened.

via Fangover: Day 1 – Alcide.

Hello, Season 5 (via @mswriteok)

Thirty days ago I couldn’t imagine writing my last post of this Fang-a-thon.
It’s bittersweet.
That said, this post is going to either prove I have a preternatural power of observation or I’m a complete loony, because I’m going to speculate about how Season 5 will go.
First, I read the downloaded script pages and I laughed and laughed. Since this is a spoilerish-topic, I won’t say what I saw, but I will say this.
Russell Edgington will fall head-over-fangs in love with Steve Newlin. It’s perfect. Steve is as shallow and as well dressed as Talbot ever was and Russell will love showing the former head of Fellowship of the Sun the vampire ropes and cavorting with him behind the closed bedroom door.
It appears Hoyt is either going to be a fangbanger or turn into a complete vamp-hater. He may be both. It make take him all season to transition from one to the other, but Jessica broke his heart and her feelings for Jason broke his spirit. He’s a different sort of “Lost Boy” and I hope he can find a way back to the sweet guy he was.
I believe Eric will be the man to turn Tara. He will turn her over to Pam to teach her, and those two are going to recognize kindred spirits and they are going to be hell on wheels this season.
They will be the female version of Russell and Steve. Pam will love having another woman around, especially another bi- woman, and Tara will enjoy exacting revenge on all the men and women who screwed her over in her life.
Bill and Eric are obviously going to become great friends at last. I think they’ll both show up at Sookie’s house in the first 60 seconds of “Turn, Turn, Turn,” and while Sookie will be glad of their company, she won’t want much to do with them.
Jessica is going to get to Jason in the nick of time, chasing Steve straight into Russell’s arms. This season I think the deadly redhead and her boy toy will explore the depths of their attraction to each other.
I also wonder if one day Jason will open his front door and be confronted by half of the women from Hot Shot and their babies. Payback’s a bitch, kids.
Also, while Andy Bellefleur is courting Halleigh the waitress, he will be confronted at some point by either a pregnant fairy or one with a baby who looks remarkably like him. Andy’s going to have some ‘splaining to do, and he’d going to have to think fast.
I think Alcide will make a play for Sookie this season and will be the main man protecting her from Russell’s thirst for more of her intoxicating blood. I don’t know how far they will go, because Alcide also has a lot of pack business to deal with, and he will wind up Packmaster.
Debbie Pelt’s parents will come looking for their daughter and Sookie’s conscience will bother her, but not so much that she will confess she knows literally where the body is buried.
Sam, who will at first be blamed for Marcus’ death, will be saved by Alcide, but how will Luna explain to Emma that her dad is dead and Sam was there when it happened? They’ll have a tough time this season.
Lafayette will be in mourning for Jesus and Tara and even if his boyfriend’s spirit drops by to keep him company, right now he blames Sookie for at least half his problems. He will have to come to terms with his magical powers before he can be of any use to anyone else.
Arlene’s marriage to Terry may be in jeopardy since Patrick has come back. Terry and Patrick are not going to be doing anything good, but it should be interesting.
Last of all, the Authority and Nora will at first hunt Eric and Bill, then assign them to take care of Russell Edgington before he can kill too many more humans. It will be intriguing to see Eric and Pam’s backstory, as well as see how Eric and his “sister” Nora interact. From the trailers, it seems Nora can give Sookie a run for her money where Eric is concerned.
Sookie is going to have a rough year I think. Bill and Eric will be MIA from Bon Temps, Russell is surely coming for her and bringing Steve along for the fun of it, Alcide will be doing his best to protect her but pack business will interfere, Jason will be his scatterbrained self and will forget his sister might need him, so she’s going to have to depend on herself to keep safe and sound.
And, one more thing, as the season goes along, we’ll be less and less of Sookie, and I mean that since she’s expecting in real life, camera angles will be higher and higher and I’ve heard she’ll be carrying a big purse in front of her in any long shot.
I’m ready. Bring it on.

via Hello, Season 5

The Friday Before! (via @LuvBONESnTBlood)

Wow! Thanks to I saw the new Promo from Ryan Kwanten/Jason Stackhouse and boy was I not a happy camper to see this:

I embelished on the still I know! Guess we all knew that might happen but still!!!!!

Alcide: What if our hearts can’t be trusted and it’s our brains we should be listening to?

(IMO: Then shoot yourself in the head)

via The Friday Before!.

True Blood’s Cast Answers E! Online’s Questions (via @EricSookieLover)

For today’s (Day 27) fangalicious Fang-A-Thon post, I’m going to share with you some MORE True Blood Season 5 spoilers! I bet you’re getting sick and tired of them by now…but during this time of year, with True Blood only 4 days away – this is “Christmas in June” when it comes to spoilers. This is just one of our little “gifts”.

E! Online shared an interesting spoiler which is very close to our Eric & Sookie lovin’ hearts…the fate of Sookie and the men in her life!

WARNING: If you don’t want to know – don’t read below!

This is what they revealed in E! Online’s Spoiler Chat!

It’s almost time, fangbangers! True Blood‘s new season finally premieres this Sunday!

But before you settle in to catch up with the folks in Bon Temps, you should know we bugged the entire cast about the burning questions on our minds since season four. Who dug up Russell Edgington? What’s the status of the Eric-Sookie-Bill love triangle? If you’re curious to hear what Anna Paquin, Alexander Skarsgård and the rest said, then sink your teeth into some True Blood scoop:

Before we get into the love triangle situation, let’s eliminate a couple of people from the Russell Edgington (Denis O’Hare) mystery.

“It definitely wasn’t Eric,” Skarsgård tells us. “Eric would never do that.” OK, one down. Only about 18 suspects to go, plus countless other new characters who might have done it. What about the werewolves?

“It wasn’t Alcide. I’ll tell you that much,” Joe Manganiello insists. OK, two down. Back to the vamps.

I can’t tell you who dug up Russell Edgington because it’s a very major plot point,” Stephen Moyer laughs. Hmmm, interesting response, Vampire Bill. We’ll let that vague answer slide…for now. Moving on to that Bill-Sookie-Eric love brouhaha, Moyer reveals how the situation is going to play out in season five.

“I think he’s got other things on his mind. There’s just not time to worry about that relationship,” he tells us. “When we left Bill and Eric last time, Sookie had just told them she was going in a different direction for a while. And then something major happens to them and they are completely caught up with dealing with that.”

Meanwhile, Manganiello says that Alcide is not exactly still smitten with the lovely Sookie. “You’re going to see him pick up where he left off last season, which was pissed, and you’re really going to see his transformation this season into the big bad wolf,” he teases. “This is the season I’ve been waiting for since I’ve been on the show.”

Okay…so it’s not Eric or Alcide who released Russell. Bill is sounding a little bit suspicious though. But I don’t think he would let him out, when Russell knew he helped Eric bury him to begin with. No, my money is either on Steve Newlin or somebody else. Someone who we don’t know about yet. One of his werewolf followers perhaps?

From the sounds of it, Sooicide might be short-lived too. Whew, what a relief! It’s not very surprising, since Sookie has that big, fat ole secret involving Debbie’s death hanging between them. I wonder how and when the big, bad wolf finds out? I’m pretty sure it won’t be from Sookie herself. It will be some time later in the season too.

We already know about the bad bromance between Eric and Bill, and how they’ll be involved with The Authority. I’m beginning to look forward to this, because you KNOW there are going to be a lot of insults thrown each other’s way, and those are always good for a few laughs…especially if Eric gets the last insult in.

What are your thoughts? Share ‘em

via True Blood’s Cast Answers E! Online’s Questions.

US Weekly True Blood Season 5 Premiere Episode Stay Indoors (via @vs4as)

US Weekly issue June 11, 2012 has a feature titled “Stay Indoors” listing shows readers should watch this summer. The premiere episode of True Blood is listed and the page scans are in the gallery below.

The article reported by Brody Brown and Zachary Johnson catches fans up on where we left of in season 4:

“Sookie can never sever ties between Bill and herself or Eric and herself,” says Ball. Family lore: “An agreement made hundreds of years ago will have a profound impact” on Sookie, Ball tells Us. Also havin an impact: sexy Alcide.

V is for… (via @TrueBloodMame)

Viking – what Eric is in his heart and soul

“Hey, Sookie! Where have you been? Come. Come play with me. It’s wonderful here. I am Aegir, God of the Sea, and you are Ran, my sea goddess.”

“Eric, snap the fuck out of it. You have no loyalty to Bill Compton. You are a Viking vampire god and you bow to no one. If someone crosses you, you rip out their liver with one fang.”

via V is for…

True Blood Season 5 Sneak Peeks (via @DarlingSookie)

Last week’s Season 5 Premiere Party in LA yielded Truebies everywhere with three more sneak peeks into the upcoming season:

Now I don’t know about anyone else, but Pam and I can tell ya, Eric won’t even pick up his own towel, let alone clean an entire office. He has crews that handle this sort of thing and trust me, I’ve seen the invoices once, they get paid a pretty penny for their thorough cleaning and discresion. So this seems like a great piece of fiction by Alan Ball.

Plus, if vamps are this great at cleaning, why did it take my disappearance to get the remanents of MaryAnn’s mayhem out of my house and off the wall? I mean, these vamps are so determined to prove they care for me, but instead of buying me expensive kitchen appliances, how ’bout ya pick up a broom every once and a while?

Anyways, I guess I have more important things to worry about. After all, Russell’s runnin’ wild and free after a year in a cement grave. And of course, there’s also that messy business of the psycho bitch were, Debbie, who’s head I recently blew off.

I know Alcide ‘abjured’ Debbie and apparently, among the Were community, this holds great significance. But I highly doubt his feelings for her changed just like that. In fact, I’m willing to bet he’s hurting inside after everything that went down and I honestly don’t know how to tell him I shot and killed Debbie.

I mean, yes, she broke into my house and tried to kill me. But honestly, I don’t know that I could rationally just not hate the person who killed someone I loved, even if it were in self-defense.

Honestly, I feel bad for Terry and Arlene for losing their home to that freak fire. But I’ve got more important things to worry about than them temporary living in luxery out at Belle Reve. I suppose that’s a bit callous of me to say, but come on, you live in a fully restored plantation home that is the envy of most of Bon Temps, should ya really be complainin’?

What do y’all think about the clips? Feel free to post your comments below!

via True Blood Season 5 Sneak Peeks.

True Blood vs. the Southern Vampire Mysteries (via @mswriteok)

An open letter to Alan Ball:
I’ve tried to stay quiet on this subject because I like both the series and the books, but today I’m taking sides.
Alan Ball, you are making a mess of my series.
I say my series, because I pay for HBO and that means that some of the money I fork over every month gets into your pocket.
At the beginning of the show, you stayed pretty true to the books. Changing Tara Thornton’s character completely was cool, as was keeping Nelson Ellis as  Lafayette, but it wouldn’t have occurred to me to have them be related. Oh, well.
The show jumped the rails when MaryAnn took over Bon Temps. What the hell were you thinking Mr. Ball?
Same sentiment with the Fae Realm. Alan created a world and made it ugly.
Sookie Stackhouse represents everything that is good and lovely in the South and Alan Ball is making it his personal mission to destroy it, first by making her saga secondary to that of any man on the show, and then by downplaying anything she does, unless it goes right back to Eric or Bill.
Last season, she spent a lot of time shouting “Run” or “Watch Out” as the vamps got into one scrape after another. She was a convenient feeding stop pretty much.
He spent a whole lot of time on two characters who do not exist in the books at all. While I liked seeing Lafayette and Jesus together, their story with the witches had little or nothing to do with Sookie and her quest to find True Love.
And, I was looking forward to meeting Hallow, not Antonia.
I have a problem with Sookie suddenly using her fairy fingers to break the spell on Eric, restoring his memories at the same time, I would have liked to see Sookie have some power over Eric for a time, like she did in the books.
So far, Season 5 doesn’t look all that exciting to me. It seems there is very little Sookie and a whole lot of Tara, Lafayette, Russell Edgington, Eric, Bill, Pam and Jessica with a touch of Alcide and Sam thrown in.
I’m not saying I won’t watch it, or buy the DVDs when they come out. I surely will.
With all that said, I’m glad Alan Ball is stepping down as head honcho. I hope Mark Hudis has a bit more respect for the books and can find his way back to Charlaine Harris’ take on things.
I like hers a whole lot more.

via True Blood vs. the Southern Vampire Mysteries

True Blood Season 5 Sneak Peeks (via @DarlingSookie)

Last week’s Season 5 Premiere Party in LA yielded Truebies everywhere with three more sneak peeks into the upcoming season:

Now I don’t know about anyone else, but Pam and I can tell ya, Eric won’t even pick up his own towel, let alone clean an entire office. He has crews that handle this sort of thing and trust me, I’ve seen the invoices once, they get paid a pretty penny for their thorough cleaning and discresion. So this seems like a great piece of fiction by Alan Ball.

Plus, if vamps are this great at cleaning, why did it take my disappearance to get the remanents of MaryAnn’s mayhem out of my house and off the wall? I mean, these vamps are so determined to prove they care for me, but instead of buying me expensive kitchen appliances, how ’bout ya pick up a broom every once and a while?

Anyways, I guess I have more important things to worry about. After all, Russell’s runnin’ wild and free after a year in a cement grave. And of course, there’s also that messy business of the psycho bitch were, Debbie, who’s head I recently blew off.

I know Alcide ‘abjured’ Debbie and apparently, among the Were community, this holds great significance. But I highly doubt his feelings for her changed just like that. In fact, I’m willing to bet he’s hurting inside after everything that went down and I honestly don’t know how to tell him I shot and killed Debbie.

I mean, yes, she broke into my house and tried to kill me. But honestly, I don’t know that I could rationally just not hate the person who killed someone I loved, even if it were in self-defense.

Honestly, I feel bad for Terry and Arlene for losing their home to that freak fire. But I’ve got more important things to worry about than them temporary living in luxery out at Belle Reve. I suppose that’s a bit callous of me to say, but come on, you live in a fully restored plantation home that is the envy of most of Bon Temps, should ya really be complainin’?

What do y’all think about the clips? Feel free to post your comments via True Blood Season 5 Sneak Peeks.

Who let the loony loose? (via @TrueBloodMame)

Only four people know for sure where RE was buried: Eric, Bill and Alcide b/c they were on the site and Pam b/c she saved Eric.  We saw Alcide’s worker in S4, who was glamored when RE was dug up (- it has to be a vampire doing the digging/glamoring b/c we can already see RE was in too poor a condition to do either of those things himself).

When Bill and Eric hear from somebody – probably Alcide – that RE has been released, they also hear about the worker being glamored. So they need Sookie to listen to his thoughts, hence Sookie holding the worker’s hand when they visit the site. They want her to read his mind to see if he can say what he saw – if he isn’t too glamored too remember that is – as they’re trying to figure out who freed Russell.

We have seen Sookie trying to read glamored minds before. In season 1, it was Ginger and all Sookie said was that it was blank. In season 2 she walks by a glamored man in Hotel Carmilla and gets white noise and music. We also see how Sookie with the help of Bill is able to access Tara’s mind after Maryann had used her version of glamor on her and later she is able to do the same on her own with Eggs. And the rules about what is possible or not for Sookie to use her telepathy has changed before in TB and this time, she has also had boost in the form of Eric Northman’s blood. So what if this blurry image is what the worker remembers? It looks like a female, and it could fit Pam; is this why Eric goes mental on Pam, suspecting her of freeing RE?

That leaves us with four suspects: Eric, Bill, Alcide and Pam. It is hard to imagine any of them doing it. We don’t know much about Alcide and his loyalties and his dark side. Could he be in association with some vampire? I doubt it, but it is a possibility. So what is left? Another progeny of RE? He could have been able to summon his child to help him, but why did it take a whole year to happen? Who could this progeny be? RE is ancient and so is Salome. Could she be the one? After all, she is said to be as crazy as RE, LoL.

via Who let the loony loose?

Fang-A-Thon Day 19: Best/Worst – Weres (via @VampKingBill)

When I started to think about what I wanted to write for this post, I realized that overall it feels like weres really haven’t added that much to the canon of the show, or at least in a way that convinces me that characters couldn’t have just been human instead. That being said, let’s take a look at the best and the worst of the Weres.

Best: I can hear everyone screaming now, but yes, I think the best use of weres has come from Hot Shots and the werepanthers at the start of Season 4. If you’ve ever listened to True Bites, you’ve undoubtedly heard me rail against how this plot was dropped and how completely inappropriate it was for them to do a story like this just for the sake of getting Jessica and Jason together. That all remains true. However, up until the time that the story got dropped, the Hot Shots arc was working incredibly well for me. There was motivation for the panthers doing what they did (even if they weren’t quite smart enough to realize that their plan wouldn’t work), we got to see some of the panther mythology and hell, the entire storyline was genuinely creepy and horrifying. There was some great acting not only on the part of Ryan Kwanten, but also the little girl who was ‘next in line’ so to speak who didn’t want to do it but was also terrified of what Felton would do to her if she didn’t do it, and you could feel Crystal’s glee and absolute lack of sympathy when she discovered she was going to be Big Momma Kitty. It was genuinely a great set up that should have let to some great aftermath. The fact that it didn’t is a tremendous shame, but the fact remains that those first few episodes of season four were still the most interesting thing that was done with weres of any kind since their introduction in Season 3.

Honorable Mention: There have been some great moments between Alcide, Eric and Bill and the line “He killed my Cooter!” The show also deserves props for using real animals after they shift instead of CGI.

Worst: The wolves. To be honest, they’re pretty useless, and considering the storylines that have been given to them to date, don’t really need to be wolves. The pack in Mississippi were essentially a drug-addicted motorcycle gang. The pack in Shreveport isn’t drug-addicted, but essentially isn’t any better than the pack in Mississippi since they willingly do nothing to stand up the bully that is Marcus and basically stand by and watch Marcus kill Tommy (as Sam). Alcide wasn’t much better, to be honest, not even really doing anything until it’s obvious that Sam wasn’t Sam. Ultimately the question becomes: what is the point of them being werewolves? Really, what is the point? What have any of the packs done that necessitated them being wolves? Alcide’s story didn’t need him to be a wolf. Debbie’s story didn’t need her to be a wolf. The wolves in Season 3 only served as Russell’s minions and Bill soundly kicking all of their asses once he’s fed establishes that as far as supes go they aren’t that much stronger than humans. If Alcide wasn’t around you probably could have gotten Sam to play the role of huntsman for Sookie when Eric had run off after getting high on Claudine. I’m hoping that Season 5 changes that and we see something more from them.

via Fang-A-Thon Day 19: Best/Worst – Weres.

Hot in City (via @TBConfid)

A happy Pam isn’t one we’ve seen for awhile so I’m liking this photo from HBO, a lot.
From Eonline today- True Blood First Look: Who Dug Up the Vampire King?
“You know what? You’re the angel of death.” Another day, another body to bury. Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) sets the mood for the new season of True Blood with a stern lecture to his best friend Sookie, claiming that bodies pile up wherever she goes. Harsh, but true. And since Russell Edgington (Denis O’Hare) is back and pissed off, we can expect a much higer body count this time around… The big question is: Who dug up the former King of Mississippi? Lots of suspects to consider, and Eric  doesn’t trust any of them. And Russell is clearly out for revenge, because as Roman says: “Suffering does not cure the appetite for power.” And Russell wants to gorge on human blood, oh that kidder.
If you watch Grimm, and you should, next season you’ll see our own cracra Franklin, James Frain, as the Captain’s (Sasha Roiz) bro. Source
From TV Guide’s MegaBuzz
I can’t wait for True Blood to come back. Is Tara dead? Please say yes. I am so over her. — Denny
NATALIE: We literally can’t answer this question, lest Alan Ball has us all staked. But we can tell you that the title of the season premiere is “Turn! Turn! Turn!” which is a song of Biblical extraction about profound change, like, say, dying, becoming a vampire or declaring your true sexuality. All three of these things will happen during this hour, but the question is: To whom? (Answer: Not all to the same person.)

More “Jan Behind the Scenes”, it’s a 15 part webseries on youtube with Stephen Moyer in several of the episodes.
The behind the scenes of The Once Upon A Time episode when Kristin first appeared as Maleficent. 
Kristin at Comicpalooza, they weren’t too prepared for her-Geek Girl Soup

Bullett Magazine‘s interview with Askars (we posted a video of the photos a week or so ago) is now up in full on their site. It’s in full (4 pages) at the link.
“Eric runs into someone very special,” says Skarsgård, referring to the new character, Nora (played by British actor Lucy Griffiths), Eric’s sister and a member of the Vampire Authority, a council of powerful bloodsuckers who control institutionalized vampire-dom across the globe. “There aren’t a lot of human people who Eric really cares about—he’s only loyal to a few,” Skarsgård says. “We saw his passion with his maker Godric, with Pam, and with Sookie. Nora is definitely just as important; she’s played a significant part in his life. She still does.”
Joe Manganiello in Men’s Health via Ted C (lol)Would a Joe Manganiello with flabby abs be as sweet?! “I got to L.A. in 2000, when we were coming off the ‘90s,” Joe reveals to the fitness magazine. “Women looked like men and the men all looked like women. I was constantly being told, ‘You’re too healthy.’ So there were four years where I essentially didn’t work as an actor.”

It almost sounds too crazy to be true, huh?!
Thanks to FyeahJoeManganielloTumblr for the last pic
Men’s Health has their Best Summer Bodies issue out-
Actor Stephen Moyer may star on True Blood as vampire Bill Compton, but he shares one thing in common with the average mortal. “I find that I don’t [work out] if I don’t have someone making me,” he recently told us. As season five of the hit HBO series gets underway, the 42-year-old actor plans to spend much of his time on screen with his shirt off (although perhaps not as much as co-star Ryan Kwanten). The thought of baring so much skin to millions of viewers was incentive enough to turn up the heat on his typical training gumbo: Push workouts, pull workouts, a little circuit training, some plyometrics and functional work, and a dash of sport-specific training. But his motivation extends beyond mere vanity. “I don’t want my kids to look back on the show in 20 years time and go ‘who’s that slobby git’,” says Moyer. photo by James White.

Though his character may lack superpowers, Ryan Kwanten easily boasts the most otherworldly physique of all the cast members on HBO’s True Blood. The 35-year-old actor didn’t sculpt his body working out on machines in an air-conditioned room, either. Kwanten is a competitive triathlete—he was a professional at one time—and prefers taking his workouts to the trails rather than running on Los Angeles’ 7,000 miles of blacktop. “It takes the tedium out of running,” he says. “No two steps are the same.” And instead of aiming for distance or heart-rate goals, he opts for routes with distinct midpoints. “Whether it’s a high peak or the end of a beach, it’s great to have something you can touch that lets you know you’re halfway there. You don’t find that on a treadmill.” photo by Nino Munez
Men’s Health

Trailer Number 2 (via @Aly_x)

I love you, TB writers, but I didn’t need to see what I assume is a mangled, bloody Russell Edgington wrapped in a large piece of cloth…ew guys! 😦 I guess that’s where they filmed the creepy hospital scene? Idk, I’m just guessing here!

It was, however, useful to get a bit more context to the speech leading up to the whole ‘angel of death’ thing, those words were so strange coming from Lafayette as he’s always loved Sook, but I can understand his anger. What set that little rant off? It looks like it took place at work rather than in private at home.

Jess messing with Steve Newlin? I’m curious as to what that’s about and what’s going to happen to him, I also want to know what Steve wants with Jason…revenge for sleeping with his wife? or does he actually want some help?

I wanna know why Alcide is crying…he’s wayyy too manly to cry, was it because he found out about Sook killing Debbie? Or was it because she used him? Personally I hope it’s because Sook used him, Debbie is nothing to cry over in all fairness….

Seeing Eric being trapped by a silver net and hearing him cry out in pain breaks my heart, poor baby 😦

Chris Meloni – let me love you<33 he’s even more beautiful covered in blood after staking someone.

I wanna know how Nora plays into this, how did she get to Bill and Eric? Why is she there? (other than being Eric’s sister of course) and why is she going against The Authority if she was one of them? Also, what or who caused the massive explosion? SO MANY QUESTIONS. oh and why is Eric kissing Nora. No darling, Sookie should be the only one you’re kissing, even if she is being difficult at the moment.

Hoyt covered in blood? I have a feeling he’s joined the FOTS and is now killing off vampires in revenge and hatred towards Jessica. Maybe it’s something else though…interesting to see such a light character take such a dark turn.

Ahhh Russell Edgington, you crazy and wonderfully wacky man. We all know though you don’t wanna gorge on human blood, it’s Fae blood your after 😉 I’m curious about what goes down in NO. they looked like they were having fun filming there.


‘A three thousand year old vampire wants to suck my blood. Must be Thursday!’

whoever wrote that into the script…

I was crying with laughter for a good ten minutes. Ohhh I love you<333

via Trailer Number 2

I Wanna Do Bad Things With You (via @mswriteok)

Every time I hear Jace Everett breathe those opening words, “When you came in the air went out,” my heart starts to race and my mind runs towards all the possibilities of what I’ll be seeing for the next hour or so. “I wanna do bad things with you.” Oh yeah, baby. I’d love to know who first thought of this cut for the opening credits of “True Blood.” It’s simply brilliant. While the fast-cuts and bizarre images flash by, I love that baritone voice implying all kinds of nasty treats in store for me. Think of what we’ve seen so far. Bill seducing an innocent Sookie. He’s the first man who has seriously paid attention to her where she had no idea of what would happen next. When she said, “Yes” to him, she gave herself to him utterly, body and blood. Eric, seeing Bill has someone strangely and utterly beguiling on his arm when Sookie makes her first visit to “Fangtasia,” becomes another willing victim to Sookie’s fey charm. He begins plotting to get Sookie at that second. Eric gets some blood into Sookie in a devious way, using guilt as a weapon after he saves her life in the explosion at Godric’s house. Yes, Eric, that’s a “Bad Thing.” My all-time favorite “True Blood” scene is Sookie’s erotic dream featuring Eric. After some wonderful pillow talk, my to-this-day favorite line of the series comes. “I am a darling.” Oh Miss Stackhouse, you surely are. Her wiles go farther than vampires, as we all know. Sam was sweet on her for years. Alcide would have succumbed but their timing has always been off. Still, they show a lot of his wereskin, and oh my, what dirty little thoughts float through my head.

The Season 4 scene with naked Eric and Alcide nearly hyperventilated me. Now, that’s truly bad, and I loved every second of it. Didn’t you? “I don’t know who you think you are but before this night is through I wanna do bad things with you. I wanna do real bad things with you.”
Yum, Season 5 here I come.

via I Wanna Do Bad Things With You

And now, the guys turn (via @JBDuRoneTB)

Here’s a straight guy’s view of the male talent on True Blood. As I did with the ladies, I’ll rate the recurring male roles for lowest to highest

Andy Bellefleur – now, I love the guy and his storyline; “Conscience off! Dick on!” But looks like he should be on an erectile dysfunction commercial.

Terry Bellefleur – Terry and his armadillo are awesome! He’s a wonderful, stand up guy and ranks just ahead of his brother.

Bill Compton – his haberdashery has definitely improved with his new position and thank God he’s done with bangs.

Lafayette Reynolds – the most entertaining character on the show by far! Let’s lay off the gold glitter pants though, okay Laffy?

Jason Stackhouse – impressive workout regimen dude!

Sam Merlotte – that dude has some messed up genes! Mickens alert to all potential partners!

Alcide Herveaux – fine looking guy, but WAY too much like my boss. Gives me the willies…

Eric Northman – not to be confused with wig wearing Eric Northman. He’s got the looks, the smile and the height. Stay frosty, Eric.

And yours truly? I fit in somewhere between Terry and Andy. If Meemaw Bellefleur would have me, I’d adopt into the family. I’d fit right in!

via And now, the guys turn.


5. Fucking your great-great-great-great-granddaughter

4. Letting a redneck dress you

3. Not going down on your Estonian whore enough

2. Making yourself public enemy number one

1. Hiring an attractive warm-blooded male to look after the woman you love


Top Ten Reasons I Love The Men Of Bon Temps (via @CindyLouLouBear)

The Men of Bon Temps & Shreveport are Varied, but all Handsome in their own way. Here are some of the reasons why I’d like to live in that fictional world.

10. LaFayette. Do the words “Aids Burger” mean anything to Y’all? That & take your pick from any of his numerous one liners. You’ve got yourself a friend for life there, Hookah..

9. Sam. At first, I didn’t know if I liked Sam “that” way or not. But ever since I saw him with Daphne in Season Two, I can see the sweetness in him. He’s a complicated guy though. But then again… Who isn’t complicated in Bon Temps?

8. Hoyt. Hoyt just has this innocence & sweetness that I adore. He’s gotten out from under his Momma’s Annoying Thumb & is his own man now. Hoyt’s grown so much since the start, I just love seeing where he’s going next.

7. The Magister. Yes, I said The Magister. Never before his appearance had we seen behind the veil of Vampire Politics. We met the Authority, & It WAS the Magister. I got the yips just watching him rule.

6. Jesus. I will miss the sweet nurse with a soft spot for short order cooks. He was just such a breath of fresh air in LaLa’s life after all the shit that had come before. LaLa deserved to be happy with Jesus & would’ve been if it weren’t for fucking Marnie.

5. Liam. Ok, NOT the nicest guy or Nicest Vampire we’ve ever seen. He WAS the first & creepiest though. Seeing him with Maudette Pickens was the WEIRDEST thing in Vampire sex we’d see until Bill & Lorena.

4. Jason. Not too bright in the smarts department, Jason has been through the Ringer these past years. He’s really grown up though, & hopefully he can make things work with Jessica. Here’s to Bon Temps Finest! *salute*

3. Bill. I was smitten with Bill from the moment he walked into Merlotte’s. When he slid his hand in Sookie’s, I melted. I knew from the books what was coming from him, but I didn’t care. The scene where he tells Sookie she’s safe with him….Mmm.. Southern Gentlemen.

2. Eric. Ever since he laid spread out in Bill’s bathtub, I’ve adored the viking. He doesn’t suffer fools & he knows what he wants. Is he cutthroat? Hell Yes! But being 1000 years old, you kind of have to be. Amnesia Eric was the sweetest Man, you just want to lay your head against him & sleep.

1. Alcide. Good Lord, I love that man. He was in Bon Temps to do a job, and he did it. He didn’t know he’d fall in love in the meantime. Alcide’s had some bad luck with women along the way, but hopefully, that will change soon. You just want to hug him & have him sweep you up in his arms. He’s noble, he’s a man’s man, but can treat a lady like a queen. And the fact that he growls is just a bonus.

via Top Ten Reasons I Love The Men Of Bon Temps

Waiting Sucks, But it’s So Worth it! (via @LuvBONESnTBlood)

Waiting does suck!I’ve been hearing through other sites and dedicated fans that they might use Alcide this season as a replacement for John Quinn.  I’m sorry no way! I’d rather wait another whole season without his storyline than to do that!

Don’t get me wrong I like Alcide and even as another guy trying to get into Sookie’s pants but not as a permenant fixture (that belongs to the Viking) and definitely not to over shadow or replace Quinn. They both were and are important to her storyline and they both need their own time in the show!


Alcide played by Joe Manganiello

 on HBO True Blood

Alcide is a full blooded Werewolf whose father owns a construction/surveying company. Very Alpha and should be Packmaster but does not want the recognition. At 6ft 5 he is huge. Gorgeous eyes of green/gold, messy black hair, rough, chisled physique and full of magnetism.

Sookie first meets Alcide when Bill goes missing (book: Lorena summons him TV: Russell has him kidnapped and brought to Mississippi)  Sookie and Alcide never really get a romantic relationship into full swing eventhough he tries many times and due to Alcide’s crazy relationship with his ex-fiance Debbie Pelt. (which Sookie kills). He does not like her association with Vamps but still helps her when she needs it. He will always be there for her. They are close friends.


John Quinn is a full blooded weretiger, is just over 6 and 1/2 feet tall, very muscular, bald, scarred and his deep violet (compared to pansies).His whole being is commanding and his presence oozes charisma and confidence.

Quinn’s eyes are like purple pansies!

He is a supernatural coordinator for Extreme(ly Elegant) Events company, his job is to arrange and emcee all types of supernatural community events, such as a packmaster contest or a vampire wedding. He becomes Sookie’s romantic partner for a time. His past is a bit hard and sad in order to get out of it he saught help from vampires who made him compete in gladiator type fights for three years. Though Sookie breaks up with him in the book in the eighth book he never stops trying to rekindle with Sookie.

John Quinn has yet to make an appearance on True Blood yet. There have been many suggestions as who could play Quinn even Ms. Harris likes Vin Diesel. Which I soooo agree with! I also like Liev Schreiber and Jason Statham myself to play him…

Vin Diesel

Jason Statham

Liev Schreiber

via Waiting Sucks, But it’s So Worth it!.

Penalty Box: Alan Ball Gets It (via @EricSookieLover)

For tonight’s fangalicious Fang-A-Thon 2012 post, I was inspired to write about something that has been on my mind ever since I read it earlier today.  What I read was an article in the Summer Preview issue of TV Guide magazine. If you haven’t read it yet (and would like to be spoiled in a MAJOR way), I highly suggest you do BEFORE you read any further. If you don’twant to be spoiled…sorry, this post WILL spoil some things for you, so you might not want to read this post.

As the title of this post mentions, it’s Alan Ball’s turn to sit in the Penalty Box. I think it’s only fair. He has screwed us around long enough. As it is in hockey; punishment is handed out to those who break the rules and/or has been found to be guilty of crimes they shouldn’t commit. I’ll be playing the role of referee or judge, jury and executioner.


Alan Ball gets it for saying this below;

“This season we wanted to stay away from “Who will Sookie choose?” ~Alan Ball, TV Guide Summer Preview Issue

Oh REALLY? I found this comment to be extremely funny, actually. If there was ever a person who has played the “team” thing more than any other, I can’t think of anybody. Alan Ball is the leader of playing “teams”. Oh right…he expects us to move on, just like Sookie, towards Alcide. *rolls eyes* Sure, he says there won’t be a “team” thing now…but you know that his words mean nothing. He has lied before – who says he isn’t lying now?

This calls for a 5 minute major for fighting. No, he’s not fighting with the fans himself…but it’s because of HIM, True Blood fans fight with each other. He’s the instigator so he gets another 2 minutes.


Alan Ball gets it for saying this below;

Eric’s sister – they had the same maker, Godric, who met the true death – arrives to help her bro. Expect serious sibling…friction. “They don’t have the same boundaries that we do in human family arrangements,” Ball says with a laugh.

You remember that kiss in the first full season 5 teaser, where Eric is seen kissing another woman? I guess that is his “sister” Nora. While I do think Eric is the type of character who would typically move on from being dumped by Sookie, by switching back to the man he was before he met her – it still doesn’t make this nausea go away. I don’t want to see Eric move on from Sookie. For that matter, I don’t want to see Sookie move on with anyone else either.  The fact Alan Ball LAUGHS about boundaries not being a matter in this, makes me want to shove my fist in his f*ckin’ face. Since he’s not here…I guess I’ll have to do the next best thing.

This calls for another 2 minutes for hooking. Hooking up two characters who don’t belong together and for making all of us here at Eric and Sookie lovers sick to our stomachs. I think he should also pay for all the booze we’ll have to drink during season 5 in order to get through all of this crap. Does he think we’ll find this interesting? Oh wait…he probably doesn’t even care what we think. *slaps head*


Alan Ball gets it for…well, he never really said anything, but I definitely feel he deserves something for destroying the character of our beloved Sookie and for being a woman-hater.

Sookie on the show is NOTHING like her book counterpart. I won’t get into this here, because Nymerias pretty much covered all of it in her post here. As you know, Alan Ball has destroyed EVERY SINGLE FEMALE CHARACTER on the show. Tara, many of us hate her because she whines all the time.  Jessica, okay, she’s not bad…yet, but to sleep with Jason put her on the same derailing track as the others. Pam, is another character Alan Ball has completely changed from her book counterpart. We still love her, but we hate how Alan Ball has turned her into someone who hates Sookie and broke up her close relationship with Eric. I will say this though…none of these women portray characters we (as fans) can relate to. It only proves my theory that Alan Ball hates women, or doesn’t understand them. I wish the female writers on his staff would stand up to him and tell him; ‘no, this is NOT how women are’.

This calls for a 10 minute game misconduct, and a four game suspension. And for added punishment…just because I’m a woman, and because I’m a b*tch…a slap shot to his ballsack. Shame on you, Alan Ball! I wonder if your mother knows how much you hate women? Shame on you for turning Sookie into a woman who resembles a wife who has been physically abused by her husband over the years. I hope Alan Ball’s husband-wife doesn’t let him call the shots in their relationship. Shame, shame, shame…


That’s the buzzer to end this edition of the Penalty Box!  Rest assured, Alan Ball will be in here (image below) for the foreseeable future!

Any more penalties you want to add to this? Feel free to agree or add some more on in the comments below!

via Penalty Box: Alan Ball Gets It.

Were, oh Were did the real Weres go? (via @JBDuRoneTB)

When I first heard that the character of Alcide had been cast I thought, “Oh wow! Another kick ass Supe being added to the True Blood stable!”

After all, our Vamps are really awesome (some even with super powers like flying), the maenad from S2 was pretty sinister, what with her back-road-clawed-creature alter ego and all. So, I thought TB was going to raise the bar on Werewolf depiction and set the new standard for others to be forced to deal with.

Didn’t happen that way, huh?

Alcide, as it turns out, is far more intimidating and enigmatic in his human form than Were. As a human, he’s physically emposing and compelling. In his wolf form, he’s well… snarling, yet weak and ineffective. And his Were companions, besides having Hot Shotonian qualities, are markedly lame. C’mon, a weak and mostly drained Bill defeated a car full of Weres. Yes, Beeehl!

I think the pound neutered all the Weres before they were adopted into their Forever Home.

Here’s the big thing I don’t get – AB has taken a lot of creative license in adapting SVM into TB. And yes, I’m fully aware that the appearance of the Weres on TB is canon. But since S1, when has being canon been a concern of AB’s?

For God’s sake, even the Twilight and Ginger Snaps franchises have fearsome Weres. Isn’t it sad to think that TB falls behind those films and The Vampire Diaries when it comes to badass Weres. And that, my friends, is a bitter pill for me to swallow.

But, maybe I have it wrong. Maybe Alan Ball wanted badass Weres on TB, but was vetoed by HBO. I’m picturing an Austin Powers/Dr. Evil-esque scene when AB is reviewing the story boards for the Season Three:

Setting-the control room of Alan Ball’s mountaintop lair overlooking Hollywood.

Alan Ball (Dr. Evil voice): And do we have menacing Werewolves?

Number Too (HBO Executive): No Alan, we have regular wolves.

Alan Ball: Throw me a bone, people! All I wanted was 10 foot tall, half man, half wolf Werewolves!

Number Too: I’m sorry Alan, but wolves are still on the Endangered Species List. Our contacts at PETA feel that depicting them as half creatures would dilute the public perception of the wolve’s plight.

Alan Ball: So…. wolves. Are they… ill tempered?

Number Too (brightening): Why yes, Alan! They are very ill-tempered! And prone to tantrums and wetting themselves.

Alan Ball: Riiiiiiiiiight.

via Were, oh Were did the real Weres go?.