Cravin' More? Cure your TB withdrawal!

Fang-A-Thon Begins Soon!

We are gettin’ close to that one month marker for the return of True Blood and ya’ll know what that means?

That’s right! The start to our 30 Night Fang-A-Thon!

We are really excited to be hostin’ this event and we hope you are all excited to be joinin’! All current participants have been added to our blogroll on the side of the page.

There’s still time to sign up and it is truly open to anyone. It doesn’t matter if you are a role player, a truebie or just some random fangbanger. We’d love to have you join us in bloggin’ and helpin’ to curb that dreadful True Blood withdrawal that leaves us all feelin’ a bit drained.

Feel free to check out our Prizes Page, we are excited to announce we are adding another prize or two within the next day or two, so keep an eye out!

And if you’re still stuck in the coffin, click the registration page and join today!

If you have any questions feel free to e-mail us at


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